24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 25, 2005 -~L1on' Ti~re intorh Reid and 67s look to corral Ille Vîctortaille lIigres have o illu- sions about their chances in first-round Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMHJL.) playoff action this sprinte SimPlY unable to match up in termi of skill or firepower wilh the Quebec Remparts - who finished 26 Points ahead in the regular seasn and have four players with 30or more goals -thie Tigres know that a physically punishing approach is their only legitimate shot at playing tse spoiler. That's where Miltonian Erick Lîzon comes in. The six-foot-four-inch, 210-pound right Winger lias rc been throwing Use body and Erk dropping Use gloves with equal frequen- cy since joining junior hockey's higliest rung at Use end of November. Heill have to do more of Use samne for Victoriaville to, even keep things respectable, mucli lem pull off an upset. "We've got to, play in-your-face hock- ey, throw the body around and get these guys woried," remarked the 19-year- old, who begins post-season play tonight. "A wide-open game will kil! us. huom a mental ptepartiun statsdputnt, Lizon said bis 26-36-4-4 Tigres have toi remember that it's a brand new season now - as well as the fact that they tied Use 38-22-5-5 Remparts twice ths year, once in Quebec. LIzon "We've got to keep Usat in our minds," said Use towering Winger, wlio spent the tinst part of Use season wiUs Use Tier 2 Jr. A Streetaville Derbys. Wliile liunping into Use play- offs wiUs just two wins in ils 10 eiglit games, Victoriaville lias played .500 hockey over- al] since Lizon's arrivaI - a fairly credible feat for a teamn wiUs little offensive spark. And while the Tigres' chances of advancing are slim ait hast, Useir Milton forward won't ha too broken up about a short-lived playoff mon. After aIl, lie wasn't going to see a lengUsy mun in Streetsville eiUser - and was neyer expected to recacli the Major- Junior ranks in the ist place. "I thimk 1 did pretty good Usis season, especially after sitting out last year. Hey, 13 figlits and 11I points - Usat's a decent half-season." Barrie Colts in tirst round By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Elgin Reid's second seasun tn the OHL bias featured mure uf just about everytbing -points, ftghts. ice turne, you naine it. 'Me proverbial icing un the cake now would be a finie more playot f success. Needles tu ay, Milton's 18-year-old defencentan i shoping for a longer mun than last spring, when hi Ottawa 67s buckled under and dropped their ftrst-round series to Brampton in seven gaines. Standing in theit way nuw are the ' Barrie Colts. wbo hosted game une last nigbi and have home-ice advantage iomorrow evening as well. However the 67s won three of the four meetings between the two teams in regular season play -including une at the Molson Centre - and beaded itito the playoffu baving losi jusi once in their lasi etght gaines. -Yeah. we're on a good roîll especially atier being su tnconsisîeni fur most of the year.- noied the six tout, l80-pound blueltner svbo tinîshed the year witb a goal and 13 assists after regtstering just a single helper as a rookie. Logging a great deal ut playing fiine sînce reiturinino tromn a shoulder injury in late Deceinber, Reid now finds hitoself on the tee tor crucial situations ont a nightly basts. "Killer (coach Brian Kîlrea) bas me oui in the final tew minutes a lui nowadays, and uveraîl 1 thînk our detense bas been really tougb in front of our osun net. Opponents think îwice about geiîing in there to create traffle." And wben be's noi standing guys uop at the blueline. Ottawa's 2003 firsi round drat pick bas been standing up for teammates namely wîtb bis fisis. fils not thai 1 uvani to becomne knosvn as a figbter but if une of my tearutoates in trouble lIlI step in tbere." said Reid, s wbo's bad a bandful of slugtest since * retuming fromn sickbay mncluding une agatout Barrie's B.J. Cruombeen Marcb 4. 1-ley. if's part uftihe game." Elgin The Eastern Conference's hîghest scoring Reid club this season witb s 244 goals. 