Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 2005, p. 14

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14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 25, 2005 Food for thought have learned bow to eat bealtby througb the Families Are Munching Program. Offered by the Food For Tbougbî Community Partners Program and Choices 4 Health, the nutrition program's goal is to increase children's intake of fruits and vegetables and understanding of healthy eating. The annual prograim is offered free to ail Halton elemnentary schools and community groupa working witb elementary school-aged children. -Tbrough fun presentations. the children do activities witb the presenter to find out how easy if is wo get the recom- mended five 10 tes servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and to lears wbat a serving size is,- said Usyle Cruikshank, Famnilies Are Munching Programn co-ordinator. Following the presentation. the cbildren are asked 10, keep a record of bow many servings of fruits and vegetables they eat that week. For more information on the Families Are Muncbing Program. eall the Food For Thought co-ordinator at (905) 845-5597, ext. 201, or the Halton Region Health Departmtrent at (905) 825-6000. Halton Eco Festival set for Apr. 2 April 2 xviii feature more than 911 exhibitors displaying their ens ronnental campaigns, prodtîcîs and services. There xviii be 15 25-iminute presenta- lions, 12 ose-hour xsorkshops and fxour keynote speakers. There wîil be fotir keynote speakers in the gymi inciuding: Dr. David Rosen: The Efi ects oii the Enx ironmient on Braisi Deveiopmnenin Cbîldrex: Martin Tainlyn: Gardeiitig xx iii (bildien. tDavid IL M'artin: (Greenî l-iiergs ini O ntario and the Clixoate Cisxis. aîxd Bill Kemp: Energy iii the Home - Ssxailo\iixx. Each speaker bas 910 minutes wo share information. The 12 ose-hoUt xsiîtksbops sinlde: Greening Your H-ome (Nancy Bradshav>: Chiidren. Summier Camp and the Envirosmnent (Gavas Watson); Organics Gcîod for You and Your Envirosrment NOMINAÀTION CALL FOR for tfrU. eC14uo, 01 Me4. 0B .oW %nu wf "w n'Pmt. I yoa, M"1.1 Yom pmers.o .uîr is exorUfeW delitev> imve enod is frfrndy «W, .ourteous thro piroor fillin tfr HodSfd holot. eurrier îîr. 2000 Bonus Points fwo. tw1 popre. pins - dhoor.t I'hit NfrNskv's for l"s "h" t.niy 1îy Ili Canadien C11lMn. You Nome: Phn:Posali Code: ________ 1e. I.mdieno in.e,,,Carrir .~for Carrer of the e-r. ."il ysxur ,onoiu.fiou to Wpo Carrier of the Yeur or drop off fo: 191 Misi Nt. E.. Militoi. 011t. LO9T 4N9 FAX. (905) ST8-4057 it . \'x1 i L niii1e L i i1i..i. i. ii in xliii Hoine (Paul Besson>); Ecox iliages (Bretîda Doling); A Ceiebraîton of' Footd antd tbe Sustainable Table (Sielanie Antis): Fat Weili- Feei Great (Dr. Colis Welium; Natural I aîdscaping xviîb Native Plants (Paul O'Hara); Oniario's Envirosment: Are We Thisking Beyosd tbe Near and Ni? '(Dr. John Ferguisits ( Animai Rights andxc the Ens irosm-ent (Ken Biistius>: 1-coAction Teamns (Laura Atîdersos>,ý and Cas We Ai lord Cheap Fooid? Kai iE1den) . 1'beie xiiaixo be i5 S 210minute xi cxcii tatiotis throughoux the day. t'bc -rtîups or toiipcs Ibis year inclixe: ('li/ets lFoi Retessabie Energy. Eax ibroits, lxx The Gardes.' Nixciear Disarmnamet. Native Rîglits ix Canada. Golden Net)1 - île Diamiite. Mapieton's Orgarn.c Associatioîn 1 tior Casadian Educational Resourcex.' Ontario Association of Naturoîpathie I)xctors, Organîisig an Eartb Week Clean Up, Chiropractie First, Native Plant Soxurce. Bronte Creek Provincial Park, Wellsess By Design and Wbo!e Village Ecovillages. Some students Irîxîn I-lton bîgb scbools are preparing educatiosa dixplays. "The Oakviiie Trafalgar Higb Scbool IOTHS( Envirosmental Club will be fea- turing images captured by student pbotog- raphers wbo are concemred about tbe natu- an OTHS student aîxd planninxg coiniitee member. Foîr tbic yxxutb thexe wiil bc Kid's Eco t-un. xvbere tbey cas ieam about the envi- rxtirent antd play gaines. The tbexxe oftbe Eco IFestivai ibis year ix lînprovxitg yîtur envxrtstnmeni. beaiib andi Cxtiliuitity." There xx iii aisti bc a sutent aulcîto tor a separaxe esixasce fée of$ 1i. Tue Ecii I-estivai xviii nîl lromn 10 aj n iii i.xx. ai lie Gliei Ahbeý Recreatitis Cenitre, i141 i S itd I ice. Admxissions cxxxix $Î5 inx advatxce or $7 at the door lxir adulis arxd $3 lxor students. t..bides under i12 years oid gex i rcee Tbe Oirsi 500 vxsîîxrx tî tbe festival wili receive a tree cixxtb bag prxxvided by FEuSource. The bag xviii contais dxxsated itests inciuding energy-savisg ligbm buibs from Habitai lxor Humasixy Haitos. For advance tickets, contact the Oakviile Commusity Centre for Peace, Ecoiogy and Humas Rigbîs, 1481 Kerr St.. (905) 849- 55011. Admissioni buttons aiso are avaîlabie ai Buddba Buddba, t135 Kerr St., and at Tes Tbousasd Villages, t189 Lakeshore Rd. E. For more information, visît wwwbhal- tonecofest.ca. 9leed i backŽ Cali today for your free 20/20 Planner - a practical step-by-step guide to help you reduce your home energy use by 20 percent. &&Wtic ENERGY duaCOSTS. 416-392-2020 2wZi 1. es g a iwo pt*xli H«mm st www.region.halton.on.oalheath In Owtwn, Hilofto, Pool, Iiintn \i NtC 1-866-583-2020 (DOntario 1*1,-. E MMHA CHAMPIONSHIP DAY March 26th, 2005 Milton Sports Centre 7:3Oam te 1O:OOpm See Posted Schedule for Game Times on www.miltonwinterhawks.com! 2005-06 REGISTRATION Registration for next season wiII be held March 26th f rom 8:OOam-8:3Opm in the Banquet Room in Milton Sports Centre Registration forms are available on www.miltonwinterhawks.com P/case brin g a copy of the birth certificate if you are registering for the first t/me. MMHA wiII accept Cash, Cheque or Visa/Mastercard ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT MMHA OFFICE 905-878-8340 jEn Fd-& of th.

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