I4Tenaatmion &sa Mrchi 2, 200 Yoo wiii irsiail, sepair, ard maîrraîn residntiai pbone lires and associa/ou equîpmorr, htrong Ergish communication ski/lu, the ahi v work varient shifts, îrnciudirg evenîrqs arA weekevds, and a vautd Ontario driver's licence /G2 os greareri are essertiai. Thre star/inn hourig rate is $12 ý20 Pieuse apply ta: Humain Resources, Entourage Technoiogy Sottuiomu. e-mail:. resumnes@enfourage.ca Fax: 1-800-379-9918 quotlng code 'l & R Tech-. Wttaek alaPPaS hvirer, o/rVh r5i rn/id io ani 515,v- -/ > o-tce Moore Lite Products mnc. Wloviii Relax, SImp Reffe We are geotng /eanty so open our sea store jr Oakvi//e for Ergonomrc Prsducts -products specitica/ly deoignent for thre humasn body. We have soleclent some of the bent p/ont- ucts f/sm Southernt Ontario & afIl oser the aor/d We carry osery/hiog f/sm office! massage! back re/ief chai/o, Tempur & Natura bedu, suposrt aedgeo & pi//oss We are seekîng CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. Exp. lu sot necessary, bot tbe right attitude is crucial. Sume /ifting required. If you are ab/e to teach peuple the nuances of great prsducts or hase Occupatîsnaf Cherapisi training and cant to augment your huurn lets at least ta/k. Trafalgar Vitllage: Unit 89 - 117 Crooo Avenue Oakvttte, ON, LSJ 2W7, T:905-842-5555 e-mal - rjm@sympettco.ca Part lime Garden Centre HeIp, required after school & weekends. Apply in pereon to: Laooght Nure 6711 Retilionait Road 25 Milton, ON adh Landocape Maintenance Company in Namval. Minimum 2 yeams espenience. Snow plowîng experience an asse. Wugeo dependu un experience. Cai: 905455-34 or fax resumne to: 905-455-0923 SUPER LUBE Has imoediafe spening for a Part Time Drop off resume foi 5 Armstrong Avenue, Unit #5 or Faxsto905-877-M82 SECURITY OFFICIER Immediate openiog af an industriel site in George- town. Applicanta muai hase previossaecarity experience, muai be availuble for shift wsrh and pao- seau excellent verbal and critten communication Pleuue appiy by: Fax 416-498994 Email humaereaoarea@pigardcomn or cail 416-498400 for moreiformation BEARDMORE LEATHERS INC. EMBOSSING MACHINE OPERATOR Duties inalade împrniing leather garmenfo, ahippng and a varieiy of other carehouae dulies. We cîtl train. So 1 yoa like sariefy and a challenge, are a aoCf starter and a team payer. uend your resume by fax f0: 519-853-9494 1111 - ---- Burlînglon GM Dealttship reqsires the foll0a/ng: *Lube Tech w/Drive Clean Inspector Lic. @Car Jockey/Car Washer *Licensed GM Trained General Tech Rvspond ASAP by emnaîl or fax: Stevewesley@hollandchev.com or fax: 90i-331-451 alto: Steve e Ejto, ag Cui for appointment: 90"47-023 Or fus reoumne f0: 905-457-6957 MMW HIRING Excellent opportunîties in 5 Burfîngion locations: Fairview and Maple (Loogo's Plaza> Brant and Upper Middle Walkers and Upper Middle Walkers and Mainway, Lakeside Plaza Career openings for Managers, Shtft Supervisors, Trainero à Coonter Staff Weekend openingo for part-trne managero arid shift oapervsoro for day and eveningo. Shift tailored fo tour needo: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 hour shifts available' If yno want 10 join us in building a positive, fun, customer service tocused team. then we want youi Meet ut & learn about sur benetito & incentineo Corne to aur Job Fair: Wednesday, March 23, 2005-1:00-6:Opgn Tint Hortono at 4000 Maioway (al Walkero Ln) or nend resame: Fax: 905-319-2194 Entait: brotefoodo@cogeco.ca Expressway Trucks Milton (A Divsion of Expressway Trucks, Waterloo) 8050 Lawson Roant, Milton We Require. *Licenced Truck Technicias -4th Year Apprentice Lîcencent Truck Bodymas Must have own tuais and usant work ethico Apply in pet-son or Email: cureera5expresswayvolvo.com Programmer for CNC Lathes Fagor Control, wii consider Part-lime. Fax resumne to: 905-876-0283 IEDE NEEIl Wekier afir oaried esperience