ýFarmer's sleîgh overturns jpîgs side into water hole Tiiue Ccip.iî/e.î tre geiii.î qi/iji iitii f extracteil ftom;iui inuies > 7t tic Itid'ih aî iiuiciiîtcc Mj/tci is /iO.t. Eplntii i iiiiiieiit ii .îotiietiiîic'. 1)1no îîc/î'c to plat c' the scuitation ini ioitext. 'ihe riiacs are stîll very bad and svîll con- tinue so until thic snu is offtihein. A tariner ssas ccînîîiniî iis sw n Moîîday 5510tt a lciad of' pigs. Hîs sleigh upse. flice sss ne svere dUiiped iîiio a svaîer bole and iheir osvner had a had tline of' il rîîuîdirîg tbem Up. Manager Clemnents has moved frorn hîs temporary quarlers into the Metropolitan Bank building. which has been remodeleil. The building nosv has a fine Roman stone and plate glass front, and is finished inside in the most modem style. The couniters. doors, etc. are aIl of quarter cul oak, beau- tifully finished. The manager's roomn matches the office. There is a large vault and within il a solid steel safe of the latest pattern. Town Council agreed that the Methodist Church would be supplied with waîer 10 drive the pump organ aI the regular water rate of 15 cents per thousand gallons, with the church te, supply the meter. TiMe meeting of the Women's Institute held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Featheratone, was very encouraging. Nearly sevenîy ladies were presenl and showed a great mnterest ini the meeting. Three excellent well-prepared papers were read: "Spring House-Cleaning," by Miss S. Dice; "Nursing the Sick," by Mm. Andrew; "Ise House-Keeping Mother," by Mrs. lIman. The return match between the Acton and Milton ladies' hockey teama wan played at the rink on Tuesday evening. On accounit of tie impansible state of the roada no liv- ery riga were obtainable aI Acton and few of their frienda accompamied the visitors who came by the evening G.T.R. train. The Actonians say that about 300 people would have comne with them had the match comne off at the date originally ftxed. As it wan there wan a large tumoul aI the rink, the receipla amounting 10, between $56 and The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 25, 2005-7 w0flTn ADE, tir WITET# THE CAADNCHMPO iM1iton 0 D. Sîmpkîns' comments on traffîc rîght on Dear Editor: prciblern in Miltoîn concernîng right Rcîad anud Comnmercial Street. Il' ,i elni wiîîng in respcîuse lic 1). turn lanes ai lîgbîed intîersectioîns. you're goîîîg wscsbcund on1 Derry 1'iSimpkis recetl ]eiter regardiîîg l'in specîkîîg directty cabout the Road and that tighî turtîs red. gocid trfi lw aîîd trcilfic liglît prob- incîhiliîy 10 iurrc righî aI Intel sec- tuck gcîtiîîg ariiuud evei onec ccir Ici CapiSUles len n bhis îcîsn. tiolîs ai mnany plcaces iii ibis iiisn îum rgt $57. There svas pleuîy nf excitemeni, but ii svas pleasing Ioi sec thai gond plays made by the visitors were cheered as toudly as ihose cilthe tocals. The gaine svas preity sirenuous and somne speciators were starited at limes by svlat Iooked a litile like slashing. The play svas clean and no ne svas hurt. The Miltonians wvon by a score of 8 t0 6. The visitors depended more on indivîdual play. and the Misses Mason put up a great game. Miss Lottie was by long odds the star player ot the match. April 1905 Dr. A. W. Nixon, M.P.P. for Halton, made his maiden speech in the Legislature last week, and according to the Toronto news- papers, it was vigorous and straighî 10 the point. He denounced the school book monopoly and said that hie hoped 10 see it go. He vouched for the honesty of Halton Governiment officiais, said that hie was no hide-bound politiciant and that hie saw no occasion for any changes among those officiais. The people of Halton were honest and were flot looking for graft A plaintiff, Jane C, widow, of Erin Village, claimed $2,000 damages fromn a defendant, a farmer of Erin township, for the seduction of her daughter, Edith C., by the defendant. Judgment for the plaintiff by consent of parties for $225 and $150 cosîs, te0 be paid within one month. W.C. King of Peru han sold out his prop- erty, including his tannery, 10 Geo. Pearson. Mr. King will leave Pens soon to live with his son, who is in the United States. Milton teamaters have agreed 10 raise the rate lo be charged for the services of a teamn of horses and a man from $3.50, an al pres- ent, 10 $4 per day and have requested the publication of this notice. This material ia assembled on be/talf of thte Milton Historical Society bc Jim Dil/a, who can be reached at jdills(.4idirect.COin. sa (e ve, i,,n i iviiiicoîiorîî a very busy pizza place iii icîssu 1 hasve lis ssIiole heairtedly agi ce ssiih Mr. Sinipkinis. The îratfic lîghts lu ibis ion are brutal. They clies inake no setîse as ici iheir actlions. Foîr exaniple. 