22-The Canadian Champion, Tuasday, Match 29, 2005 Hardiman, Mtfdred Bafb Miidrad pnssad aaay on Wadnandny, Match 230f 2005 af Joseph Brant Mamnonia Hospital in Badrngtn. Bonn in Midhnmft, Ontanio on Novarohar 27th f929, sia wan Ose daaghtar dos thata cOrnveand Norman Schandian. Sha as n tord rg mothar and grandmethat whx en- ixyad Painting, crafts, trnvaling and hatping xthern. Sha as a marohaer 0f Waon Mamnetia Unitad Church, Boea Lagn a nd naniorsr clubs in Onhoiliea nd Milon. Sarviving as brer honband Jack, han ons, Attan and John, ntaaghtat Ann as watt ns Osait sponnan, nanan grandchildror, David, Jenna, Lears, Sara, Charpi, Jan- Sica and Kirk, han nfep-grandchiidree, Lanran ced Donglns, broOsers Ratph, Walter nd sintet Jan. Fam- ily and friaeds ostad at the MeKERSIE-KOCHER FU- NERAL HOME t1f4 Main St. Milone 905-078-4452 ce Safnrday. The funerai service as hald at Walln Mamnonal United Chorch 2489 Lakanhora Road W. in Onhoille on Sunday, Mnrch 2700 2005. A rnng intar- ment MIi taha place at a lanar date. As expreoons xlý sympaOsy, memonia donnions te Ose chanty of oua choîco aoold ha appreciated. Hasaon, Richard Peacetoite pasnedi away at home n Wednenday, Mach 23rd 205at the agaof 47. Richard isnsrvived by ton wite Mce"e, Fattoar Joe Hilsen, brottrars Rn- bert, Randy aed n, stepdaughter Tannmy and grand- soe Christophar, nefotew Opan and miena BOtte-Jo. Sady missed bp hms maery famlly and friands. Tfiere Mril ha a servie at hes homne 52 Pemu Road Milon n Sat- orotay, Aprit Ond 2005 at 2:00 pm. As expressionm of sympeafthy, meereel donatins f0 Osa Canadian Cancer Society wm endh apraatedl. Arrangements antnhsed f0 the Mersie-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Main Sf. Milone 905-878-4452. Word, Shlle Aifred WWN Veterms Peacehotly et Oia Mttn Omtrnet Hositdal on Thumsday, Match r7th 2005. Shirte Wanl of Multtn, heove huiho- band of Rite Ward. Lovmng taltha of Dean. Chermad grnndfnther of Michael, Stevani and Ametnde. Sndly manaed by hms bmothems Bert tRosamary), Gordn and soster Gernacina. Lovingy ramambered by Ohe Knapp tnmdly. Predecanad by has brotera and nastars Franc- an, Stnley, Norms, Lowet nd Lindnay. Famity and friandn are ineitad to visif nt Ohe MeKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milon 05-878-4452 from 2-4 pro and 7-9 pm on Toasday, Mac 291h 2005. The funaeral service wi ha hold on Wadnesday, Match 305h2005 at 1:00 pr at Gracs Anglican Chnrch 317 Main St. Milon. As enpressins of nyrripnthy, mnemn- ai donrahion f0 the, Miltton District Hospta Auxifrary ort f0 Gracs Anglican Chnrch wontd ha apnraciafad. Inaetvng nhemary af Neville Husbond, Fatter and Grandl'ather Who died Mardi 3006, 2003. c In aur hearts foarever 5-.. Maeve & FamtIy - S T he Miltn District Hospital appreciafes ony In Memoniam ih donations: 30 Derry Rd. E. Foundation Miltron, Ontanno LOT 2X5 RUMMAGE SALE Catholic Womnen's League Holy Rosary Hall 19Martin St. Sait. April 2 O Samn to l2pm (noon) Donations accaptsd FrIday Api 1sf 8ale fa Spcc I " ! , 2004 Dodge Dakota 4dr, t03.0OOkms, soians ns 4x4, 4.7L, V8, aoiomatic, $1200 080 al Onu ao toiiy ioaded, 45.OOOlrms. daAk green. $500 416- 905-877-f075 948-9050 1995 Ford Taurns, npng Special 1550 kmn, 4lt aýc, cerhi- ILmfed Tme Adversel your carto over 8,00 lied. e-fested. excellent Ihouaer osîr nnl cnton S2900. 