The Region prom-otîng Volunteers are needed now wellness before for Red Cross' violence, pregnaney occurs The Halluin Region Heaih Departmeeî is çapreadie word ihat both am anti wosne's "eath befoan pS'egancy ia -uot.nt This cornes under the Healh Before Pregnancy campign launchedti iis month by Besi Stan: Ontario's Maternai, Newborn and Eariy Chilt Deveiopment Resource Centre. The beaith tiepartment is supporting the campaigu by dis- tnibuting postera anti brochures toi physicians and communi- ty agencies in Haiton. "Heaith before pregnancy is very important for bath women anti men," saiti Haiton Medical Officer of Heaith Dr. Bob Nasal. "Mhe choices people make before pregnancy not oniy impacts their chances of gettmng pregnant and having a bealtby pregnancy but may also impact on the future heaitb of the baby." The messages in the canspaign are tiirecteti ait women anti mens ageti 20 tai 40 who may plan s pregnancy in the future. Best Stant bas launcheti a mass media camnpsign that wiii be supponteti by transit ativertising anti in various movie the- stres semass the province. For more information on the Health Before Pregnancy camnpaign visit www.heaiî abuse prevention program The Redi Cross je seeking volunteers for ils RespectED: Violence and Abuse Prevention program. RespectED promotes safe. supportive relationships and bealthy communities tbraugh educatian that helps break the cycle of abuse andi interpersonal violence. Valunteers will wark as prevention edu- catars. They will deliver presentatians andi workshaps in schaals and cammunities an tapics relateti ta abuse, neglect, harassment and relationship violence ta bath yaulh and aduits wbo wark wiîb children and yauth. Before being certifieti, ail valunteers are screened and receive in-deptb prafessianal training. Preventian educators must be 18 years aid or aider. available during school baurs, celiable and able ta wark with yaulh in a nan-judgmentai, accepting way. Training is scheduled ta begin in early May. RespeclED valunteers gain a wealth af expecience iîscludling knawledge af the rnany faccîs ai abuse, impraved communi- -Maie adFemnale lnfertilsty. leIvestigation and treatment -Donor Sperm .Doner Egg -Tubai Surgery Artificial Insemnination -IVF/ICSI (2 week waiting list) -Prinate and Cempassionate Atmosphere Interpretative Services Anaiable BRAMPTON: (905) 453-8477 MISSISSAUGA: (905) 896-7100 Directly in frn of WIinn Oslrr Hnrpotr Near Squiare One Shopping Centre www. rewli refertility.corn cation and presentasion skills and the opportunity ta meet interesting people. Most importantly, they bave the satisfac- tion of knowing tbey're making a differ- ence in the lives of young people.* To receive an orientation package, con- tact Amy Woods at (905) 890-1203, ext. 321, or e-mail Canadian Champion, Friday, April 1, 2005-11 TSe Canadio.n Fediration of Universit 'Stmen CTI Mift6on and Distnct scea4s4igs We are again offering scholarshiPs and awards ta female students wha attend Milton secondary schools, who meet aur criteria and who will be attending universuty or cammunity college. The fallowing are available: Ulniversity Education Scholarships Commrunity College Awards Applications and infarmatian can be abtained at the Guidance Department of Milton high schools and at the Book Sale. Deadline for submissian is May 15. Also available: A Mature Woman Award for which the deadîjas is June 30. Applications and information available at the Milton Public Library and at Harris Stationery. Public support of aur annual Book Sale makes aur awards passible. CORRECTION NOTICE *Hoover t3eluxe Bagless upright vacuum.~ IU5720-950 100048,On p27 oOur Aprlst flete$100 savings advertised on this prdc sdue tu a $70 Price Drop and $30 Instant Sanings oSIer zea1111111 cins iraen April 7-10,2005 Royal Botanical Gardiens 680 Pleins Rd., W., Burlingtan FREE PARKING & SHUTILE Admission ....$8 *RBGMembers. ...$4 *Seniors (Thurs.& Fn.) $4 *Children under 12 . .Free *Thursday . l....O 0am -9 pm Friday .........l.O1am-9pm Saturday .... 9am -l7pm *Sunday ..........Dam 6pm FOR MORE INFORMATlION 0905.634.8003 ext. 330 * www enrtas iogard-,enshiow cmii s how Shop as aver 100 exhibits anti dispinys brimming with ftresh ideas for yaur garien Be inapired by gardening experts and personalities on the Gartien Stage Little Green Thumba Workshop offers crafts fer kitis 3 te 12, sponsor -BîoTLC Spning Delighi Garden by Landscaping with Style, sponsors -Hamilton Sod anti Crossroads Equipment Cli thi ad an -av $2-- -- ofee d iso Injuries kili more children under 19 than ail other causes neof death combined. Toa leIl Cross Ici eid course, baad d+rs Cndan RedCrs