24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 29, 2005 sales Help SalsHl Sales lelp Sales llelp Sales Help Sales l4elp H",spIai Meîal 0spital Medkral 0lflCourt s (àft iîtîd'Iableware Store iv iookîng for part-aime sales staff. Houro wîii inclade but are 001 liritjed f0 Thursday and Fniday evenings and Safurday. Musi be oafgoing andi enjoy deafing wiih fhe public. Sonne refail experience is preferred. Please send resume f0: 227 Main Street E., Million L9T lN9 or Faxo 905-876-0658 Canada's Iargest daily la Iooking for: SALES CREW MANAGERS <ClrcuIatin> Burllnotan & Oakvila *Succeauful candidate muef have a reliabf e van f0 fransporf sales crew. *Direcf sales expenience preferred. *Musf have ubifify f0 mofivafe and frain youfhs fo uait s ubscripfiono door f0 door. *Higheaf commissions plaid for hard working individuelle. 2004 average commissions puid $80,000. *Full & Parf aime. For pereonal inferview culf: Sfeve Gjorkeu Office 905-850-5240, caîf: 905-815-5385 Emuif: sgjorke@fhesfar.ca Full TErne Salespeople High Boxe Salauy, High Commissions Bonuseo, Extensive Benefito, Management Training, Emptoyesent Stabitity Refoil (commission) sales experience preferred Fax your Reoume to the attention of: Gabe at 905-637-5705 or visif the Falrvfew Si & Itotkers fine location hedept@2001audfovtdeo.com We are a rapidly growîng, well-eafabliahed steel com- pany in the Bottingon area roc tiring more IIDE SALES Inaide Sales Reps are reaponaible for (lie initial sfages of the salex cycle chich inclades building a cuafomer profile on aIl new customers and coreing ailS Oufaide Sales 10 increase cuafomer base. Inside Sales Reps are reaponsibte for developing nec cuatomera and brning1 eafabliated cusomera bo theur pofentiul. .IODOUALIFICATIOMS: Aggressiee feamn player; Highly organized feamt player; Career-orienfed; Eager 10 learo; Energefic, goal-orienfed individuel; Undersfunding of *velue added' service an aaael; Bilingualiora (Engi/Fr.) an asse. WE OFFIR:- A challenging, esciting wort envîronment; Co. beneifo; Opporfunity for advuncemenf. Fax, Afin: Sales Managr, 90611l-3301-7360 Senior Bilingual Ile orn a Packaging Syxlems Company lsskîng (or a nec tîlîngoul monieto lo jobur Forest Producîs Divioson Teuni. We are a global industr leader and in 1his major account oelling position y05 wi11 be reoponoible (or espanding and manuging 001 client relutioshipo thrsughsut Central and Eastern Canada. Having a techni- cul background csmbined eîtt otrsng commercial okîlls cilI te beneticiol. The position reqaires regular troal and the recognition tut ysa ciii te responoive (oan industry ctich operates 24/7 We offer a compelilîve remoneration package tut, more impsrtunly, un opportunity (s demonotrate your okîllo doing chat you do test - corking eith people and outis- tying thoîr needo. It ysu teel the above io chut you are lssting for ce look torcord to taiking citt Vos ReIY in rciting to: Maureen Odfield Forest Products Division 735 Oval Court Burlingtsn, ON L7L 6A9 Maureen-odf ield@gonul.com Poei't Mus tIt Peadlile f« e day li f« FIday1a The Village of Riveruide Glen is a unique continuum of care community for seniors in Guelph. Riveraide Glen ix now acceping applicaions for empinymen for the follocing position in our 96-Bed Long Term Cure facilify: DIRECTOR 0F NURSING CARE Current RN registraion required Adminiafer Nuraing deparmen tu enaure high quality of cure for residento *Knoeledge of LTC legialaion and standards "Srong organizaional and feadership quaities *Pronide infer-diaciplinary communication to pronîde total cure