26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, AprIl 1, GABORA, Dson A Kelly of Miltion are eacde to weighing7 ibs. 1 o aiMiDitic ospilonMatch ihanks 10 Dr. Cvehc, Jadie and esçtelah Leas for heir wnndemj support befnre, during and aiter the Kocher Andrew end Carolina walcome with love and itorime praciaous son Colin Andreai. Bol on Tueaday, March 29th 2005 weighing 6 lo 14 oz ai mhe Oahtille Traflgar Memnorat Hospital. Grastlyarnnts Doag and Judy Kocher are nvertoyed as are Aunts, Undles and Prouci parents Jululs à Regina and Aie Reana are hied to announca the birmh of Julien Acsedo Gose, iho waa bora on Febmaary 22nd, 2005 ai 1:3OAM. Weighng 3iba, 90oZ. Wang" ls dehightad tn welssmne her 20th granddstd Special thanks Il Dr. Ryan and mhe nursang staff ai Mt. Sinaw Hospital and OTMH. LOOK WHAT THE! EASTER BIJNNY BROUGNT US! "Cheâsea" The PROIJD parents are Judy SnnIIay a Carne Conl VERY PROUD grandparents are James & Deborah Smîiey along w/th George & Ann Corbin. EXTREMELY PROIJO great Granciparanta toni! The precios bonde calme ai 11:27 PM on March îim, 2005. WOWI WHAT A CRUAT, GREAT DAY. Wàd - Peler à Slephanie (os WakeroMl) ni Milton are pleaseci ta amnounce mhe barth ni fir daughtar Sa- mentheaApli weighing 7tbs, 14.5ozs, ai Milton Distict Hospital on Fabruary, 27f b, 2005 02:56pm. Big nOster Tayler- a da9ighed to finally elecorne her babyl anstan Samnha la aito aelcomned by Great Great Gnd moitrer Velma Witon, Greai Granciparenta Atlà Beahice Legge and John & BaBty 01totetied, Grandar enta Peter Wilaid Sharon Wilaid, Phl & Michselle Wake- MeM and John & Carol Ans Mari. Ais/s and Uncles Paul Ward, fild & Cathy Bae, Melanie Mark and Mdx&al Wakeafield. Cousins Nababse & Made. Spa- ciel Ihenk ta Dr. Cvallc for being s aiçponiive beore ancidtan nu ra9sncy. W hill I/ed meit you could~ ~ ~~ w dtheorlientri n e obsainos toms ai MDH for their oiisianding care. OPEN HOUSE l'à* WR*.qfay Faaeiy inviites Géien Dona. Avr EORE WILLOUGHB on Ape-i 9IA &Mou 24paa at/ha Smillor's Activiajy Ceater on Chlld's Drive. Beat Wlslae Only Miltion TEAM ITlo Education & Motherhood) Re-connect& @ Firkin Dickens Mayl12, 2005 @7pm Contact Barb @ I saxbyb@yahoo.ca MOWATT, Ratph C.. Eng. With great nadneso aie announce tae passing ni Ratph. Sunrnanded by bamîly he peacetul aiyt u otage 75 on Pniday Marin 25/r. Beloe huband ofiAmy and sup- prne famher ni Pred (Sandy), John (Adtienne, Glao- ffre (rraceyl and Ke/t (OSn/ra. Predeceiase/ by has parents RalPb and Hiida of Birkenhead, England. He Iailo at h missed by his gadchildren Jonathan, Chnisbopber, Phitip, Jaclyn and Nioinolas. Samived by bns sister Mania, vice Joyce ni Campbellsille and fis Auty Betty nf Wittasbon, Enigland. Ha wil ho raen- banni by aiens-in-iaw Cacabia (Jira and /aughen Ce- ellea) and Peggy (Pst aud soir John) and mher famities in Liverpool, Engiarid, Doreen (Tom and chît/ren AitiShona) ni Oshawa. Boin i Birknheaed Bng- Ian/ on Jane 15, 1929, Ralph emigrnted to Torontinn 1966 to lin Cons/a Wire & Cabte as Plant Manager, Leanide, rehvrng wbile wontang for/rhein lIemnational Di- vision. White an Bngliihai ai heai ho loved bis I/e iv Canada. Ratpn vvut ho nemembered for bis love ni bout- ioga pa/ty, teiiing stores an/ jolies sud hoing the Gran- /ad wb cnuldt/he brolsen boy. vie wîs otan he nursing telm iv mhe ICU and 4h FIonnait Lakani/ge Heathb Centre Oshawa vilb a speoiai tanks to Dr. Don- na Binbrager for her caing sud compassion. A p/noate crama/ion an/ service han baltes place wubh final ranimag lae at Landigam Cemetery on mhe vil Peoinanla, Engisn/. In memoy, contributions in eithermte Hes/ & Strohe Foudon ormte Kidney Fnuridation wonald ho appreiated. 