Model Suite Open House at Sunrise of Erin Milis Saturday & Sunday, April 2 O 1 from 12:00 -5:00 pm Sunrise can snake a wonderful difference in the quality of life for seniors - for those who are independent or those who need assistance with daily living. You'1l find round-the-clock caregiving taulored ro individual needs and preferences, life-enriching acrivities, beaurîful interiors, and a delictous selection of three meals a day and snacks. In a separate and secure area, Sunrise features Reminiscence, an nnovative program of care for residents with memory impairmient. We are currently welcoming visitors ar our Information Centre and look forward to meeting you. CaIl 905-569-0004 for details or ro book an appoinrînent. SUNRI,3EL"* S ENIO 0R LI VIN G Sunrise of Erin Milis 905-569-0004 4046 Errn Milis Parkwa-ç wwwsunriseseniorlivi'ngca -A UN U P SE ALER ATV FO E .IR .Da telin e-l Friday Apr. 1 The Therapeutic Pool Program - formerly the Arthritis Pool Program - is acceptîng registra- tions for the spring session, which runs Mondays and Wednesdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Wednesdays and Fridays from il arn. to noon each day. The non- impact, gentle exercises in 85- degree water are designed to increase strength, flexibility and range of motion. It's suitable for people with artbritis, fibmmryalgia and limited range of motion. For more infonmation, cati (905) 878- 7946. Saturday Apr. 2 The Rotary Club of Milton pres- enta 'Murder in Monte Carlo,' a murder niystery and dinner/dance plus silent auction at the Grand Chalet Banquet Hall. Tickets cost $50 each. For reservations or more information, cali Barb Saxby at (905) 319-3241. Multon's Evening Star Rebekah Lodge no. 79 celebrates its lOOth birthday at the Royal Canadian Legion on Charles Street. Everynne is invited to attend, with dinner at 6 p.m. and musical enter- tainment throughout the night. For tickets or more information, caîl (905) 878-9696 or (905) 878-7923. Eucbre is held at the Hornby Co-operative Nursery Sehool at 7:30 p.m. Everyone's welcome to attend. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holda its yoga workout fromt 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. and its book club from Il a.m. to noon. For more informa- tion, eall (289) 242-1432 or e-mail jen( The Woments Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville bolds free peer eonnseling in-person or over the phone fiors 10a.m. to noon by volunteers for women facing abuse, grieflots and relationship issues. No appointment is neces- sary. For more information, calI (905) 847-5520. The fifth annual Halton Eco Festival - organized by the Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights -takes place from, 10 a.m. 10 6 p.m. at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. 1415 Third Line, in Oakville featuring 90 exhibitors. 31 educational speakers. a kids èeo-fun ares. a silent auction and more. The cost is $7 for adults, $5 for students and free for kids 12 and under. For more information, caîl (905) 849-5501, or visit www. haltonecof est .ca. The Milton District Hospital holds the 16th aunual Passport to Wellness Fais at Milton Mail from 9:30 s.m. t0 3 p.m. Through more than 40 exhibits, the event encourages the community to find ways 10 achieve a healthy lifestyle and maintain il. Sunday Apr. 3 The Children's Hour presents The Wandering Minstrels, a medieval musical, at 2:30 p.m. at tise auditorium at 200 Main St. (Milton Bible Church). Tickets cost $10 for adulta, $7.50 for the first child in each famiùly and $5 for the second and third. For tickets or more information, call Kymrn at (905) 878-7962. Monday Apr. 4 The Spring session of Spanish classes at TMe Centre for Skills Development and Training startt today in Milton. For more informa- tion, caîl (905) 333-3499. ext. Il5. This is the last day 10 reserve a spot for the Peel North branch of the Retired Women Teachers of Ontario's meeting April 12 at 10:30 arn. at North Bramalea United Church, 363 Howden Blvd., in Bramalea. Hear about the 'Good Bears of the World, Canada' prograrn. All retired wornen teach- ers are svelcorne. Caîl Kanin at (9015) 796-2146. The WVomen's Centre. 210) 1515 Rebecca St.. in Oakville holds f ree peer counseliing in-person or over the phone from 10 s.m. 10 3 p.m. by volunteers for women facing abuse, grief/loss and relationship issues. No appointment is neces- sary. For more information, caîl see more DATELINE page 15 14-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 1, 2005