needed for light fabrication. Shop located in Georgefown urea. Please cal> 416-819-7166 STORE MANAGERS & LICENSED TECHNICIANS Class A, S For husy auto shops in the STA area Attractive incentives - Ca/i us for mors infos Sîgning bonus options 1-510-0703347 Fao: 1-1111111211-221111 mikessff ice@rngers.com INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS Immedrate Oppotunîiîes. Pivor rs, Caren/ors, Tîlers, Prywaliers, Jack of ail Trades, Ini/Ee/ Pain/ors and Geserai Remodoiers Panser aith a nationai Home împrovemen/ compare & add Io yor incomoe Must have ovin vehicie & rosis Fil or P/T. flexible scheduing & work c/ose no home ours bo/weon $20 Io $30i/ioar Cail 905-578-4405 fr5oee~ ~Lices YCed Trk &bak Coc Mehnis Tre -ehnc a terno shif e - attractive sataty and benefîts - tout & hsu/ ailosiasce urge on bonuîs paît aftes psobation Experierrce in ait aspects of truck and traites repar wouA Ire an auner. P:lease apply ts: Ipte Stedman, 2284 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON 161 6MI Fax: 905-827-0156 e-mail: ltedman@frimac.com RETAILI RESTAURANTf regoîres a Bookkeeper Knocidgo sn Accpac and Excel. Must be ah/e to do full fîsuncia statemonts. AF payroil & aork anoupervîsed. Fax rosacl ta 905-319-5092 A mao E/an 05 Cic Hydras c sepai compasy in Oaks /0e rega vs an Insîde Salesperson Computer t teraite Fax your reaume to 905-825-2538 SAW-WNET Golu counsl reqoires KITCHEN HELP People cîtb esperîsnce ptepatîsg breakfast & lunch in test/a 0/ comme/cial sotmgs a plusý Fax: 905-827-8362 Civeflo Salon-Spa is committed to beîng a reoource cen- tre for the moat exciting and cutting edge beauty and wellness information and techniques. Our current opportunifies include: *Estheticians -Stylisîs *Salon-Spa Manager - Front lins *Generai Manager of Locations Please forward your résumne f0 Humain Resources ait HR@coîîega.com. We thanis a/Il appicanfo but on/y those candidates oelected for un interview miii be contucted. No feie- phone inquirieu pleaue. AV'\ E DA A Heritage of Qnaiity, Ruit One Hante ai a Tante Since 1978 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER The Reint s Hesîtage Gruup o/ campanîvs is one st the largest hamvbuîldng and seul vofats dsvlapmsnt aperatians in South Western Ontaria, cîth psoîscts actîss/y undsrway in clls acrasu South Western Ontario. Our target markets include ensry- thing tronm tirut time bayers tbsaugh ta relilement commun/fies. This is an sacîtirg career apparturity ta lais aur senior management fvam ut aur heant affice in Cambridge. ttepadting ta the Vice Prsdent Operatians, the successfu/ cas- didate ai// be a seasonet, prafessissal rssdvntîal annt cammercial construction mas- ager. Your track record inc/udeo hasds-an esperience cîth a/il aspects af residertial and commercial construction, ard you are equa/iy comfartab/e an theojah site, or aroord the board/aor table. The Senior Caotructian Manages ciii veand manage ous rosîdential and commer- cial constructiar divisiars across Ontarra. hous primo resposihilitios aiI irconts qsality conrraI heu/fb & hafety, cos/omer satisfactior, shentoing, allocafion of resaurcs p/oh/sm solvîng art acting as a corstruction adoîsor. hou ciii have a ratosai ahi/i/y f0 sars tho respec/ of hite staff art trados, art yss are skiflent a/ carkîng cîfb a broant range af staff ara depasimerto iv a comple, fast- pacent eovisonmvr/, Acting as a "rîght burt" to tho Vice Presîrlent Operatiors ciii ho a koy aspect of thîs raie. The qua/rfisd candidats ai/i have at ieast 10 ysars sayerîsoce on resdsn/îal home building and commercial cors/ruction, possess excellen/ osganîoatîona. isterpor- sorai and communication ski//s, art have the ahi/dgl so aask as/I ostos pressure. hou are a hîghly motivatent îndîoîdual, p0hhessing excellent management ski//s and hase as abi/ity ta thrnk otrategica//y. To leam more