Sports The Canadian Champion,. Tuesday, March 29, 2005-19 sblanc@&haItonsearch .com Forfeit win clinches crown for juveniles '/Sweet victory Regal Hom Inspections goalle Michael Running cel- ebratie the tnam's atom championshlp win over Chrysier whlle one of hie teammatiee (Inset lefi> skates past an opporient during Charnplon.hlp Day at Milton Sports Cenitre Saturday. For full resiultai, ses page 20. Photos by ASHLEA WESSEL Fort Erie conceeds game three to give Winterhawks third straighz' Nia gara tille By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milton's AA juveniles would h ave preferred to clinch their third straight Niagara District titie on the ice. But given how their besi-of-five champ- onship series svith confrontational-minded Fort Erie was shaping up, a gamne three for- feit victory and subsequent series sweep was probably just as weII. Still, it did leave a bad taste in the Winterhawks' mouths. "If's pretty disappointing. certainly flot the ideal way to win a championship," said head coach Jiîn Kosmalski, who was noti- lied last Tuesday that Fort Erie would flot be coming back to Milton Thursday for what in ail likeljhood would have been the final game of the series.l"its tough to ssval- low. especially for the gradualing players. They showed up at practice Wednesday evening only to learn that their season was and 6-1 respectively -and were starting to get run by the clearly frustrated Meteors. In particular Barry Kosmalski was the target of at leasi three différent opponenis after îallying îwice in the third period of gaine two March 21. This followed soi-ne late rough-housing in the series opener îsvo nights earlier ai Memorial Arena. Added Multon's bench boss, "It's too bad because they (Fort Erie) arenit a bad îeam and cas play when they want to. Maybe it would have been better if we'd faced Niagara-on-the-Lake." Kosmalski ended game two with three points, as did graduating forward Wes McDougall -who finished out bis juve- nule tenure with Kyle Burrell, Thomas Patrick, Julian Ricci and Jason Strong. Also lighting the lamp in the juveniles' season-ending tilt were Adam Rutz, Kyle Scott and Mark Wilson, while backsîop- ping them was Corey Curtis. Jim Kosmalski and assistant Dave Burrell are set to hasd over the coaching reins nexi season, although Kosmnalski said he mighî maintain a scaled back role with the juveniles depending on who assumnes control - stressing that he -wonit Ici the tearn falter." Lasi week's forfeit victory essenîially marked the Winterhawks' third Niagara over.- District championship sweep in as many The Winterhaxvks had taken the first îwo years, following wins over Niagara and Si. games in rather convincing lashion - 9-2 Catharines in 2004 and 2003 respectiety. -Tourney takes new name The Winierhawks'season-ending tourna- ment svill fly under a new moniker this Teams from as far away as Georgias Bay's Manitoulin tsland, Belle River and the Ottawa area will vye for division brag- Re-named the April Fools Classic. ging rights. Milion's additional entry The novice. alorn and showcase runs from Thursday midget ranks should be espe- 10 Sunday -wiih a record-set- cially colnpetitive, with each ting 49 teams set to battle in loop sporting eight tearns. eight différent divisions this The minor peewees were Tonelli Sports Centre and wînner lasi year svith the Milton Sports Centre. midgeîs, bantamrs and minor _The Optiînist Club is still atoms aIl being vanquished in supporting us, but there's other Okey ' the finals. sponsors as well. so il seemed only Round-robin garnes begin Thursday right to change it," saîd second-year chair- evening and continue until Saturday. with man Martin Larkin. when asked about thse championship showdowns slated for namne change. Sunday afiemoon at MSC. r e For more information please contact«.. (905) 875-6893 e OF DE * SA & fun league wjRoTAUM uu*E Provincial Championships ASSOCTION * Internet stats e Team & Individual entry eStarting in May ai Milton arenas s ' 11- 3 %: