6 - The Canadian Champion Friday March 25 2005 *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E- Milton, Ont. 1,9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising, Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Assnire Pubhln.i'e JilI Davis -urivde Karen Smith Maeîaiîeî Etdifer Wendy MeNab Adi'ertiîing I)irto ne> Tim Coles Proidc lion Mous ce Charlene Hall Disteribution Moina.ger Teri Casas Offic e Manaiger The Canaien Chaminin puhlishied every Toesday and Frnday ai 191 Mari I SI E ,Milton On [PT 4N9 nBox 248), s one of 1he Meteniand PIntiru Pubislting & istribuîing Lit ouoisis irian oprsoo incldes Ajax/Pickering Nens Aduertiser Ailiston Herald/Cuniier Barnie Aduance. Ballon Einterprise, Bramoptor Guardian Burinrgicîr Pois> Btirîin(jto Shopping News Cily Parent, Ce8y rl Ynrk Go iruiri CoiIingwood/Wr roila Crorectiorr Fast York, Mirror, Eriri Adoocate/Courîrru Routes Etobitoor Suroa Piambarouli Benien, F oreer Yoi.ogý Georgetowin Indejoendeno 80>0,1 Enee Press, Hion Businiess Tiores Haona Business Times Lindsay Tis .Veek MarKham Econoerst & Sun, Mirilanir Penetanr urshene Mirror, Milton Shopping Neows. Mississauga Business Times. Mississaiga News, Nayanee Burde, Nassagaweya News, Newrearuel/Burora Ena-Booner. Northurmberland News, North York Mirron Bakorlie Beaven, Bakorlie Bhopping News. Bidimens Hockey Neis, Brangeurile Bacuen Brlia Buday, BshawaWBitby Clarington/PoBt Penny Tis Week, Peteeborough TBis Week Prctoo Counrty Borde, RicBmond Bru/TeornhiiiVaunsan Lînerai, Scan- bunoudh Mîrror StnutturiieixBrBidge Tribuoe. Bdvedîising ru accepted on île condition than in thr euent ut a typo gealphicai ereoe, Bat notin of île adoersrîg space oceopied by the erno neres item, toBeher wrth a neasonahie aitonoance toi signature, wiii îot Se cirged for, but nie balance of île aduentisemeni wiii Be Bard for an Bhe apiEu caSte nain TSn polirsh en reseeses île riBît tu canegorize aduedîiseerents on O eS iii e Edîtonrai and adoertisirrd content et oye Carradiair Champion rls protncied hy copyright Brraîîthorîned use >0 ineohibrted l Tee Milten Cianadien Chamepione;sa Renpe5abie Peeduen & . Why are we waiting? kh, , ý It has been nearly five years since the Walkerton water tragedy, and while some measures have been taken tal ensure our drinking water is safe, chilling government data released ear- lier this week shows industrial pollu- tion remains a chranic prabtem. Based on govemment data, a report from the environmental watchdog group Sierra Legal Defence Fund (SLDF) pravides a snapshat of non- compliance with pravincial water pol- lution laws during 2002 and 2003 - the mast recent years for which data is available. During that perind there were 2,500 documented pollution violations by industry, including more than 2,300 water pollution violations and 102 illegal spilîs inta water. The data also reveals that in 2003 alone the volume of illegal spilîs into water totalled more than 5 million litres. Many of the affending campanies were repeat offendiers, sonme with as many as 329 violations. While the Walkerton disaster sparked a move hy the Province ta get tougher with palluters, Bill 133, which was only introduced last faîl. has yet ta he passed. The bill would allow environmenî ministry officiaIs ta assess about 140 large industrial facilities penalties of $100,000 a day after a spill. That cauld be done before a court conviction, which ministry officiaIs contend is often hard ta, obtain. The principle behind the bill is that palluters; should foot the bill for the dlean-up, even if the spill is acciden- tai. To us, that's a na-bramner. "We're seeing hundreds of violations a year, a handful of investigations and maybe just one or twa charges being laid," said Elaine MacDonald, a scien- tist with the SLDF. Hitting offending industries bard in the pocketbook is likely the only way ta get their attention and ta, stop them fram destroying aur waterways. The Province shouldn't be waiting far another Walkerton. * Our Readers Write Opposition to development seems like elitîsm Dear Editor: As owners of a townhouse in H-awtharne Village. we fully sup- port the propased apartment and mixed-density demelapment altihe sauthwest camer af Derry Road and Fourih Line. Residenis' coucens over the enviroumental impact of such a develapmeni are, as far as we're cancemred, unfaunded. Common sense dictates thai mediuml/high- densiîy subdivisians are less