Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 2005, p. 9

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.xlmmunization clinics to be held for grade 7students In Hialton The Halton Region Health Department miii hold Men C (meningococcus group C) immunizaf ion clinics nexf month in local schools for grade 7 students. Infortmation packages about the Men C vaccine were sent home with students in early March. "The heaith deparfmnent is pleased Io be working with local schools on Men C immunization," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. '*This partnership iv a great way to, reach our common goal of maintaining children's health and protecting them from infections." Youth who miss the cliic at their schools cao receive the vac- cine from thetr family doctors or ai a health department cotnmu- nity clinic. which will be held every Thursday frtîm 3 to 7 p.m.' during April at the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd.. Oakville. Meningococcal bacteria have fi',e groups -ot which group C is one --that cao cause menîngitis. bacteremi or both. Meningttis is an itnfection of the membranes anti llutd that cover the brain andi spinal cord. Bacteremia is an infection of the bloodstream that, in tts worst form. is called septicemia. Ilîness cao appear suddenly svith fever. chilis, a rash and a very sick, weak feeling. Severe headache and a stiff neck usually occur in the case of meningitis. About one in 10 patients die of the dis- ease even svith prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Meningococcat hacteria require close, direct contact to spread. Kissing, coughing and sneezing are the main routes. though some- times if cao also be spread through saliva when sharing things like cigarettes, lipstick. food or drinks via their utensils or containers, toothbmushes, toys. mouth guards or musical instruments with mouthpieces. Meningococcus group C bactenia account for roughly one out of every four cases of meningococcal disease in Ontario and is mont GERETW e EI & LA E COM CIN Dr. Hengy Lau. M.D. * Laser Hair Removal *Laser Vein Removal - Photo Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Pigmenfed Lesion Removal * Medical Microdermabrasion e Acne Treatment & Prevention FDA Approved Laser for Men & Women nclai Av.,Sit;#0 common in the teen and young adult years. Thse Men C vaccine protects against group C, but not against other meningococcal groups. T'Me Men C immunization program is part of the recent expan- sion of Use publicly-funded vaccines. Vaccines for chickenpox. Men C anti pneumococcal disease are now available free of charge for those who meet the eligibility criteria. For more information, visit www.region.halton.on.cahealth. .xManslaughter case in court in Orillia An Orîllia mani chargeti with manslaughter in conneci ion svtth the deatis of a Milton dentist ssil) return fo court May 2. Adami Hollanti. 21, appeared at Ontario Court of' Justice i Orillia March 14 to set the retum date. Dr. Daviti Dumencu. 42, was found lying unconscious with heati inJuries in the parking lot of an Orillia-area tavem at about 2 a.m. July 16 of last year. He was takenti 1 an Orillia hospital anti thei tfransferredti f Toronto Western Hospital svhere he tiet two days later. A post mortein revealeti the cause oif death was a blunt force heati injury. The Canadian Champion, Friday, Mareh 25,'2005-9 Mattamv looks, to build another subdivision here Housmng development giant Mattamy Homes bas put for- wasrd plans for a new subdivison sou" of Derry Roati, between Thompson Roati andi Regional Roati 25. Ille proposal for the appoximate 95-acr piece of landi that was formerly used for aguicultural pusposea inicludes 558 single-detaeheti residential loits, a village square, linear park. open space andi an internai roati system. The plans came before the Town's administration and Planning comsnittee Montiay night anti were receiveti for information purposes. M4attamy bas also asked for a zoning bylaw amentirent to change the lanti fromn a future development zone to residen- fiai medium density, greenlands and open space. A number of reporta and stutiies have heen submitted to the Town in support of the application, including a traffic impact study, noise impact feasibility stutiy, natural heritage review anti archaeological assessment. A technical report anti staff recommendation on