34-26-7-1 Ottawa bad nu trouble ligbting the laînp agaînst Barrie this year -dotng su 17 limes in four games. 'We've gutI o drive tbe net liard and îake advantage of our oppounntes." stressed Reid. "Andi we can't take anytbing for granted if we get a lead (like last year). We've guI to realize that if's a whule different sea.son and every tearu tbiisks Ibai because tbey made the playoifs tbey've got a sbuî aI the Memorial Cap." M VIF-I LIMITS Prolen GrnbingPrwntonMonth in Burlington What are the most common signs of prohlem gambling? a) Feeling guiity about gambling b> Betng more than you can attord c) TI ng to wmn back lusses vour cmmnty wwwW.WspIoiisliegamling.org MWITHIN Prole Gablng reentonMonth in Burlington If you gamble: Set a money limit and stick to it -Set a time limit and take frequent breaks For activities in your community visit wwwV.rn'-.ponsii legambling.org -,Peewee 'Canes continue OMHA medal run, thanks to locals' efforts Haion's AAA peewees added lu their seemingly endless OMHA tuedal baul lasi weekend, securing bronze ai Georgetown's Gordon AlcotI Memorial Arena Sunday moming. That makes tive straighi years that the Hurricanes bave ended iheir OMHA mun in vîctory -capturing either gold or bronze. And as alsvays. a local contingent factored beavily ito their pros- perity. Wbile Brandon Denhaîn was still out nursing a sprained ankle, fellow Mîltonians Jake Davis and Michael Sgarbossa sbowed strongly alI weekend -includini, during I-lton's 2-I bronze- «" medal triumph over Oakville. Sgarbossa set uop the i tial tally late tn the second period. wbile bie and Davi ' -linemnates ail seasun helped preserve the narrow- est of leads witb a couple o!'u shifts in the final issu min- utes of play. The ost urrianes Miltonians (from leif) Michael scored jut a minuîe-and-a- Jake Davis celebrate their OMH baîf apart and then hutsg on wee Hurricanes. to nip Oakville for the sec- ond fimie in as many encounters ai the five-îeamo iournamenî. Overaîl, the two local forwards combined for 101 points in Georgetown, getting on the scoresheet in eacb of tour round-robin gaines -resulting in 4-3 ansd 4-2 dectuions over Oakville and Ntagara and îdenîical 4-2 lusses tu Markbam and eventual cbam- pion York-Siîncoe. "They were an întrtcate part ut our success and shussed luis of' bustle aIl weekend. jusi ltke ihiey did througboîît the year,- said bead coacb A] McCrae. "And Brandon (Denhatn) certainly played a big role for us hafore bis injury. We really missed bis size ansd versatilîty this weekend."* Sunday's bronze-medal win highligbted a tboroughly impres- sîve season thai saw the Hurricanes go 30-2-4 during the regular season, tbanks in part lu 88 and 87-poini campaigns by Davis and Sgarbossa respectively. Splinting his time hatween Use wing and defence, Denhain was nu sloucb in the scoring department either, collect- ing 45 points whîle offering a substanttal pbysical pres- ence. Sgarbossa, Brandon Denham and A bronze-modal win with the Pee Said assistant coach Rob Davis, "These are three îop-level athîgies." The Hurricanes now have three OMHA bronze medals tu complemeni their two golds -tbe laiesi of whtcb uvas secured lasi year ssslh a 3-2 nail biier uver Isosi Whsiby. -We sei tu ettd every year tn victory svhetber i be tor gold or bronze." satd McCrae. "We're perennial contenders." Meanwbîle, the aium Hurricanes - vho include goalie Kevini Enimaa and gritiy torward Ltatn Robinson sf Milton -suill look lui add tu the urganization's success tbis sseekcnd ai ibeir ouvo OMHA chaniptunsbips in Whitby. Tbey advanced to tbe toumrament svith a ratber surpnistngly eff- ciin tive-garne wint us er powerhouse Hamilton carlier iîsis month. Lots of Job or Loved One Wsge Gsrnishments ludgumuntt, Law Suifs Foreclosures Rupos tes sion s Evict uns Studeni Lmon Divorce Relsted Financial Froblenti GMT A FRMSH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Csrd Problums Mu1or Cuth Flow Probleins Pursistent Bll Collectors Delinquent Taues Ilankruple anble aoded. 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