6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 29, 2005 iCommenmt The devil unleashed Every time Karla Homoîka's namne is rnentioned you have to wonder what goes through the minds of the Mahaffy and French familles. It's difficult enough for bereaved par- ents to move on with their lives, but for these two families it must be impossible. As Juty 5 looms dloser -the date Homoîka is set to leave the women's prison in Joliette, Que. - we can't even begin to imagine how thse relatives and friends of the slain teens must feel. Perhaps they have suffered SO mucis that numrbness now takes the place of anguish. it seems almost unbelievable that Homoika has been behind bars for close to 12 years. 'Me murders of Burlington teen Leslie Mahaffy and St. Catharines teen Kristen French remain sul freshin 1 thse minds of aIl Halton residents who followed this horrific case. Homoîka was sentenced to just 12 years in jail after pleading guilty to two counts of manslaughter for hier role in the slayings of thse two schoolgirls. Leslie would be 26 years old if she was alive today. Hoinoîka's ex-husband. Paul Bemardo, was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. We hope this translates toto an indefinite sentence. But, unfortunately, Society is stuck with Homoika. Event with thetr best intentions, we wonder how realistic it is to expect that police and govemtment officiais will be forever able to keep tabs on this heinous womnan. Yes, there will be numerous restric- tions placed on Homolka. However, she will stili walk free, be able to, enjoy thse sumrmer sun, feel fresh air on her face and visit witb family and friends who still wish to associate with hier. 0f course, hier victims weren't afford- ed the samne opportunities. Their young lives are etched on tombstones. We feel for their families and wish we had words of comrifort. Unfortunately notis- ing anynne cani say will soothe their pain. *Our Readers.»«mý Write CloingFourni LJn. a000d thlng in ternis of ensuring safety in area DewMr. l'mn responding to tise letter lu lise Chsampion entitled 'Closing Fowt Line is stupid and sTespOtsible'. Closimg Foutu Line is s gooti tbng. Thse cars weren't following tise speed limit and big trucks were ban'ellng down our street all tise timt, even at niglt Il wasn't safe. 1 have sonne firientis on Fourtis Line wbo are five, six and seven years of age. They could have been bit by ne of tise cars if they accidentally wandered into thse street. I live on Foth LUne as well. Before tise road was closeti, 1 coStdn't PUaY in tise snow near tise roSt or ride my bike safeîy. My mont kept wonying about mie being too close to tise msad in case a car bast control while it was speeding. Andi about concerna olver thse added cost of cabs, do you recally tisink two or tdue more dollars or a few extra minutes adtied to your drive are mnore important than a clsild's life? Katherlne O'Hem Miton *The CanadocianChampion Box 248. 191 Mtlton, On (905) 87~ Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Ciassified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver il Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Thm Coles Charlene Hall E Teri Casa *Main St. E.. The Canadiet Champion, published evnry Tuesday and Fridoy at 191 t. L9T 4N9 Main St. E.. Milton, On., LOT 4N9 (Box 248), is one of Toe Meîroland PrnilPubshing & Distribuing LIS. grop on subunsan companies wlnich 3 1 incluSes: SAxPiclitring News Advertiser, Ailiston Heraid/Counien. tarrie 9-23 1 Avanc, Blto Entnnnnise, BramptSon Guandian, Burion lOPost, Bunhlint 905-878-4943 Conneclion, East Yonrk Minnon, Ern Silvocole/Cooony toutes, Enosicoke Guandian, Flamboroogh Review. Fontoor Young, Geoongetown 905-876-2364 lndependent/Aclon Free Pness, tolton tusiness Timets, Hunonia tusiness Times, Lindsay Thit Week, Mankham Ecooomisl & Son, Midlaod/Peneltlg 905-875-3300 uishene Mirron, Milton Shopping News, Mississaota tusiness Times, Mississaoga News, Nopante Guide, Nassogoweya News, Newmonket/Auoon 905-878-5947 Ena-tonnen, Northumerland News, North Yonk Minnot, SOkvilto teoven, Qakville Shopping News, tidEimens Hockty News. trnneviile tonne, Onillia Publisher Today, tshawoStlhdsn/Claningon/Pot Penny This Week, Peteroough This Wtt), Piclon County Goide. Richmond HiL/fThornhilNaughan Libenal, Scan- Asooiale Pubhisher honough Mînnon. Stouttsile/Uohniilue Tribune. EdiOnor-in-Chief AdoeSisinl is occeptd on the conditin Iha, in tie eveni on a tyno- gnophical ennon, tha1 nortion of tht adoertising spoco occopitd by the onno- Managing Editor neos item, logeten wSth o reasotohle allowaoce fon signature, witl nol be 4.dverrtsing Director ctonged Ion, but the balance of the odoertisemet nili be poiS non aitnte appli- cablt noIe. Tht pohlishen nesenves the nîght Io cotetonize advelisements on P'roduction Manager declineý isribution Manager Edilonol and odvenlioing content of The Conodion Champion is prolecled 5y copyit. Untoee use is pnohîtted. Office Manager nse tUas. Caadm Chafnpne i tcâbl Pndt Pétition agaînst development disappoînting Demr Editor: I'd like to comment on lasI Friday's Champion article about two Hawthorne Village residents starting a petition lu stop a nearby apartment and townisouse develop- ment. l'm appalled that a petition bas started to stop development of isigh-density isousing. Moreover. I ftnd tisaI Cliif Bowers' and Cisad Jackson's conceras are tmumped up and invalid. First tisey îalk about environmen- taI concerns. including tise loss of green space. as lhey put il. Well. Haswtisorne Village is already occu- pying green space. How would these getlteman feel if Milton resi- dents had opposed the butldtng of tiseir homes'! Also, the green space they speak of is an empty field that hasn't been used by anyone in years. Secondly, they have concerns about infrastructure. I agree that perhaps tise infrastructure won't be in place in time for this proposed development. but it will be in place once the James Snow Parkway extension and other improvements are ftnished. in my optnion, this town needs lu curb ils massive urban sprawl. and thse perfect solution is well placed. high-density housing. And I would say tisaI tise southwesl corner of Fourth Line and Derry Road is a good spot for thts. 1 believe that Mr. tlowers' and Mr. Jackson's concemrs are nol their real reasons for betng agatnst the developmrrent. t believe they just don't want apartment buildings near them. I believe they have an elitist atti- tude toward their neighbourhood. First residents in that area shot down the proposed bike path due to concems over 'safety' yeah right - and now these samne residents are opposing development of apart- ment buildings. 1 believe homeowners' properly values wilt suifer mItte, if at ail, with the development of an apartmnent building, and a lot of people would gel new.. affordable housing svhich ns desperalely needed in Milton. Martin Kay Yates Drive Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the wniter included. Letters cani be e-maiied at mjltoned@haltonsearch.com,taxed to (905) 878- 4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease ill&