1.800.668.7564 9111 i fummago sale I j Catolic Woin'a Lague IHoly Rosay Hall 13 l3Mattl SIL I Sat Apdl 2 0 Omto(voon) [ kmtopa GARAGE SALE iMoving Saturday, Apil 2& ?undlay Apnil3 I9am -lpmI 401 lMcNabb CeoI (C~fJom fJe) GOINO, GOING, GOING WANTED Milton Hîgh 1992 Acuru Integra. Very School ning froin r 0605. Good Condition, Stundard. Prefer "square" serting in 350,500 km, Askîng Sterling S/lver. George 905- S2000.00. Call Mark aI 519- 691-4747 853-510 1992 Jeep YJ, Great shape,. aluminium rls CASH PAID for antiques ooersized tires. grourid et- and collectibles, china, lîg- ferts, MUST SEE!1i 53500 urnes, îewellery lumiture. As is, $3900 certihied. 905- coins. etc. 905-870-3145 076-7271. oeil: 9055876-7950ý 1e1~ Au 81fOTI Creer 1993 D)ouge i..uavan body and intenior gond shape, moton one yean o1/. $1200 as n. 519-821-576, 905- 872-2738 1995 Ford Taurus,j 155,OOOkms, 4dr, allc, ce/bl lied, e-tested, excellent con/tion. $2900. 905-873- 8785 1998 Chan Chaponne, 1t8,OOOhms. 2-wheel dire. $11,000 obo. Cai 905-876- 2759. 1999 ACUIRA Iiiegraj silver 2 door, air, steren, goud condition, 142,000 kîms, e-iested and cerbi- bied. $10,000 080. 905- 878-6519. Spring Special Limited lime Advertise your car ta over 68,000 households for onl $50 Cali for details 878-2341 ESTATES& UQIJIDATIN f:pnn (Preisi -taon) OTELLOS BANQUET HALL 2273 ROYAL WINDSOR DR. OAKVILLE Over 56 itenu 10 inria/e: Househod Designer furnitare, French Entate foîniture, Accent Iens, Cookeate, Linoge, Jeweiey, tches, Coliectibles, Coinu, Mirroîn, Menorabýiia, A.J. Casson Attwoîks, Jade, Dii Paintivgs, Elecronic, Die Cast ohicieu, Off Rom/t E Scooters, Sumnurai Seords, Clocks, Tiffany tamps, cust lion toys, Porcelaîr waîen, Taunks, Jade Globe, Gluoneare, Unual ove ofia kinti iten. Teints: Cash, Vina, MC De/it 10% Bayers Prenian au par postoal CONSIGNORS AUCTIONS 905-945-6532 Weekly Consignent Sales Sait for No Con- misions #F Eixplore no more! wifV a" y« &M - 'te SOW4&*aifvIdad IIprofosina M Io.U fg0 wrdls foir ow news9a oMening ion . -,---y Set-*p Cmv U «ps4.* d l l nmo set; it;your 94W ,aoe s Mo, p~odm« W1 mk Mh w1POdIh* M MIem "dr yWow am UtIo W Dan-De. Importa la a leading Canadien giftware diatribuior aei/ing ta rata/i stores acroas North D N Amer/ca. Dur head office/a/in Million Ontario. Vill have the toiiow/ng 2 positions open. S/nos both jobs can overlap amnewhat we w/Il cona/der both part t/me and full t/me appicants foi e/ther posit/on. Accountant Rlesponsible for payables, bank rec., month end procedures, customs docu- ments and various admis. fondtions for 2 ompany, 2 currescy office. Muni have sirong accountisg knowiedge and espenience with ACCPAC or simitar accounting software. PuMrÇbss/gnvanW Parso Responsible for maintining inventory information in our computer nyutemn inctuding issuing purchase orders, monitoring & scheduîng shipitents, worh- ing aiuth customs brokers, cycle coulais, neffiof up neai items and nuspending oud items and communicatng wimh our office, enarehouse and sales staff Repiy by Emal or Fax to: bdukeOdandeecanada.com (905) 876-9912 Faciity B Operator A mechanicaily inctiord individuat with a pracnicul knowtrdge of the curprnrry, mirechanical and etrica disciptinrs, you miii work wirh minimal supervision, prrforming maintenance and other operacional dutirs for the safr operunion of arena and communiry centre facificies. You have a high schoot diptoma, current First Aid, CPR and WMIS training, and Claus B Refrigoration certificatios, Srucionury Engineers 4th Clans certification or equivalent. Experience in a similar rolr, and a Crified Icr Techoicias designacion are preferred. This position