dam- aging ia the enmiranmenî since mare people lime on less land, thus preserming eumiranmentally-sensi- tive areas. Mediumt and high-cdensity demel- opmenîs such as aparimeit build- ings and townhouses also assîsi in the delivery of municipal and regional services. Miltan Transit can reach mare peapte in a shorter time. which in turm pramotes the use af this system. keeping mare cars aff the roads. Also. emnergency services such as ambulance, fire sud police have less roads and side streets ta namigate in these types af develapments. Yaung prafessionals iypically famour apartments wheu Oirsi mov- ing away from home sud entering the workforce. This cenîralization of youug pro- tessionals encourages the establish- ment af services sncb as restau- rants, momie theatres. medical/den- ta] offices and groceiy stores, which in tunt benO the entire ciBmmuni- ty. At the lieart of the natter, resi- dents' issues with this proposed development show sigus of elîtism and 'Not lu My Backyard' syn- drome. Essentially as fair as we cas see, new residenîs of Milton are simply complaining about emen newer resi- dents joiniîîg their ueigbourhnod in dsmelliugs deemed less accept- able. We belieme ihat a bealîhy blend of apsotmeuts. townhouses, semi- deiached aud single homes are essential ta, the protection of the enviroument, the delivery ai municipal sud regional services sud the pres entian of ghetto-liming John Watson and Lisa MacLellan Milton We 're globetrotting around world - thanks to you The Champion must be feeling awtully jet- lagged these days. Mition's commuuity newspaper bas certaiuly been piling up those frequent Olyer miles since use introduced Chamnpion Tracks back in the faîl. Officially started ou November 12 with a photo of Editor-in-Chiet JîlI Davis in Las Vegas, the neum segment suas a titîle slow out of the gatle with just anc other entry running through the rest of that Oirsi month. But oîny concenis that Champion Tracks uvouldn't Oly -no pun intended boisve since been groundced. Boy hase they been graunded. Suggesing Miltoti jons hase taken îdvaîîtage af the oppartunity ta hase their pictures taken wîîh The Champion duriug their vacations is an utîder- statement of global proportions Including todiay's issue. ve've had 65 photos published in jusi a four-and-a-half month spart, sud mare than a dazen other pictures are uuvaiting ta mun ai any gimen tîme these days. As far as t rau tell, Champion Tracks is one of the strongest indications we'me had in recent years that Miltontans really care about their cont- munity newspaper. The besi part ofail this, as far as l'ni concemed, is the sast array of destinations being featured. 0f course ove gel a fair amount of entries fron poBp- ular spots like Flonida sud Mexico. but we've also had photos front marc than toa dozen conEries outsîde North Amerîca -includingý such exaîic locales oas Bang Kong. Egypt. Thaîland oîîd Ausîratia. The besi entries are the anes that real- ly capture au area's scenîc soander -like the shot of Barry Wilson 12.000 feet up and surrounded by picturesque înauîîtoins neat Chamouix, France -or show off anc ai its key attractions. To thai end. toa pyramnid pics -featuring r-B-. Up fron t Robert Cormen in Eygpî sud the Paiern foimily in Mexico - are among îny ilivourites. Also ion thai tst is Lais EibI standi outsîde the Plais de Maya int Bueos Aires %oshere Madonna -t mean Evita -made ber taoinius speech froîn the balcony. And among tIhe inosi creatise have ta be Harry and June Robinson stop an elephoînt in Thailattd sud Ken Armstrong using The Champion ta wvrap up a barracuda fish bis soifè Pam caught in the Dominican Republîc. The Champion's even been there for Milton's goodwitt acts arouud the world, lîke Grant Damidsou's svork omîîb Habitat foBr Humanîîy in Costa Ricoa sud Richard aud Joyce Poth distribut- ing bcd kits tce children in Itîdia. But as socîl tramelled as aur local newspaper's been in recent rnonths. ius, urge ta roan continues. t for anc smauld lîove un sec The Champion geîtîng tranopled during the Rutnning of the Bîîlls in Panuplonot. Spain oBr coîught an coanera during a gaad aId-tashioned European soccer riat. Sa keep those Champion Tracks canting. Ithose interested in subinittîng a photon i:t do so by e-imatling tl ta milîoned@àhaltonsearch.com. or dropping tl off ai 191 Main St. E. Aeid as slways. don't forgai ta include your name sud destination intarrmation.