about our companiea you con locate us ait www.reldsheritagegroup.com Please fax a coverlng tetter and résume by Aprit 8, 2005 to 519-654-9746 Attention: Human Resources Dept. Wv have îmmvdîate apenîngs for Ico Fulîfîme Revenue ACCOun1111ting Auditors Succeostul candidates ahould be feann play- ers with a otrong aptitude for numbers & the abiiity fa cars independently. They ohount also poaseos strong organizationaVtimne man- agement akilla. Dalles wiil maclade tadnt/rate application, revenue distribution & daily com- munication aith aur Canada-wide agenta & drivers. Knowiedge of the tranaportafion/moving induatry andl AS400 apotema as preferret. Resumes f0: C. Mastoc Atlas Van Lines (Canada Ltd. P.O. Boo 970, Oasvilie, ON L6J 5M7 E-mail: cmarfow@atlasvanlines.ca (No phone cotis) New Electric Enterprises 3185 Bandas St. West Oablle, Getarlo LUM 414 An îssovaîve groeth-oriened v/ectrica company os /okîg fora: Bookk.ep.r/ senr Acceumtimg Positi. a Key resposobilitvs cif Ire ta pesta/m and manage ilsbaakkeepîng and accsustng funictians, * scIantes prepuratian of sprsadshests, accaunt asa/ysis, maintenance of general Isdgers, prsparatîor of finuscial statsmsnts, etc. " Regaîres strong math and computer ski//n " Conscîsntîoso ertb attention /0 dsfail " Excellen/ communication ski/las crffen & verbal Profs//ont candidats asaît Ire somease cho sas sxcel- lent accoar/irg skîiis es/sys a cha/isrgîng joh art abs is er/hosîastc. professiora & ospersocet Competi/ise cages îrciadîrg full be/eit package. Pleaoe entait: rketelaarsznewete nc.a METRICAN Maoatactariog Co. toc. 2100 Wyecroft Rd. W. Dakeitie, ON L6L5V6 TOOL & DIE DESIGNER 5 years minimum esperrence in a îobbîng sIrop enorrosment. Designofu autumotioe tooling pro- gressive, blanking, forming, hand transter and mechanical tranofer dies. Esperiesce witr Unigraphico NX for die design. Ability toi work in a team enoirosment, ondes minimuwm supervision, problemt suloing/treuble shooting okîllo a must. CNC OPERATOR Esperresce sn a îobbisg shop enoîrooment. Must be able 40 do san setupo, experrence usisg Matsuuru CNC machine aith Fanuc Confrols ubility to program/underotasd G and M Codes. PRESS OPERATOR Automotine ofampisg esperience a must Send resome te: t Biancacci@Metrican.com or by fax at (905)825-2087 We /hank a/il candidae, however, on/y t/rose oe/ectod for as in/erview wl Ire contacied. No âgencieo p/oaoe ORDER DESK/INSIDE SALES Fustener Dîstrîbuior is iuukrng for an enerneto, outong person for rnside suies. This position invotees interaction with entablishet customers and the processinn of quotations and orders. compter/Communcation skdtls required. Fax resumne to: 905-878-2867 or emnail: charten@0robertsonscrew.comn GEORGETOWN OFFICE -Part-tinte attemoono - -5 dayo a aeek Good computer sils Proflcieocy in Word 2000 & Excel a mont Emuil reoume a(lh suuyrqiements ta: gtwde QcZnbertIa is.Ca Il. Xchange - a dynamîc, international comput- er distribution compaoy, is leoking fer resu/to orientet - esergetic indîsîduals to centrîbute to the team sn sur Corporate Oukoille facitity. The to//swing positions are asailable immediatey: RECEPTIONISI (Great Attitude, Professional Presentation, Friendly Outgoing Disposition) INSIDE COMPUTER SALES RER 13 positions> lEnglish/German/Spanish - Educational Market Enperienicel P/vase send your resume: hr@ifochaoge.com Pieuse refer fo JOB ID # ITXOB0305 in the subîect lise, Visit our "Cureero" section for more informa- tion' www.itxchanige.cem REQUIRED IMMEDIA TELY * Ucsud cuvui Techîicil (cith Ford experience) * Ucud Eletrcal Techiclu (cith Ford experience) * Installer for Fast Lame (Qi>, Filter and Tire changes) Contact John Trehble, Service Manager Phone 905-632-5671 or Fax 905-532-1876 lotra confîdenfîa inte/view. k P evous applicaft0//s net not app/y Spafon Help SpeMalon Holp SknW Help Skflled lielp