requirru excellent public-rrlations and communication skills, chr abilicy ta operatr ice-rrsurfacing requipimenc, a valid drivrs licence, and the wdblngnrss 10 work shifcs, including saine wrrkrnds. The successfutl applicant mill bor paid $18.73 prr hour, us sprcified is the Collctive Agreement betwers thr Towan of Halton Hills and CUPE Local 73. Wr offer a higbly professional, progressivr and supportive work envirooimenr. To be an inregral part of our grownng community, pleasr send a detailrd resume, includisg refèences and a covrr ltrer in your own hundwriring qun, Posting #200516, by 4:30 p.m., Fnsday, April 15,2005,10: Ms.Jacqueline Bol Mangr ofHula Resourcea,Town of Halton [fili, 1 HIton H/Ils Drive, Haloon [Hile, Ontario, L7G 5G2. F=x 905-873-1431. We t/anti al/ those sati app/y, but adviur tiat an/y thnte ape/icans se/ectedfo- an interview soi//be consted. Persnnai/informnatinn ns co//ected under the au iol o b M;mi(paAc, 2001 (S.Q. 2001, c. 25), and waî//be sed tseect acandidae. We are an EuaOpporunty Emplonyer. AbOc t etslu Ld. ESTMATO/PROECT MANIR Abcoft is a Generai Coniracior specialîzîng în Design/Build coniracits We have an immrediate npenîng for an enperienced estimator/prnjec manager. Famîlîauity ilh Microsoft Prnjecis, thinEstimafor or nimilar letimai prngram an assef. This is a career position (bat pays in the 70K< range. Send resumne in cnnfidence nia mail, fan or email: 124 Qu"i Ave.,l NaiHai, MU M 7W4 PULc 51-721 Eu*, ihauwi@abu.ca SLANOSAPE CONSTRUCTION 41P2el FoREPERSON required for dlesign/buitd company. Must have minimum 3-5 yeurs experience vilh residentia projecis. Shouid be proficient ith interlock, retaining watts, natura atone, grading, etc. Wages to commensurate vilh expenience. Fax resume to 905-854-0644 or cmii 905-854-064 Fuli-Time Maintenance Engineer Responoible for the maintenance and janîtorial aork ai the Comtort Inn & Travelodgo O E W Buirlînglun. Must be a "hando on individual" knowledgeable in denierai & grounds maintenance, HVAC woodwork pIunîbîng, elec- trical, dryvali. groutîng, boilero etc This position inclades soume weelends & huîîdayo Please outîmît resume by Aprîl 1th Io Travelodge 950 Walkers Lino, whg7l01@whg.com Fax: 905-639-6900 lm. Wt4s a ane/rie cilaa -i - MW -o A.Z Dr.iersi fuiltime (4 dlaye/wvelk We are looking for active, approachable individuals toi make customer deliveries and pick-ups on assigned routes in the Mississauga and surrounding areas. You will deliver food products twith no border crossing and home every night. You have a proven record in working wvith minimal supervision and are physically able to lift, push, and pull up to 5Olbs. if you are customer oriented and gel satisfaction (rom a hard day's oorli, thon soc are interested in hearîng (rom you. An AZ licence is required Iplease pronîde a copy of CVORI. PIease apply 10: Humea Resources, Summit Food Service Distlbulors lnc., 580 Industril- Road, Loindon, ON N5V lVi Fax: (905) 795-8677 e-mail: employme@summtfoods.com fWor/tformat, pease Wrlihariil andidate,î,osevr, ,,î, #h, ta, ,4. f. taph,. ite, ira.e1 Hloetield Trucking Limited a taIlt ruck Ila fiaI bed cariner based in Mîssîssauga, ON requîtes A/Z DRIVERS (FIT) WE REQUIRE gond abstracts, AZ and C.VO.R B ean criminel hearch, cean dîog and alcohol lest, able Io enter US SA 2yt minimum experience, gsod wriStes and verbal com- mand ofthe Engiioh language WE OFFER. Home rioot nights. home os'ery weekend paid biweekty direct deposit wel mmned leqiipoon. benteito, dedicated power unith comDetitive sagc packas e. 6E ALSO REGUIRE LABOURERS FOR LOADIeGOP EATI0PS. Fax resurre 905-855-6946 AOn Mr Bith Horrîgan vivait àAl 1