Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2005, p. 23

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1'ilton foursome help minor atom >Uanes capture bronze Two seasons, isvo OMHA mnedais. Aided by a Milton- basecl foursome. the minor alom, Hurricanes claimed bronze ai Teen Ranch Sunday -shad- ing the York-Simcer Express 3-2 Sunday. Goalie Jason do Silva was between the pipes for the narrow otin and lurned back a number of key ncoring chances, including a couple of The minor atomn Mu breakaways. OMMA bronze-modal ah Hin rock-solid cage work waa uupported by local defencemen Bryce Abraham and Ryan Stark -who provided soome exceptional coverage and huge hita 10 prenerve the vic- tory, which uerved as revenge for a 7-5 Ions 10 York- Simcoe in round one. In particular, Abraham made a couple of diving aweep stops of opposing unipers and Stock thrcw the body around quite effecîively 10, fut-ther fruotrate the Express. Icellunkawks sale fals through It docst appear as though Mltons Jr. A hockey club will be changing han" anytinie Somn IceHawks owner and president Mario Foaqgoée told lThe Champion Wedmcady unormmg that an offer 10 buy die teamn has falc dauugh. "Itjust didnt imclor critenia," lm sad mot offerung further details on what npecifically nixed the raie. While therels other offeru on dhe table, Forgone isn% currctly in n-egotiabo with amy potenlial buycr, adding. "We have aomn inqurie, but nothimg Fd con- aider aeriona at Ibis point. Right now weýre set to ru die team. agai nemxt aca- Thie IceHawks amd Minalanauga IceDoga owner ala aquaahed apeculation dma he bas plana to move bis TMer 2 Jr. A club to Thomhill. "I acuiy waan't aware of that rumouL 1 wouldn% evem know who, if anyonc, la involvedf" Merlo Forgione Madd Dawgs brush aside Ajax to win Richmond Hili tourney,1 Milton's major midget cagers punctuated their fit-st toumnament of the seoson with o buge exclamation mark in Richmond Hill Sunday aflemnoon. Lcaving no room for doubt as 10 who the better team was with thc tille on the line, the Madd Dawgs brushed aside Ajax 74-45 10 kick- start a thoroughly hectic spring schedule in îriumphanî fashion. 27-2 second quarter was essentially theE difference. Milton showcosed its depth from start 10 finish. dominaîing their fellow finalists despite missing dependable comersîone AI Alilovic - who left the toumramrenl early 10 attend a Banketball Canada Invitationol CP Camp aI nearby Humber College. Three Madd Dowgs hi) double digits in the champi- onship clash. Lcading the way with 18 points wos Dalton Olinonki. Milton upsîaged Toronto Five-fi 54-49 in the semi- finals - thanks 10 10-10 double-double by Specer Troop and some impressive play- k efrththywoîwoftrerud making by newcomer Andrew Smith. robin games îo reach the final four. Alilovic's 21-point showcane fueled a one whls aipiz ecru n 53-41 decision over Brampton in round Ol]inouki stood out with 19 and 17 points respecîively in o 78-30 dîsmantling of Ottawa. The Madd Dawgs are off this weekend. but then begin six-toumamenîs-in-as-many-weekendo streîch that culminates with the provincial championships in Windsor May 13 10 15. Bants swept in Tri County finals One lost glimmer of hope and Ibmn il was aIl over. The Winterhawks cager tumed bock nearly th-ee Retuming home under do-or-die pressure Tuesday dozen noves, preventing whaî could very well have evening, Milton's AE2 bantama erased a second-peri- been a double-digit differential. od deficit before surrendering six straight * Scott Dumencu was denicd on first and goals to the high-octane Acton Tonners. third-period breakoways, while defenceman T'he 7-1 final capped o best-of-thee Tri Jim Shepherd bit the post on o ]ate blueline Counîy finals sweep in raîher humbling blast. fashion for the Winterhawks, who'd One of only îwo Milton trams to reach the dropped the opener by a respectable two Tri County finals this year, the AE2 banîams goals and looked poised 10 offer anoîber sîiff have one final crack aI securing sonne cham- challenge aI Memoniai Arena. e pionship hardware. But Milton juol couldn'l build on Liam Hope's That opportunity comms Ibis weekend aI their backhand deposit o mînute-ond-a-half mbt the middle nesvly-renamed April Fools Classic f formerly the sîanzo. and gradually broke dlown defensively in front Optimist Toumoament). They begin againsî Essex of o solid but heavily-Iested Jocu Herder. tonigbî aI 7:20 p.m. at Milton Sports Centres Rink A. Bousubl model 399 a 136" water lift ail steel construction with basic powerhead and hose OnIy $54999 Halion jumped out lvi an early lead and maitaitred il the entire way 10 finish off the