30-The Canedian Chempion, Friday Mercit 25 2005 « Sall Marce 21, 2005. Peter Gagnon en his 63rd year. Loy- ire husband of Ruthi Gageon, Beloved tather of Scott, Ryan, Tracy anti Karen. Surviveti by tirs 4 grantichil. tiren, Ferever rememberati by bis many nieces and nephews. Sorely mîsseti by tirs brother Marc (Gladlys) Gagnon. Peter wiii be in the hearts of tirs brothers and sisters in law. Frientis cere receiet at the J. Scout Ear- iy Foneral Home, 21 James St.. Milton, 905-878-2669 on Wednentiay, Marcn 23rd. A Fanerai Semvice was helti at New Lite Pentecosta Charcli on Thurstiay, March 24ttr Interment tolloceti et Milter Evergreen Cemetery. As expressions ot sympathy, donations may 5e madie te Nac Lite Pentecestal Ctiurch en memoiy ot J. Peter Gagnon, McNeil, William Leonard Jase 17, 1913 -March 22, 2005 Leenard's niece Caret sadiy anneences the death et Soi dearty leveti Oncle Leonarti Leonard is samîiveti ey tirs heloveti cite Helen Olive (Panent) McNeilt chem he atioreti Leorard andi Helen cere in thonr 62nd yeai et mouliage chen Leonarti passeil acay peacestty aI their Altentiate home ie Milton. Leonort isc the son et the tate Chartes anti Mary Mctiî et Maneers Tocnship. Pretieceasei by broîhers Fretierici, Arnoldi anti John. Satitt misseti by tirs nieces Donna McNeit anti Joanne McNeil-Leitch. A member of Lintisay Cottegiate's Ctass of 1932, Leonarti earneti post-secntay tiegrees Irons Gaeen's University ut Kingston andtih1e Uniersity of Toronto. ln 1958, Lennarti anti Helen mooet 1 Mîhon anti matie il thear home. For t5e nent 10 years. Leonarti cas the Superinlentieni of Hallen County's Public Sohoots. Leonarti serseti the Town of Milion as an etiu- carter, hîsiorran, hoiiiculturalîst, mrter, Rolanan, Meals on Wheels anti Cancer Society eolunleer, photographer anti member ni St. Paul's Uniteti Church. Leonari cas puoticotarty proutio ni bs cadki n garnieS recognition fon te PL. Robartaon Plant, anti Milion as the home of the RSobertson scnawdlei Millon awartiei Leonarti "1987 Citizen nf ie aear" anti recenly nameti a sireet for hrm. The Ontario Hisiosical Society preaenleti Leonarti wih the Carnochan Awart in recognition for tus Lltime Achiesement. Family anti mientis are niiet i osil ai lihe McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main SI. Milton 905-878-4452 hrom 2-4 pm anti 7-9 pm on Thurntiay. The baserai nervice will Se hald on Fiday, March 251h 2005 ai 2:00 pmn ai St. Patls Uniteti Charch 123 Main St. Million. Intennient ta fake place ai Millon Eegrean Cemelery. As exprensins ni synspairy, mnemonial dontatiose t. Paulti United Chtwch or lte Milton District Hospital Foation coant ha appreiat- eti. Mecamrn, Jolhn FracisA Peacaially ai lte Millon Distict Hospital on Tuestiay, Marcit 22nti 2005. Frankr McCannne ni Millin, halave husns ni Anti. Loving iffler ni Rocky John antiJe sepit Patric bail ofiActon anti Tenesa anti han husban Tonm Stokes oi Camphatla9e. Graspie la Tammyan Tracy Stnokes. Dea bmnihar ni Mite and hie waie Mmmi ni St. Titomas anti Canot anti han huaanti Ait Sweezie ni Georgetown. Frat as nuneivei bit hi mamanr Lanet-M la anti pretieceaiseti by his latier John Jnseph. Frankr hans 35 Meces andi nepiters. He retinet in 1985 hnom Fard Motai Comnpany in Oalesifle anti his nieigitiouns ai1 Speysite anti Magnelatean tarît miss bNm. Fanily anti fints are linledti la sn i Oi te McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME il14 Main Si. Millin 905-878-4452 ens cdl ha praye t aihOe binerai hanse n Wnd1nestiay afternnnn ai 3130 pIl The Liinngy ni Claisan Buriai cilhaeceWteet Hly Rsaryçathoun Chunch 139t Martin Si, Milan ai 10:00 ans on Thanstiey, Manch 251h 2005. Crernatin la mitre ait Miftn Exergneen Cremsa- torium