thse plan's approval or refusai will be bmtsght forward once a full review of Use application bas been completei. ONTARIO GOVERNMVENT NOTICE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES Niagara to GTA Environmental Assessment (EA) Termrs of Reference THE STUDY Thie Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is worsing to provide for the efficient movement of people and goods mithin the content of the province's draft Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. In order f0 realîze the transportation objectives cf the draft Plan, MTO has prepared a draft Ennîrunmental Assessment (EA) Terros of Heference (ToRt) for the Niagara f0 GTA corrdor. The draft Terms of Reference provides a framework for ccmplefing an f ndividua EA study that wiii defîne transportation probiemu and opportunities within the Niagara f0 GTA area; assess current and future transportation needn; and examine a full range of reasonabie solutions. THE PROCESS: Pnoer to prepaning an Individuel EA, the Environmenfal Assessment Act requires thaf a proponent prepare a Termu cf Reference (ToR). The Minister cf the Envircement (MOCE) has fhe authority f0 approve the ToRt. The Individual EA is then prepared in accordance with the approved ToR. The draft ToR is beîng provided f0, facîfîfafe consultation with interesfed stakehoiders. Copies of the draft ToRt are availabie on the proîect web site: wwwnm.niagara-gta.eom. ln addition, fthe documents are avaîlable for eîewîng at ail libraries and main local and regional municipal offices wîfhîn Niagara, Hamilfon, Halfon, and mîthîn the Sic Nations of the Grand River Temfior. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES* Public Information Centres (PiCs) provîde the public wîth opportunîfies f0 meef the Proet Team, and revîew issues relafed f0 fthe Terms cf Reinrence înciuding the overal EA procens and the proposed connultafion plav for the lvdîvîdua EA. The PiCs wiii be informai drcp-in evenis, heid lrom 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the dates and locations prcvided beiom: Thursday, March 31sf, 2005 Renaissance Banquet and Special Esents Centre 2289 Barton Sftreet East Hamilton Tuesdlay, AprIl l2th, 2005 Milton Memoriai Arena Lions Club Hall 77 Thompnon ftoad South Milton Tuesday, April Sth, 2005 Atnium Conference Centre 5420 North Service Road Burfingfon Wednesday, ApnIl l3tfi, 2005 Rockion World's Faîrground 812 Cid Hîghway 8 Rockton Thursday, Aprit 7tli, 2005 Quaiiy Hoiel Parkway Convention Centre Merlot Ballroom 327 Ontanio Street Si. Catharines Thursday, April l4th, 2005 Royal Canadian Legion 383 Morvîngsiaî Avenue Welland COMMENTS: Comment s and information reqardîng tis projeci are being collected fa assîsi fhe Ministry of Transportation in meeting the reqsirements of the Envîro:îmenlai Assesnenf Art. Tbis malerial wl bc maîefaîned on file for use dsrîng the proinef and î:ay be incioded in project documentation Ieforrnation collecfed miii be used in naccordance mush the Freedom of Information and Protection of Pnîvacy Act Wifh the exception of persona information, ail commenis miii become part of the public record. The lime lîmit for commesis on the draft Tor sas been eotended to May 6th, 2005. If you savs any questions regardinq thîs prolect or wish ta provîde corrmnents on the draft Tor documenît, pi case con tact Mr. John Stobodzian Pratect Co-ordinator Provincial and Envirosmentat Ptanning Office Ontario Ministry et Transportation 301 St. Paul Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 7R4 Phone: 905-704-2204 Fax: 905-704-2007 E-mail: project team@niagara-gfa.com Mr. Glenn Hîggins Environmenfal/Transportation Ptanner Central Region, Planning & Environmental Office Ontario Minisfry of Transportation 3rd Floor, Building 'ID" 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, ON M3M lis Phone: 416-235-5416 Fax: 416-235-3440 E-mail: projeet-team@niagara-gta.com Paul I-udspith, P. Eng. Consultant Pruject Manager URS Canada toc. 75 Commerce Valley Drive East Markham, ON L3T 7N9 Phono: 905-882-4401 Fax: 905-882-4399 E-mail: project-team@nîagara-gta.com Michael Bricks Senior Envîroomentat Pianner Ecoplans Limited 2655 Northi Sheridan Way, Suite 140 Mississauga, ON 15< 2P8 Phone: 905-829-6262 Fax: 905-823-2669 E-mail: proiect-team@niagara-gta.com & Ontario tfisit us twwnar-g.cr -f

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