The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 29, 2005-21 * - s : Inex: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 24 0-2 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: eMrhnie3035*At -7 epWne 500-5 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on *Srie70-9 FoCIULTOcai058-94 Ad submission by mail or in persan: Tht Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E. Milton ON [HT 4N9 Deadlines: Mon. 11l arn. for Taes. publication, Thons, 11 arn. for Fni publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may oary. Payment: We accept cash, choque, loteoac, Visa, MasterCard, Americani Express Business accoonts cao be npeîied with an appinonci credit application anailable tram yoor Saint Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRSI DAY IT RUNS ta notant tht information is correct. Contact yoar Sains Consultant withiri 24-Houas if an antoa tyats An trotin a Foi. pablication mont be aepndted no latta than Mon. .11 arn. 'A Â/j* à Lordy, Lordy- Look Who's 40 tpconn Ccaleee Williams ocf Port Cvqucffoam, B.C are pleeaced Ps nonce the graduation ai their sn Brett (B. J.) trom Simon Fraser S Ueîvemcp' v BuronS>', British Columabc, ~with a degree in Eeegtish and History. He n i preseni>' enrmfted in the PD.P ant SFU and plouc Pv Pecacli cecoudary schoot Englîsh. He wofd lîhe t nhou hîn ounstanding Peochems ct E. W Fonter Public SchoonC Wl Dcck Middle Schoo1 a.. nd £ C Drue>' S.S for shor .ng Pheiro Happy Birthday cI t euPhnsma ovns upirotiou. 014friens cou contcact Bret aP M arch 31, 2005 brettjwillco7mn@grvoct cum ENGAGEMENT BIRTHDAY 4 ~ Look V\ho'o 20 Geoffey & Lorraine Vaughan are pleased Io announce the. engagement of their daaghter Ashley Vaughan to 1 Janson Boles son of Lynn & Carole Bolea ____ MILTON 3-Sdrm. 3 bathronm, 2 storey imuse on Premînm lot tn Bronie Meodowu. Numerous upgrodeo. iuciudîng nec broad- lom, harcicooc flonm, rooi, etudocu & dive- cap. Updated kîlch- ttibathroom. Clean tauittut decor. $259.9000 Cati 905- 876-3326 Opep House 2nd & 3rd 2pm -4 pm. MILTON loey ionuhomne, greot ueighboorhood. Zero dowu popment. Toit Fret Reconded Message 1-877- 617-1275 ID# 3025 P,4.,-e Ter Owo" teee SEU. pont home faut for top dotlar. Fret report ne- vieais 27 stepsto do before pou liut yone homte for sala. Tuit Fret Recorded Mei- sage 1-877-617-1275 10 3023 er.,eeît c,r e. R.W FREE Ouîck OVER-THE-NET Home Evatuotiot, SAND'S Georgetown Beaubloli ose bedronm. t 112 baihu, nec Berber cor- pet andl point, pailking, loch- t. nwîmmring pool, "Plus., totnythiug pou uetd. $184,500. Colt Dose 905- 873-0049 mtAbur1ADI± nousmnai Unîto for munt. Hasi 25 & 401, 1,600 - 3,200 sq1. fi Loading docks &l duive-uu. Phone 1-905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-6834. NEW RETAIL PLAZA Leasing Guelph St Georgetown. UnotIn SOOsqit upeords. Vaniaus useu, ia- ciudiug dental Imedîcai /pharmacy.Coti Gary 416- 880-5100 PROMOTE pour businesa oppertsuiy ta aven 4 million adoSl moadem in South Cen- trai Ontario. Bookc pour oad- vertsemenin toner 60 Met- rolond commuuîty newupa- pers wdh ont phone colti. Cai today for inforruation ou weetip word ail packtag- es (îutemet lissings inciud- 84) 416-493-1300 ext. 288; raom avoulable îmmediatliy. Attached garage, private entooncelpard. escourpmet loi. Fireploce, washtrdye. fnîdige. Jennoirt utoot. ll90month a utîltbes. No s mak in gl/p e tns Fîrst/Lash/Reference e quirecf. 41-56-9963 MILTON apt. for rent, t - bdrm, docutoco, vo smoab ingîpeis. Sudtotl fon singlo persan. AIC, fret parking. Avattobie May tust. $675/mth firuhiaut. Col 905-875-8081 DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitiside Towers 82 Mitiside Dive. 1&2 Bedroom Aplo. Close to Dueutown. Bus stop ai Front Door 905-876- 1249 GLEN EDEN APARTMENTS 122 Brante Street SouthI, Millin We are now acoepting applicotions for: - 15dm api For more information andAor tD make an = ten 905-878-5375 Bailding Managers Leonard & Penny MILTON 1 & 2 becinotm anailabie. Prom $845/month. Cleon and quiet building. Cai Jasa 416-723-4881 Avoulable May lui. ACTION 2-bedroom. Avait- abie May lt wîih boicoey. $860lmonth utîtities inciud- eci Quiet Building. No-pefs. Cai 519-853-1281. ACTION luxury apootmentu, 7 Stand new large 2-beci- îoom unîtu, ta tennoaei building downuwn. AnC. lanndry, mopie kîtchenu, oak Slonnsaond lange utoage roomu. Prom $800 ta $1,300mtO. May lut oc- coponcy. Colt 416-888- 9164. ACTION, 2, 1-bedroom. $790lmnnth and t, 2-bel- item, 890lmonth ait ancta- sive. Avaioble Apil 1 tt Col 519-853-3309 an 519-853- 0719. APARTMENTS 2-beciroom suites ta Acton $600 aci $850lmonih. Provate porcin Gan Seat. Avoulable imme- diately. Cai Lîz Donil, John- non Aunocînten Reaton 905-877-5165, APARTMENTS FOR RIENT 2-bedroom suites in Acton $800 anci S50/month. Pri- unie yards. Gaa Seat. Avait- abie îmmediately. Cai Lîz Doel, Johnon Ansociaien Reaitor 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN t bed- noam necip nenovateci, bright apodtment. Feocei pond, parking and ionndry inicludeci. $750lmonih. Avoulable Match fat. Cai 519-856-9994. GEORGETOWN immacu- lte country home, 2 plant1 - bedrotm, CIA, bound, o peatoslnsmoak î ng. $1,200lmonth plus. 905- 873-7756. GEORGETOWN spaciaun, 2-bedroom aparment, close ta High Schoni. Ap- pliancen, greot eieighbonru. Na pets/smoking $9SOlmth at inclusive. Avoulable Fe- btoiry lt. 905-873-1174. GEORGETOWN, resnot- sol bacirelor $890/miS pins & 1 -bedroumn $8lSlmth pins lu' Hi îil 9-fies. Gas ine- place, dck, parkeing, tees- dry. (416)399-7440 mOmn - IuTIaén- ment includes 4 applincea. $920/montS & shareil utili- tien Anailable May Iti 905- 876-0982. ONE bedrotm large coun- tiy npatmtnt, pilate nauth ai Ern. Non-smoking, ro pets. $750lmontn, firnidlant, otîlîtes inctudel. 905-702- 8716 ROCKWOOD, brîght 1- bedroom basemeut npare- ment, Avatînbte immedinte- py Cloue to at amenities oaci Connemvation Poila. Pri- notle eninance, ta tmnb- ingîpeto. $S5l5month otîli- tiesîcable includel. 519- 856-9854. TRAFALGAR Rond, Bathi- naf ai newlp renonateil 2- bedroom apnrtmient, Imme- diatep, 3-bedroom, May lt. Fnidgelotone, laundny faciliten, paring, nîbilitien ai inclusive FimidAani. 416- 248-1105 or 905-459-6848 2-bdrm home ta Oti Mifton. Garage. Lange lot. Long drive. Avoulable May t. $900. Contact Mail, 905- 815-3312. house. Freshy pinted I close tanschoosnsho-I png & O. ~$ 139 0 /moan th 878-7860 4-BIEDROOM house ta rent ta Actan, quiet neighbtur- 5004 otan Lake. 5-ap- pitances, non-smokem, o petsn Fiostdlash/refeoences, 91,3bolmonih plus utîlitien. Avaîlabie immediateiy. Cai 519-853-5251. AVAILABLE Jane Itt newer 3-bedroom nemi, f800 nq. ft. CIA, 6-ap- pItances. Milta $1450/month + utilitien. 905-878-3067, MILTON. 3-bedroom, C/A. 5-applianicen & natural gan Sarbeque. $l300mnh + utîlîtien. No petsn Avaîlable May fat. 905-875-0178 MILTON 3-bdrm ton- hanse, fitished nec ooom garage. 4-appliances. Wtt- son/Woodward anea $l25Olmth a utîlîtien. Avait- abie Map f 05 Cai 905- 876-4499. ALCOHOLICS'Q ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-482 1-519-836-1522 irmMAtuLrI MittOt spa- clous 2-level, 4-badroom, onhouse. Freuhly deco- ratel, new colpets, CIA, 5- appioncea, 1 f1/2 bathu. Garage, piate fenced pond euth deco Avoulable immediatey. $t1,400 lmonfh plus ufilitîts. Firsiout. Cai 519-853-9495. Oakville 2, 3&4 bedrnvm townhoases nonîlable îm- medioteip ihiaugh Aprîl. 4 oppliancen. Hopedale Mail aiea. Lakeshore Manage- ment, 905-876-3336 room aponbieof. 9500/montS + 112 cabie' FiruhiLaul requirel. No pets. 905-878-2234. FURNISHED rnom utar Millon Mal, parking, teur- dry etc. $11Sttek. Please colt 905-878-0882. LOST Ladies goll rng with bise stoon.. Hawthomne Vil- toge South. Sentimental, neward. Cai 647-722-4341 RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- CARE. 00011Wy childcone for pour childoto 18 monthu taS5 yeams sînce 1989. Col (9p5) 878-7552 on aisit us ai GUITAIR LESSONS Puate goîtor tenons avoulable tram an topeiencei, professin,,! ýnstuctor. No registi,,n tee reanonabie miten. Rîck (905) 875-4601 DRYER S yenon nid. Ken- more large capacity $300,00 texcellent candi- tin. ninneon steel mi- crowove. 1 penn nld 540590 Double mottrean. bou sprng, $50,00 Cai 905- 875-0395. EXERSAUCER mega (Event ta), tike tee. 9 tops f5 sangs foidu for utonage $50. Colt 905-690-7597 of- ter 6pm. FRIDGE, whiilpoo white, 6 peams ast, 21.7 caSft Side Sp nide iceaten dispenser excellent condition. $475. Cai 905-854-3853. OCEAN Wendems Bon- ig Chir (Fiuber Puice), tîke new, 4 soncimasoc setections, bubbies and iights, eibnotîug. $35 colt 905-690-7597 sfft 6pm Craft Show Qualified Exhibitors ~, Wanted Tîmnîn litmationai Ceont Oshawa Cvu Aadiimam AF t-lit.2005 b Nocti, 1-32W5O 0ta. 620011 Rcioitid Hill Sptos Centre Brtebtie Viptod Areno M., 5h. 2001 & Oui 22-23,0051 Oct. h6-Il,2005 For more information cal 905-426-4676 ext.222 7OPEN HO USE (he Willoughby Famlly invitesJ Ofn House for WILLOUGHBY S on April 9th from 24pm ait the Senior'» Activi>' Center on Chld's Drive. ) Beat Wishes OnIy * u lo ie î0if us ina celièafine A f Aihe 3iens Dickens c o 111u14) : STOVE, white. 30" n 25'. self cieanng. Fige 33: n 67, chite. sîde freeze, ice- maker coter dispenser, $5OOlpan. Phone 905-875- 3425 A Dinîng Room, Cherry- cooi, double pedleota table 8 chairs, buffet, Satch, doottait construc- lion. New stitl ia boxes. Cool $11.000. Sacnifice $2.600. 905-567-8459 A King Piliowtop Mattresa Set, New tn plastic. Coul $1600. sait for $450. 905- 567-9459 BED, Amaziug Sorgai .n, queto oethvpedic piilotop set, sec - plastic, coauaty $190 905-667-4042 cii de- tinta. Bedroom Cheiywod 884. chesi, dresser 2 uightstond1s. Dovehoil Cou- struction. Nette openei Coul $8,000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-56742 CARPET i have neyerai 1.059 yods, ni rtc Stein- monter & 100%c nylon cor- pet. Will do livîngrsam î Sat for $389. tucludes cor pet poci & installaion 100À ponds) Steot, 905-63? 8192 MAKE YOURAD STAND OUT -BOXED * 801 -REVERSE BLACK -CENTERING FOR ONLY AN ADDITIONAL 910.90 EA. Cali 905-878-23,41 Lto inquire Want t. b. seen In owr 68,000 household? Cail Classlfleds and flnd out how 905-878-2341