anthOe hatiai ix faîtew aia siten dtiae ai Spence Censeiery. As expressions ni spnspaiy, mennnral do- nations Oite Milan District Hnspital Faundtihn wnulti har appreciaiei. IAtMiltonlDitctHspila nMendiaitMach21, 2005 2005 Patricki Sirac, beteveti husbanti efthe laie Sar- ah Strac IDecember 2004). Dear laitier et Niait (Rosemary) anti George IMaryke). Grantimother le Jeremy, Christopher, Stephen, Meaghan, Kyle, Sache (Derrick) anti Bratiy antheur tîrents Jittran Jen, Tooya anti B.J. Pretieceaseti by tirs parents George anti Don- othy et Nuneaton, Englanti anti brother Je9f et Cam- bridge, Ontario, Surmîveti b tirs sîster Moyna (Biarry) et Naneaton. Englanti anti numereas tooîng nîeces anti nepiecs. Pat nemvet loi 23 years in the Fier Air Army Semvice et the British Royal Saoy betore errgraring te Canada in 1964. He coîkei toi Deiravitanti Axespace, Hermes Etecirenîcs anti ATS. He reireti rom Shieridan Cottege Heaey Equrpmenî Schot in 1988 Famrly anti Irrentis are inoiet te, vîsîr ai tie McKERSIE KOCHER FUSERAIL HOME 114 Main hi. Miltron 905-878- 4452 from t12:00 ym viril the tme eft he Memorral Semv ice ai t:0 pi m on Wetineseay, Maîcti 301h 2005ý As expressons et symyathy, memerra donations te the Canatiar Orebetes Association or tie Milter District Hospital Foandatren ceatti be apprecraieti WAROROPE, Marjanie Olive (Tosîs) (nee Kelman) Member et 0 E.S lonistil Chapter, Member et I.O.O.F (Rebekah). Panseti acay peacetuîty aI the 1 OF manîr. Barrie Grtatte on Satvriop 19)0 et Match 2005 in Set 88th year. Beleveti cite ofthe tale Chartes Wartirope. Mîltier et Elsie aid motter te tao et arry Edwcotts, Geai grantimethet et Chartene Stipicn Ilerry) anti Oanny Eticords IMelissa) Preuti great graîdmether et Trever, Kyle, Ryon Stopltor andi Emîlti Olivra Eticards, Sorerveti by Barbara Chamti Leelie (Hecti) Keiman (Llly) aid sîster in lac Neima eniman. Pretieceaseti by brethers George, Charles, William anti Bruce. Wtt be misseti by 13 living oreces anti nepheco. At Martente's regaeol boere wtt) Se no Foneral Service, Cremalion, telloeet by a grave sitie service on the sprîng at Riverside Cemelory, Weelen Ontario. SpecialtIhanns le the wonienol staff ai lthe I. 00F. manor lortIhîr kinti aid tneîng cote tf tiesîrei donations may Se matie le She Hospital lot Sîck Ciîltren in Matloi(et Remembraoce. Arrangements enlrosled la the Scolt FaneraI Home 'Geergiai Cbapel', Barrie 7015 737-2040. Gladya Wilaaeo ie as a farnily, aant te tMank ail cf the mac> peepie erha effered Mheir candoeecee la lte passai oec,- atder, Nec,,> andB Rg Nana>. leur exprseaains of s>wepatiay aiteiaed cal caly a great respect Air Gladys, bat for oar facelly aa weill Il -ve s very ceseforlsmg te have everyoae llaere fer cs. lit truly wras a reflectian cfflie wcceen ahe avas cadte mac> people cie toacheti le iter 99 >earc Site wvli never lie fergotiec. lliach yo alf ce, ver> mach. Old Fashion Count!, Flea Market and Indoor Yard Sale On Trafalgar Rexad, just 4-1/2 kcma. ntorth of Hwy. 401, i the Big Red Barn wîth the Blue Silo Thsarsday, Fn2ay Saturdray and Sumday c1-1e 0tas IDoed.AJ3Ic? dme laies Nais Pensello. Mach lexeti brotar nI Mifa Gea.Lneirg fathen nI Gloai l niber hasbanti Bruce For an adÉoriai Browen anti Caria Peusoceito ant is odee Katerine. FREE Enlinsaien Gai euS- Chatisitet grasns anti ncne of RieS (Melissa, Dan $10.00 Me oft erl~f blp chitrs, trat tuking (Monica), Mullter anti Stepiranie anti 9mai noxn nIo reoti linris Feuds Cus- b~iog xxiii tans Woti Raiinisbrsg anti Connr, Iaacand oshu. Fiend MU e rsoivd a Funsoura Rearn, 9-9,905- the J. Seutt Early Fuserai Home, 21 James St., Milton, d c-632-9090. 