lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 1, 2005 Halton Healtheare THE HEARTBEAT 0F j'ýOUR COMMUNTTY NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL We wouild like to thank our sponsors, Robert (Pie) Lee Insurane, McC uaig Insurance LtiL, McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home lk and Solex Lti, Divisin of Deutier Machinery Ine., Furlong Coffins FiI:pfrik for their wonderful support and generosity. MDH Wellness Fair This weekend, bring the whole family with you ta the i ôth Annual "Passport ta Wellness" Fair, presented by the Milton District Haspital site of Halton Heaithoare Services. Saturday, April 2nd 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Milton Mail Drop in thraughaut the day and check out haspital depart- ments and clinics, as well as many exhibits set up by cam- munity organizations including: " Canadian Cancer Society, " Milton Leisure Centre, " Canadian Diabetes Association, " Heart and Strake Faundation, *Crohn's and Colitis Foundatian, *Arthritis Society, *Mathers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), *Halton Police Department, *Halton Region Health Department *CannectCARE, *Canadian Mental Health Association, *Halton Family Services, and *Canadian Hearing Saciety ... ..just ta name a fewl Don't miss this opportunity ta learn more about the services provided in your communiiy that can help you and your family imprave and maintain your health. What a greot educalîonal family event! Halton Healthcare is Coasting Down the Information Highway A new Diagnostic lmagîng sec- ro-M-, tion on the Halton Healthcare Web site is now live and wait- ing for youl If you or a family- member is caming ta OTMH or MDH for an x-ray, ultrasound, or other type of diagnostic test, simply log onta w .halton- healthcare.cam, select For Ourl i Patients on the lef side, and then select Preparation Instructions at the top of the page. Here, youlIl find general information about the Diagnostic lmaging Departments at HHS, including the hours of opera- tion, locations, and contact information. You can also select a diagnostic procedure from a list of many, and learn how ta prepare for the test, what ta expect when you get here, and any fallow-up that may be required. Information about how ta make arrangements ta barrow a film is also included. This new Diagnostic lmaging section is a great addition ta Haltan Healthcare's corporate Web site, and will hopefully reduce patients' uncertainty about procedures that can offen be worrisame and confusing. We're looking ta expand several other sections of the Web site ta include simîlar patient instructions. Stay tuned! 1 ww .atneatcr.o 1 -J FORE! This year the Faundatian will be holding it's annual Classlc Golf Toumney an Wednesday, September 14th at Granite Rdge Golf Course. Reserve your foursome todlayl For infor- mation on sponsorship apportunities contact the Foundation office at 905-876-7014. uShooting for Angelsu Late in 2004, Douglas Paul Burns and Michael Bioan Maynard were taken tram this world. They were twa «amazing" mndi- viduals wha were loved and respected by everyone they came in contact with. Bath of these young men had many friends wha stili hold memories within their hearts. A special bond that Doug and Mike shared was their love of basektball. Whether it was endless haurs on the court per- fecting their shots, watching NBA or college games, or high level competition an the court, basketball was their passion. The Shooflng for Angel's taurnament is a charity 3-on-3 tour- nament ta honour Mike and Doug's lave of the game, and ta keep the passion for basketball alive. The tournament will be held on Saturday, August 27th, and Sunday, August 28th at E.C. Drury High School. Information may be found at www.shootingforangels.com. A portion of the funds raised fram the tournament will be donated ta the Milton District Hospital Foundation. THE AUXILIARY GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 28th, 8 a.m. to noon on thse D.ny Road parking lot ait the Milton Distsict Hospital. Drop your items off afher May 26th, ruember Free Parling! BLAZINO SADDLES TICKETS Don't forget ta reserve your ticket ta the biggest oie party of 2005! Moet« Our omors" Be part of thie hospital famity and Repot the furidralslg Mntattives of th'e Milton Disrct Hospitl Foundaion. Vour contribu- tions wIN ensure mýe citizens of Miltoni and anrouning amaos recelve quality heCth care in ter own ormmnfly. For more kiformato contact thie FmmUncflorOffice t 90"7&16O4. This year the Auxiliary w il be hasting its 25th Annual Strawberry Fair on Saturday' June 25th between 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m. The Fair has outgrown its past location at the HospitailW and this year will be movîng ta the Milton Fair Grounds. Lots of surprises and good times are being plannedl Details will fallow aver the next couple of months. Raffle tickets for the Strawberry Fair are an sale naw and up to and including the day af the Fair. Buy a chance to win fabulous prizes, including a qult porcelain dol, an original oil painting and more! When you visit the Gliff Shop to buy your ticket, don't forget ta browse.......as the shop abounds wîth beautful and unique items. Why Volunteer? Because YOU can make a difference! MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Caring Today Growing for Tomorrow Sharing a Dream, Jnspiring a Community, Creating a Realty 0f Quality Healthcare ini the Community RamonSU11E ii SC ISPTLFONIU &AUAI - .. i ---w 1ý_ _JY Halton Heaithcare /VIAV