seoson vin a svîn- ning note. Meonwhiie, feilow Miltonion Eddie Renaud offered o gritly perform- once up front, and had o goal and lwo ossîsîs over- - - aIl during the five-teomr tournoment. Abraham led the local foursomne in scoring wiîh rricanes celebrate their o goal ond four ossisîs, owing.while Stock picked up a îowing.single helper. DaSilva was also in net for the dçfending champion Hurrcanes' lone round-robin win -a 5-4 decision over the Whitby Wamioru. "They're ail impact play- ers," said coach Rob Adamo of bis Milton youngnîers. HaIonts bronze-medal win represcnted part one of a pay-back double-header Sunday, an the Welland Tigers went on te0 avenge an eoclicr Ions to the Hamilton Jr. Bulîdogu with a 3-I triumph in the gold-medal show- clown. The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 1, 2005-23 Halton Healthcare Milton District Hospital "Passport To Wellness" Fair Don't miss the 16ib anituai "Passport iii Weiiness" Fair presented by the Milton District Hoispital oni Satnrdav, April 2nd tram 9.30) a.m li 3:(X) p.m. ai the Milton Mail. The fair is arganized by Halîsîn Healtheare Services in partnership witb the Canadiait Mental Hcaith Assolciation, 'ne event is suppitrted by the Milton District Hospital (MDHî Faundation. There mviii be tirer forty interactive enhîbîts provid- ing lts ai inftormation ta heip individuas make iniormed decisions about tbeir heaith and heaitbcare. There miii be sametbîng for everyone ai ibis annua event - Mini massages. Poîstnral screenings and gaît analysîs. Breast mîîdeis to îeach effective breasi self- esatîinatiin. Participate in free blîsîd typing lte find ont yîsnr blîîîd gnîîup. Foad sampies by Milton Meais on Wbeeis. Leamn about lot care tram HHS Foîsîcare and Orthîîtic Servîces miii be ibere to dîscnss hîîî lisloak aller yanr fret. The spreadîng af dîsease is a majotr issne Ibese days, find otinthe laies) infoirma- lion from H-HS infection Prevention and Contrai. - Heaitby lifestyle infonnation wiii be provided by nnmerous organieatiors încindirg the Canadiar Cancer Society, Milton Leisure Centre, Conadian Diabetes Association and Heart and Stroke Foundatior. Attend ta ream more about the choices yon and your famiiy can make 10 reduce yonr risk of heurt disease, diabetes and cancer. - Speak te, representalives from the Crohu's and Colis Faundation, MS Society, Affbritis Society, Weiispring, Mothers Against Drnk Driving aid the Haiton Aphasia Centre. Toue an opportnnity ta learu ta, use an Autamated Externat Defibriliator and learu the "Chain af Survivai'. - Obtain information on waîer safety fron the Halton Regian Healtb Departnent. The Halton Police Commnty Services wiii braon baud with information on eider's issues and SALT, crime prevention and publie safety about bike, brime) and car seat safeiy. - Seniors wîii find many of ibe enbibits ta Ire purticuiurly relevant, including the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, ConnectCARE, Services for Seniors and Community Cure Accrus Centre (CCACI. Tbey wîill provide information about recreational facilittes, pet therapy seniors' directories, etc. - The Haiton Chiid Cure Registry, Ontario Eariy Yrurs and the Region of Haiton Childeens Services eau addrrss many ebtîdren's issues. New purents wiii alun enjoy speaking ta the HHS Obstetrics Department. ' Agencîrs sncb as the Canadian Mental Healtr Association, Halton Women's Place, Haiton Famiiy Services, HHS Mental Hrabbh Program, Burlinglon Bereavement Resource Cauncil, VON Alzheimer Pragramt, Haiton Ontrio Works. STRIDE ard Oakvilir Distreus Centre wiil be on baud tu addrrss men- tai bealth issues; from counseliing services, special assistance binding ta caping straîrgies. ' Thinking about a medica curter? Came aid speak tuna member of the HHS Carrer Exploration ai Milton. How about brcoming a volunteer! There miii be many organiralions present promotiug volun- teer opportunities for people af ail ages. The Milton Distrnct Hospital Foundation ard Auxiliary miii also bave information avoulable about the hospitalus fnndraising goals aid volunteer apportuniies. Don't miss the oppontunity to rear more about the services provided in yonr cammunioy, aid ta obiain information that wiii bnlp yon and yonr famiiy mamniain aid imprave yonr healib. For people of ail ages, drap by anytime between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Salut-day. April 2nd ai tbe Milton Mail. For more information, coul Cindy Popp, Heaitb Promotion Coordinalor, Milton District Hospital, '905-876-7045 or cpopp@haltanhraîhcurr.on.ca - à1f, c_ ýe Ç,Ona-Vcic

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