905-873- l S5h dy I 8785 878-234f CAREER SEMINAR REAL MSATE If yoo are correntte on coorse; recently Iicensed; considenîng a change from your carrent broher or iooing for a new career, yoo owe t f0o yourself f0 attend fOin neminar. You Wtt! FOnd Out About *Who shooid consider real entafe <and who shoold ot P rovincial hicennîng course *Royal LeFage traning, personal development and support Ho lIn f gef a qoick stafl Ho lito maoîmnze yoor income 1T'MbS MW. îlat 7.10 la. 1R411 Ek LIU <lo usb. u O a hBUIm rm ) Seafîng s Oimifed, caOl 00W f0 reserv a 000f' UI Milton 9054784101 ROYAL LEPAGE Georiletoan 9054774262 MUUUU Musssg 905421-3200 SCampbuIlIe 90645W81101 '114 «e71_ý11'ý ýýý-EXTRA... car"" XTRA..- ICLASSIHFREO VALUIE! togemn/drson hi caedeoptl chlegenW as the doeoeenoxevce id.a Thesonfin opint ail beî ti notog a d withelplcei sroo it b ernthranion ol, coochqua% go lornîng, onallytic l plomual oo ylon , cictrnlutoIoco and cprtaly ihommunico- Amlogs Cîh resnozon coervtern lopcationsthrsught Otrio nd age duen acip n g a plwath ons w o r 0 themelvewng tîllînt in oiiso: ecotot Chraîntior oion hes' Docivestrir angedn 000 andl underio thp Mirecio o30, AOanManger onh Aracssu nnat- ailtrsoNsibgnfr naigslc ChristianHrzn'poamn Hozon PeseDiticl ffc 29Mnd udp sns Drilva nt tere B, ichena (o ia N2cine f oia K Fa usn: Adnsta895-561) ad wntj pobsintînn-her ennnn ama Vplcn i it onlf wab oite it sncfmtr-roa oraiz o. oahi Weon th a rsreadcvrltterans Ol tnaplicants mutorbi an nved bref (onefagea) We're Iooking for Store Manager Fuiltime Sales Representatives Part-time Sales Representatives in Milton you are: " responsible " lechncally navvy wîith relevant relal experience a energetîc a someone onho wll share or passion <or innovatiori ard growrth about us: TELUS Mobility, North Amerîca's #1i wireless provider, offers a team envîronmenl, excellent opponounily for career and persona growth, generoos leam discounts, greal benefîls, and an aboya average sldrling salar. Wîth al o> these greal incentives, and the opporlonitv to wor :l an excîlîng and growîng indusry, il's no surpose <Fat people are looking <o TELUS Moilitn <or their futore. For more information, or <o apply, vîsît telusmobility.com/careers relfutune s fridly SI1 ADESA Toronto hos an immediase npenîng for an. ARBITRATION CO-O1RDINATOR -o miii conduct mediatin hotween the bayer and seller regarding arbitrated nehiclas and inoastîgate costomer concemo. Yna reili be nesponsibie for cnntroling pnices charged and aothonzing repairs o arbiftoted nehîcles. Yon mont have excallant costomer servicea nd nego- tintion okîtîs. Von mont ha profîcient in Microoft Ofie and car indnstry axpenaence is an asnaf. ADESA Toronto nitero a compaftîtve saiary and banetf package. Intarested applicanen are asked f0 forreard their ronroe f0. ADESA Taront o 55 Auction Lana Brampton. Ontario LOT 5P4 Fax f05 790-0306 hrforonto00ADESA.comn TE LU S BREAK PRESS OPERATORS Munt hava enparianca perfxrming tayonts, nef- upor, adjusfing and xperafîsg ONC Prass Brakes and Numancnly cxstrotedi Punch Presses. CNC MACHINE OPERATORS 3-4 years enperience opertaing CNC machines in a mata fabrication enviroorment. Previous expenaence in sheat matai fabrcation. Able fa operafe manuet mii , Grinders / LathesI Drill Press. MECHANICAL ASSEMBLERa Perfotra a vaniefy of routine mechanîcal nd alec- tronin assemby operations osing hand nd power foots. Ail positions ait taquine indîviduals who are abie ro wotO nftarnoon and evenisg shiffs. lare-,-o-d ,-«.did«e* i,. a. p ,aair-.1-1 Mr. Mis. JOncha, 905-405-62230 rxi 4731, fau 05-4i05- 6224, eae.rcffîr.