of ail rexidenta « Mondor effectivenleon nf Nursing staff FPull lime position PIeuse Mail, Fao on Email your reoumne f0: Human Resource Manager 325 Max Becker Drive, Suite 201 Kitchener, Ontario N2E 4H5 Fax: 519-571-0M7 wcilliams@rbischlggel.com F-END1cARE .T Long Term Cary Centre in Georgetown requires CHIR orODIST RN/RPN with Advanced Nursing Skills in Footcare lnterexled applicanto mal torward their reoume to the attent ion 0f: David Wilson lnterm Adminiofrafor Eotendicare - Haftn Hillo g Lindsay Courf, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 6G9 Fao' 905-702-7430 Medical recepiioniat requîred (o coller maternity leave. Three - four daya per ceek aod muai be avai- abIe f0 refurn catlo the oter day. Compufer eapenienoe required. Apply f0 Boa #22 1 280 Guelph St. Unit 28 Georgefown L7G 481 Full Part Time Opportunities AmbitiOua ind duafo required f0 work varînua shots. Musf be reliable. M4s1a eia PIT Medical Receptionlst for buay family pracice office. Prior medîcal office expenience or ira ng required. OHtP bîllîng experience un usuel. Fax :9054329024 A Carmer Teaching English Inlernationally tegins wîth prof essional training. A 5 day course cull te ottered ut Sheridan College, Trafalgar Campus April 6t-lOt, 2015 eveningo! ceekeoito To Oegîster toroan Open Hoose on Mur. 27tt, Cai or (or more mbf M8-240lii-6512 PEEK-A-B100 Childcare Centre has opportuniivo for groct! deoelopmentl Seekîng enihuoiostic staff1t jois our team. ECE, ECA, Supply, Sommer studeni pooi- tions avaîlutie at our Bonl., Milton, Miss. Fax:905-451-8416 YOU relax le dlean, rail- able & faut. You muai sit tuact & enioy yoarfIree (ime. Call 905-699-7117. basteiîSovo luwe amvavevotvoii Mvvss vo20Dedue Cv ,Or0ni a s avr s tTe q I iîevimpa raog e ot ue dhlse nflroa i e , pa o nnu 1.11r. Geeni~~~~~t50voIo,0,ý,,rMS 'o 'o-ovoo,,eO,00 tti2OFir eV D-tSA0D'xa( vo5 t $38WCa5ivveeothbsoe:, a vn Wwai 2 5,ý 2 510 fi-, W2li 1-tIlteà ss 1e1 ,vor 0bOe&S !a on p ., cPfflo es 'ovgto s 0 V . vo J i 651 s v5n9 5O5, , tonot ar d amla , as vvoo 45.D tat»0,O oc 2717f36 Painpe s A hag o f 8 oe er 00 avec 2ýi 10- plu -l.bl Idlsp, o 645V 9 To a o I y , de r'ouree0 osTar, 5 pay, Dos a tm $4 0 ev5 $ , o oe vi » t e sa m O on e asoî f elgt4 05l &-0 c ecae,,smeamista,,,fc n ,3JýPo F? vos, ol. MI ce . oi'0 ' -d ba, g " zd lPo, ,,,,o , o0 W eoi, o'wo NPin f m h U 1 65o a2/8M oose WuC& is , crllu o mi ro ut foi n'us0I es er i% ea 000 :00e, Oý Lý, ny a, g up aS 3 fexcs e0 n eich00 l es n Iulc t ea ,vt,ýWerg fng(Sp sk r iFiPo 65 on 77 '6/4 e h R0s[ lr Pam'kview Chlldre's Cweme PARKVIEW CHILDRENS CENTRE se a non-profit, charitable organizafon wîfh fwo new achools openlng In 2005. FULL.TIME & PART-TIME EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS are cuarrenfty being soughf for our Burtingoon & Oakvtte locations. AIl apptîcanfs musf have a di ploma or degree in Early Chiîdren Educafron. Preference wlI be gîven fo applîcanfa wîf h esperrence ini altemnative curricula, programo for ctildren mt special needu and intergenterutional programming. Poreview off ers un excellent saary, benefit(faund work environonen. Creative, enthusiustic individats con forward resumnes by MrLi lsQQ, 20 o: Sharon Plis, Execuftive Otrector 5451 Lakeshore Road, Burlingion, Ontario, L7L lEl By Fax: 905-634- 9850 PK3UY MAIn 2 3maeiW f Monday iv, Frîday for resîdenil cieanîng. Drivers licence an assef. Expenience preterred bti cîi train the nigt person. If you love iv dlean, are loyal unit conscîvofînus. Miltn' 1 amwo for 0AA94%~ -Tu e Non"da OhaWi Gall 878-Z'L'4i' for details!