9015-878-2869 on Sa say, March 27Oi haons 2-4 & 7-9 it5 HTbSpCuenl PM. Vigi Prayers ciii Se prapeti ai fie FuseraI Home Prîce, Besl Otaality. Arr ai 3:30PM. mhe Mus nI Chrisian Burcal cii ha cal- Shapes & Cotonrs Auril- ease ai Haly Rusacy Charh .120 Mrtin St., Milient BOXED able. Cai 1-866-585-0056, onMunday, Merci 201h at i0OOAM. Iciermeni t0 loi- tew ai Exeigreen Cemneiery. ln lieu ut flomais, dons- BuL dtion. a bia ern rîi o a oo REVERSE BLACK - pye - C ENTERING 1AvrI a InMAemoriam In Fscm donations ta The CI95724 185 onlari St S, Allendale Foundation tiqieCasté MIilton, ON L9T2AI4 are truy apr îaed 905-878-414) ext. 85o5aetrl preitd plus NO OSTi Soles from $788, chairs nrom $249, Frids Furnîrare anti FaS rucs. Cuti tiaiy. 9-Opm. 905- 632-9090. CASH PAID loi antigues anti cottoctubies, china, fig- urines, îecetory tureuture, cours, etc, 905-878-Ji145 colt: 905-876-7950. 4W0 for Satlle 1992 Ford Topez, 153.i0ikms, serti as es $1200 090. CaI Russ 905-077-1075 1994 Sîssan Attisa 4dm. dcyt, 154,ittikms, ceeu- tieti/e-testeti, excellent me- chuncottp, mincir rani $2500 080ý (519)853- 1804 SPRING SPECIAL Limiled lime Advertise your car to over 68,000) households for ol$50 Cal for details 878-2341 2M0 Dotiga Dakoa dr, 4x4, 4.7L, V8, autuomat, lultp luatiet, 45,00ttnss, tiart green. $26,50. 416- 948-9D50 ale & fst Van juntit back &enjoy youneieime. Call 905-899-7117. REAL ESTATE If voir are curreoity on ceurse, recentty tucenseti, censiderîno a change Iront your cuiront broker or lookrng ton a nec corner, yov owO in le yeursef 10 attndt thi sommear. Yau Will Fiati OiAboutl W ho shoulti censider irai esivie tend uini shoutd non *Provincial ticennun course *Royal LePtrie n i ruru ersona di ýren and support Aoeito gve quicti Ciao *o hou le eaxunruve youruincoune Uurmlbj, Mm~ Slst, 7:80 p 10241 DUN b (hotWoaMgy RFY d & Tuah Sld-Woa) Gomwgtow, Oname Ovain js o cid cr11no rue s eai!i lttlllllttii Milton 905-878-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE Georgetowen 905-877-8262 llttlllltllt Missinsauga 905-821-32800 sti,î,onia5 Campbellsille 905-854-8101 t/ve v tirfl ,ii Wotle, Relax, Sleep Botter We are geîtîng ready 10 open son nec 5h10e un Gakiîe vir Ergonvmic Predects -yrodvcts opeciticaiti desîîeed tir the hymen body. We have setected one e) She test proti vcts tris Sîvtheîn Ontario &al river the cîntd We carry everythîni trîm office/ massage! teck relie) cthairs, Tempîr S Satura setis support cetges S yrtlocs. We are seekrng CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Loy. s nvt necessary but the righI attitudte un cruci Some litting requured ifyo t are ahl 0 o leacli peoplte nuances of greet producis or cave Occoyatrona Therayust training anti cent to auigmenit /0u i oins lets et veast tlk Trafalgar Village: Uait Bg - 117 Cross Avenen Oakville, ON, IlJ 2W7, T:905-842-5555 a-mail - rîm@sympatico.ca carffl One year wil get you life an csciling 0cm île on the wvcld of lac. Post-seuiniJany educaien inn busines experîcace is ail yrou necte lger loto Hucaters unique Office Administration - aw Firnu profile progruatn. Yvu'ii gel clisses fiued ct proclîcai, tends-on applicains, aod ccli place you 01vc eune of sevenai of Oniantos mosi promotelîl lac tOrms fion 7 ceeke of paid on-site training. AIl trs is accompliste in ta nly twv semesiens, se yeu dovat have tv do any uunecessanî lime. Cati 416-675-6622 e. 4371 ad gel a (nec) lîfe' duHUMBER The Busintess Scitool Ontari a eg Appliat wp tb( ADESATont han an îmmetioaia opening ion an: ARBITRATION CO-ORDINATOR Vos matit condtc i ataiona biteen the bayer anti seller naganding arbitraieti vaeiles asti raxeatigala cusonsen concerna. Von wlt Se nesponaible Ion connolling prices changeti anti aulhonizing repaira lu arittaeti neiia. Yeu muni have excellent cusiomen seice anti saga- lialion akillu. You mastite proficiantinc Microsoft Office anti car intisniny enperianca la an assai. ADESA Toronto oCamr a compeidine salary anti havait package. Inianesitid applicanis ana anket l forcart Oein résnume te: ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Lane Brampton. Ointario L6T 5P4 Fax (905) 790-0306 hrtoronto<9ADESA.com We haee immadiala opanrngs for Tcn Faltinse Revenue Accountig Auditors Saccassisl candidtes shouid Sa eans play- ena mutri a nirong apitudie Ion numbers & tae abiliiy to wonk indapendanly. They ahoulti aise ponnens ninong onganizaiinal/iime mac- agement akilin. Dalien ii inclade lanifi/nate application, revenue distibuion & tiîly cons- municaion with oun Canatia-wîide agonis & driers. Knowiadgeof Ilte transportaion/nsoing intiuniry anti AS400 systons n prefemnoti. Resans o : C. Manions Ailes Ven Linon (Ceneda) Il P.O. Box 970, Oakvîlla, ON L6J 5M7 E-mail: cmerlom@elesvenlineo.ca (No phone catIo; ion Service #021Lt I DRIVERS Ndew Truck Delivery Wv delîver nec trucks front tactoîy le dealer- Usio andrevtiovt hon Oatu turnU w/nc tiCLk tinsar laits .42e praddnighl MotheA rxîiee &h Muot have AZR lîense 1er Cana0daEx 877-893-2066 Home evenings and weekends Cali (905) 693-1800 Fa (905) 693-803 A Herulage of Quality, Bailt Ose He-me nta lime 011.-e 197,q SENIOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER The Reitis Herilage Gnoup ot compostes is ose of lte larges honsebaîltiing anti real eslale developnsenl operalions in Soouth Western Ontario, with prolacîs acliely onderway in Cilles acroso Soouth Western Ontario. Our large) msarkets isclotie evety- lhrng Irons firsl lime buyers lhroughto1 retirensent consnties. Titis isaneociling career oppotoei1 loin our senior managemsent lean aItour heai cilice in Cansiritie. Reportinglto lthe Vice Presidool Operalions, te successîol can- didtiae ii be a seasoneti, prolessional resitienial anti consmercial construction man- ager Yoortlrack record inclodes hantis-on eoperience reit ail aspects of residenlia anti commercial constroction, anti yoo are egaally conslorlable on the job sio., or arount lthe boandroons table. The Senior Construction Manager wilt loati anti manage oor tesitienlial anti commer- ciol constroction divisions across Ontario. Four prime rosponsibililies ani incistie gealily conîro, itoallh & saoly, cosiomner satisfaction, scheing, allocation ot rosources, problens 501515$ anti acting os a construction ativisor. Fos will have a nalaral abiltty 10 earn the respect of silo staff anti trades, anti u are skillei aI corking wîlh a broati range of staff anti depadtmenis in o compiex, tast- paceti environlmen, Acting as a trigit ani" 10 lthe Vice Presitieni Operalions ciii be a key aspect oI ibis rolo. The goalîliei canidtie wil) have aI leas 10 years experience in tesitienlial home building anti commercial constructien, possess eocellent organizalional, iterper- sonal anti communication skîlls, anti have the abilily toi cor well votfier pressure. Fou are a hîgitly moltealei intioidoal, pessessîîg eocellent mantagement skilis anti have ao abilily 10 thînit slralegically. To learn more about Dur companien you can locate us a)t www.reidaheritagegroup.com Please fax a cove-ing letter and meume by April 8, 2005 ta, 519-654-9746 Attention: Humain Rernources Dept. U-HAUL Go. requires AREA FIELD MANAGER for Batiinglon/ Oakville, Brampton/ Owen Sound districf. Fuil-Time 6Ohrs./ week (benefîls! bonus), mas) have valid drivers license, computer & mechanical knowledge req.d, maînlaîn! solicif renie) localions & audt reports, f ast paced envîronmen, must handie stress wel. Email resume: brian.johnston@fc.uhaul.com 'Equal Opportunity Employer'. Apply no Iv! rogr(iiii sfarfs Septeinber à RHACE GROt P wwwbus