- SENIOR FINANCIAI. ANALYST The Stanley Works is one0 ofte worlds most recognized and trostod brand name for f0010, hardware and home decor prodoof o Currenly, we haoe excding opporunify tnr a Senior firrancial Anialysf in Qakoîlte This is an excellenf oppotunify for o hando on, creafiot thinking finance profesoîonal to gtow witfl o long-fîme indootry leader RESPINSISIUTIES: " Bank accoonit reconciliation. " Preparafion and analyoin of fînancial otatement s " Sales and margîn analysis for Key Canadian customef s " Designoted accoonitant for Gakinolle distribution Centre. " Ptepare annoal budgets for P&L and balance sheet. " Prepare noies budget and toreconts *Month-end financial repor Cg. *Monthly salos commissions colculafions *Complefion ot information teqoost from Statinfîco Canada REQIRIIEMENTS: " Hold an accounting designation, or currenfly enrotled in tho final level1 " 2+ yeats televant and progresnive toperience. " Solîd knnwledge sn manuacrtng variance analysis. " Good understandinq of toreign tochonge votoatîn n and calculafion. " Ability no work withîn a matrie eneîronment, and interface ettectively with Sales, Prodoct Management, Sales Planning and other tonictions. " High fiandia Aptitude- ponsessen strong business acomen-nombers drîven. " Prnject Management skitls-eoceptiona planning and organizatînnal skilîs. *Detaited oriented. Hnlds oChers occoonitable tnt cnmmitments *Solîd knnwledge st computer systemo Powet Point, Excel, and Onitlook. *Knnwledge nf SAP and Microsoft Accens would be on assel. At Stanley, we offeroan oultandiop array of benebins and a compebblve ualary thal upholdo our commilments o eellent employee cote. Ploase @rai your resumo to: dsutIovic@stanIoyworks.com The Hloo Childrens Aid Society ns correnitly loekîoy foroan ACCOUINTAINT wîth a CGA or eqaivotont that wouid report <n the diroctor nf Finance and Administration. Dorien woold include: proporation on tht audit, payrol and benetîl administra- tion, assistance aîth budget preparofion, haokîog and other dusi oso assîgned. Signiticanl experience with compaforized acconng nystomo, oproodoheef prograran and o proven Obiily no aork cooperatîoey in a <nom net- tîog a mont. Snth verbal and arîlten cCmmunicationskills1 nhoald ho aeli honed Applîconts obould oend resume <o Hamac Rescarces Deparlment, Halles Childrcn's Aid Society, 5045 South Scrvice Road, Barlington Ontario, 171 6MO Fax 905-333-1844 Is cut-rently seeking ta tilt the DRIV RS following positions. New Truck Deltivry * * *1 We delîner oea trocks Responsibilities U iS androbinu a/oea Lond nolicitof ion, boking and coordination. Coordinnte and dispntch driners. trucks <rom U.S. plants Qualifications Motel provîded righltly A minimum of 2 years reloted expanience rn transportation. Must have /eZ liconoe & Strong orgnnizntionnblcommonicntiot skilto. f >4 T/T OTR hep. Undersfondmng regoîntotns of Hours of Service. ACS Canada Tenam Plnyar. 878326 Moiti Fonctions, computer okîllo, The deoire to noccead. For snoos applicanto only, please oend rn confidence your femome toi Iax: 416-75-7976 ______________________________________________________ Enfabb MORTOAGE AGENTS Wa'ra groworg Coma join our am! No exp. nacassary. Plots. fax rallume to Katie 905-864-4564 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 pears aid? WE CAN HELP! Caîl JOB CONNECT at SHERIDAN 90"-78-4956 AUTO PREP PERSON Required for fuit-time position Excellent wages Fuit benefits Call 905-689-9812 Or after7p. m. 905-961-2014 îusness loo o sef- a, ~ ~ ~ d -..mont popie arlh s finir for decorntng and on r ey for coour. Rennîl experaence required. lnduntry coivt Aic11os. or' an ase>, Bergsma's Painit and al- A# e euyworojie lace your ad in th 1 l ass S perRtheorgerowr, Georgetoan Mnrketplace 20 GuelphStreet No phore coln