1 deliver pizza laie ai iiighit and Isve seen trallic lîghts gîve advance greens ici traffic on the cippisling sîde thai isult ihere. Meanwhile, l'mn tnrced 10 sit and svait untîl 1 gel a green ligbî. At leasi lwo lîghis in iosvn are guilîy of Ibis -the nes at Steeles Avenue and Ontario Street and ai Pine and Ontario streets. Regarding the issue of traffic flow oulside the realm of lraffic lighîs, 1 believe there's a growing oec.Iusc, lucre s no exila space alhiirded Ioi sehicles. People ssauiting to 111 riehi are usually tnrced ici sit behinct tratfîc, otten behind thai lue person 'n a Issu lane riiad svhc stopped cil the liglit ni the rîghî laite. Seveîal places iiced a rigliî-haud îum lane. iuctuding ai Thompsou Rciad and Main Street. And how about tuming righî fron gnîng souîhbound on Fnurth Line 10 wesîbound on Derry Road? Well, il you don't usitd bavîng your suspension tomr up on that so- called shoulder then go rîghî ahead. The problem that bothers me the mosî is the new lîghîs put up aI the Milton Sports Centre aI Derry As ai pi//ci driver ssho delîvers olut nI' tic irth sîde cil tossu. il icîkes c auisci exîri four tli[isuIes roîund trip iii detîver auyss here sîîuih cil Main Street due tIo the issues înciitimncd abuse. Ncîw foîur minutes rontd trip may not seem like a loti li ynu. but 1 do ai leasi 101 delîveries ci night. So tactor att tîct in and l'mi spend- îîîg art extra 40i minutes on the road longer than 1 have 10. Not nnly does that caffect my bol- tom fine, but that means longer dettvery limes - nostly because l'ii sitîing in îraffic while a pizza is waîîîng ai the store 10 be delivered. Martin Kay MP's decision on same-sex marriage apprcîte (Thte fo//owing letter waa addressed to Ha/ton MP Ga-e Car and a <cîopy waafiled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: 1 juat received a reply fromn Halton MP Gary Carr regarding my recent letter about the same-sex mar- niage issue. 1 have 10 offer my thanks 10, Mr. Carr for bis response. My family and 1 were very gratified 10 hear of bis dciision 10 vote against Bill C-38. Quite franly we jual ansumed an a Liberal backbencher thal he would be under tremendous pressure 10 agree with the prime minister. I'm sure Mr. Carr and 1 won't agree on everything. butll have 10 thank him for listening 10 his consîiîuenîs and laking a strong, courageous and principled stand so early in bis federal tenure. His obviously the kind of man I want representing me and my famnily in Ottawa. lIn a pastor in Haualton, and because marriage is an essential part of God's plan for our health and well- being an a society, I can say unequivocally that He wilI bleas Mr. CauT and bis family and enable him 10 con- tinue 10 serve in tmuth, justice, righteousness and integrily on behalf of ail bis conslituents. David Cummlngs MOHS students' Grenada trîp deserved one more story Dear Editor: I wan disappointed 10, see nothing in the last two issues of The Champion regarding the 32 stu- dents and 10 teachers fromn Milton District Higis Sehool who departed frona Pearson International Airport March 12 for their two-week humamitarian trip 10 Grenada. These kida have worked bard 10 raise money for Ihis venture and even tlsough they were still short of their fundraising goai upon depar- ture, they lefI with a happy heart, knowing that they were helping others. The facî that tlsey would proba- bly have 10 continue raising funds when they retumed home didn'î seemn 10 dampen their enthusiana for Ibis adventure. Please Milton, reach mbt your pocket one more lime and send a cheque 10 the Milton District Hligh Sehool's Grenada Projeet, and show these kids that the people ouf Milton care. Contributions can be made by visiîing http://www.mdhshelpsgrenada.org. And for those who've already made a donation, thank you. 'J. Alzner Miliside Drive Pe sure ta include your name, address and telephone number when submitting a letter ta the editor for publication. This 2005 Mazda3 GX Includêes: t'Powsrful 2X014 Cyl Engin. V Auoniali Transmission V 15"Whesls <~S~IWiB V Counence Package V Air Condition V 60140 Rutr Suits V Steerlng WlIe.l Audio Confro t/ Eng.ln mobilz - - V0IWTkUSSI SIiliu A Reminder ... Good things corne in "13" Finance From: