18-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, Aprit 1,, 162 Mml st E., 1111111R 90-88-03 2005 DESIG D from DATELINE on page 15 Grou The Salvation Aimy. 100 Nipissing Rd.. Churc suite 3, holds a scrapbooking group froin mnatto ~~th;~~~i 7 fo93 parnt a n heir preshooes. For tea o 7 o93 ..Bigaogpoo nscraphook. Basic supplies ae providet at no cost. It also holds its Busy Hands, The CatieMnsgopfo.:0t tm., with gaines, crafts, songs and stories Supp drink aicohoeîc more information, cati (289) 242-1432 or 5520. beserages ... and to e-mait debrae- khicômmunity.com. dise eseryone in their St. John Ambulance meets from 7 to 9 1 gou hrn sael. _jp.m. at the communitv centre on Marv The Street in Norvai. New members are wei- corne. For more information, cati (905) 877-7658. Wellspring Hatton-Peel, a support net- work for cancer patients and their families. hoids its drop-in Gentile Yoga program from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at 2545 Sixth Line tn Oakville. For more information, cati (905) 257-1t988. The Town of Milton's aduit, pre-natai and kids yoga programs begin. To regis- ter online, visit www.milton.ca or cati (905) 878-7946. The Milton Fibromyaigia Support Child' from appoit ment, Miii feedin consu matio Jean ( The Eveni 10 P.t vides cise ti p mieets at2 p.ro. ai St. Paul's United -h. 123 Main St. E. For more infor- n. calI Jo Antte at (90t5) 878-437 t. Wednesday Apr. 6 Wornen's Centre. 210-1515 Rebecca n Oakville hoids its free Abuse ort Group front 6 to 8 pine. To regis- for more information, catI (9015) 847- Thursday Apr. 7 Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 sDr., hoids a public foot care clinic i to 4 p.m. with a VON nurse, by ntment only. To make an appoint- cati (905) 875-1681. :on District Hospital holds a breast- mg clinic wmth a certified lactation tiant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more infor- or to make an appointment, cati allen at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. Fine Arts Society of Multon's ng Group of Artists meets from 7 to 'n. 'Me informai envirosment pro- anints with an opportunity to exer- heir drawing skiiis. For more infor- mnatiott. catI Janis at (905) 854-5753. The Canadian Federation of University Women. Milton and district. meets at 7:31 p.m. at Hugh Foster Hall fea- turing Aune Dance with 'Memuna's Story -Rescue from Sierra Leone.' For more information, cati (905) 878-2421 or f905) 876-4524. VON Halton begitîs a free weekly tour- part series on familly caregiver education from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hatton Regionai police station on Guelph Street in Georgetown. Leamn about reducing stress, handling guilt and anger, and available communimy resources. For more informa- tion. cati VON Haiton at (905) 827-8800, ext. 2310, e-mail voiservices@&vonhal- ton.ca or visit www.vonhaiton.ca. A ruine week inductive Bible study on the Beatitudes entitled 'Lord, t'm Tomn Between Two Masters' statt at 7 p.m. For more information, cati Marg at (905) 693- 9355. The Town of Multon's aduit, pre-natal and kids yoga programs begin. To regis- ter ontine, visit www.milton.ca or cati (905) 878-7946. :Ipaîllty of Ilalton HALTON REIGION Halton Waste Management Site The Halton Waste Management Site (HWMS) is Halton Region's one stop solution for the 3 R's (reduce, reuse, recycle), yard waste composting, safe disposai of household waste and of course, garbage disposai. Use of the HWMS cardes a nominal charge of $5.00/vehicle for up to 150 kg and 9.8 cents for every kg thereafter (commercial loads - $98/tonne). Please secure ail open Ioads. diverted from Dur landfill: Yard seaste Scrap metal Appliances Tires Wood Drywall *Electronics (computer hard drives, stereos, VCR, etc.) , *Foam (cushions, under padding) *Blue box recyclables (f ree of charge for residential loads only, aIl commercial loads are subject to charge) New Halton residents can now drop off for reuse or recycling old or unwanted ceil phones, eyeglasses and printer cartridges free of charge. Salvation Army Reuse Depot S Drop off unwanted, reusable items and help the communty at the same tîme. Acceptable items: clothing, miens, paired shoes, kitchenware, toys and undamaged fumiture. SBlue Boxes & Composters Blue boxes and composters are avaîlable at the scalehouse. Blue boxes: flrst one is free of charge, $5 pet additîonal box (3 max.). Composters: $15 each (2 max). * - el e aadu e.st Deo ije Each year the Depot receives, and properly disposes of or recycles, over 700,000 litres of residential hazardous waste. 'ftsit the Depot for safe, free of charge disposa of household hazardous waste items. Accepted Free of Charge: *Paint *Oul *Solvents *Propane tanks *Household and garden chemîcals Full aerosol cansA *Automobile batteries *Household batteries There is a 20 litre maximum per visit and no commercial hazardous waste can be accepted. Empty paint cans (dry wîth lids removed) and other empty containers (with no liquid or powder resîdue) can be dîsposed of with regular garbage. Paint ReUse Shed Drop off or pick up usable paint and stain at the RetJse Shed free of charge. Conveniently located beside the Household Hazardous Waste Depot. Open from Spring to Faîl. 5400 Regiona Rd. 25, Milton Open: Monday - Saturday 8:00 arn. - 4:30 p.m. e Closed every Sunday and th ollowing Holidays: 5 New Year's Day Good Friday -a Easter SWeHW Victoria Day e Canada Day '0 ""Labour Day Thanksgiving Christmas Day 115 Brnt Rod.Oakile, N 6M Li90582-600 oIlfre: -86-4ALON 1-66-425866) Elnddilion 1,o .rýba...e d1isoýý-I