Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 2005, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday March 22, 2005 Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 eRentais 170-196 Il Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-2- Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@miltoncanadlanchampion.com * Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fn 9am-5pm BONUS! Ai classffied ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com: a Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 90-878-5947 Payafient: 90e accept cash, cheque, Interue. Visa, MasterCarrt, Amerîcan Eepress. Busieess accouele carn Se epeeed aith an approeet creit applicatioe aeaiiatile freet peur Suies coesultant. CHECK YOUA AD THE FIRSI DAY IT RUNS te ensure the ieformatien te correct. Contact peur Sales Coesultaet cithie 24-Heurs if an errer appears. Ae errer in a Fni publication muet be epertet eo lter than Mon., il a.et \ ENGAGEMENT L I OU I MMUM UPICOMING MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY ANNI VERSAI DurSin of Georgetown i are nee tx noence the forthcon xg 9 You tol, ai Duîrna,îd marnage of their ch Id usroîg citail teude prie inthe sommer of 2006. uEiigene & Fariti CROFT$IDE eed unit Mat- SANO'S Geergetoan lump tocnhome, Massive Beaxtitul one Sedroset 1 pie shape lot. 900 sq. fI. 1/2 battis, nec Beiher car- PROMOTE yeur buiness NEW rewtch wail uout le hot pet anrd paint, parking, loch- oppvrtonitp 10 oeer 4 million t -Set tub. Pattemed cencrete ni, scîemîing penl, 'Plus", adaît readers in South Cen- 95 front yard, Sarrtcood & fie eoerything pnu nend, Irai Ontario. Book peur ar-ct oss lEreughout main flour, gue $184.500. Cai Ge 905- etsmn noe 0Mt C fîrepiace, many more up- 87360049 rolndiseetenit n oe 6 pMe- Cl grades. Cui t le iea 905- DOWI 87-053pers cîth one phone calii Millie Open Hous Cai tela for informatien Goive Sat Mer 26 & on ceehip cord art packag- Close Sian Mar 27 ns (intemet listings înciud- stopa 2-4pm d) 416-493-1300 est, 288, 1249 MILTON 3-brn, 3 bath- REASONABLE inidusînai ccc.metroland.comt r0cm. 2 sierey heuse on Un/to for rient. Hcp 25 & Pretaet lot in Brente 401, 1,600 - 3,200 sq.ft Meadece. Nueterous up- Lodîng docks & deve-in gaecen ts Phone 1-905-277-9347 or gae, ea lsteful 1-905-275-6834 $$MONEY$$ 100% lot, 1: decor. CaIl 905-876-3326. 11 Cstl hoe inpecion2nd andt 3rd Mentguges pîtt als. Free report reveals = _BacrdtO.CiOnro chai pou nend le houa Se-Aie1 -079 fere ynu lici yeur home fer , - soie. Te/it Free Recerdd OFFICE and steraqe space Message. 1-87-7-617-1276 aoaîilatîe Meiffai area, ID# 3003 $400/etS Cai 905-693- n ~i 2435.et MILTON. 3-Sedreoet FREE Ouîch heuse. Freshiy paînted. OVER-THE-NET 1OFaIs doclselteechouis, shopping Heome Eoalatien TeAeentiw & , Vieil itri 411 & O 1300/monitS Bt wwhaltonhomenfo.ecom il ctaisii ~ Fîrst/Luet. Ne pets. 905- ________________878-7860, Yn reovaies Large ireeet + loft apl 'montS inciuding otili- Aouilabie îmmdat lp te Goanlecwn Milton. Slendy 5195817537 NTOWN MILTON de Tocers 82 Mîlliîde 1&2 Berrr Apte. le Gecntecn, Bus tFront Gour 905-876- wcwreaIslar.ce GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 22 Brenle Street Suthi, Milton 00e are nec acceptîng applicatiens fer, 1 Odret apte Fer more oreration andian to mte ni appoinlfnen, Pleame caI 908-878-5375 aitding Managers eonard & Penny MILTON 1 &l 2 Sedreern aeailabie. Frem $845, Clean and quiet buildmng. Cai Jass 416-723-480 Aeaiiatiie Aprit 1lst. ACTON, 2, 1-Sedrouet, $790/moun and 1, 2-Sert- reset 890/month ail indu- sîse. AeaiabeApeil lt' Cali 519-853-3309 un 519-853- 0719. APARTMENT$ 2-Sedroumn sortes en Actes $800 and 5850/mentr, Prinate yards. Cas hat, Axailable imme- dîuteiy. Cai Liz Geti, John- son Associates Reallor 905-877-5165. APARTIMENTS FOR RENT 2-Sadrexet sortes le Acten $800 and S8SOlmonth. Pni eute yards. Gas Seat. Aeaîit aSie immediutey. Cai Liz Goeil, Johnson Associates Realtor 905-877-5165, DOWNTOWN Georgetown, 2-Sedrouet Aprl let. $800/moth uhirities includ- ed, timstfast. Ne dege, relier- ences, Adulte eniy. 905- 877-7461 GEORGETOWN t -Sed- renet neaiy renenated, bnighi apuetment. Fenceit yard. parking and iauudry încladed, S75Oimonth, Aeailuble MarcS lel. Cal 519-856-9994. GEORGETOWN immaca- laite country heme, 2 plus 1* Settrouet, C/A, laundry, ne p erts '1seteohîin g 51,200/mentO plus. 905- 873-7758. GEORGETOWN spacieus, 2-bedroom apartreent, dlose le Hîgh Ochoul. AF- pliances, great neighSours. No pets/smoking $98Oimth ail inclusive, Aoadtabie Fe- bruary lt 905-873-1174. GEORGETOWN, reoaî- ed Suchelor 98,J/miS plus & 1 -Sedrouet 5875/mth plus in Histerie 9-fiee Cas tire- place, deck, paring, un- dry. (416)399-7440 ONE bedrouet large ceun- try aparonent. peouate sooth et Enn. Non-soking, no pets. $750/menih, timst/ast. utilîties isctuded. 905-702- 8716 CAMPBELLVILLE/re- soered stnne cotge on 81 acres of tarmiand, 51500/mIS ,. ublities. 905- 854-0152. MILTON 4-bdrrn semi brand nec, Gerry/t boisn. Sheo Ile leuse. imme- diate possessinn, S140UrmiSh Cai 905-878- 8984. $TEELE$ITRAFALGAR oarge 2-bdret hease, air conctlînîng cilS double garage, $1250/mIS indlu- sove, ne doge. uvaîlabie im- etedîuteiy. Cati 905-875- 4632, -UE atm ei SUPER abl piam1s InuerftSo C/Aailapplancesgas FP *hf garage, 1000 sq. 9t 3bd ulfe Exhuitors roume 3 Satire Wate $1500/menth. Cali Canota 905-879-8101. Tormite Inemto Cen Os oCe Audrim 4-BEDROOM salse est ?Ký&ý" ý in Action, quiet naighbxar Ruchmuond ulS CporoCn Broki S 00/n,ý= heed near Lahe. 5-ap- i pi ances, eue emohens, no lf pets. Fistasharfeascex Fo m o inomtion çIl 954 6467r fio $1,30 ethplus ubibes. oi w su;i wwihea f uuin, on Asailaide immdiatly Cali 519-53-5251 MILTON, spacious 3-Set mroes, eut-ie hîtchen with cakeut te yard & parti $1250 + atilities. Avait May lot 905-693-9844 Oakille 2, 3&4 bedioson loanhouses avaîlahie îm- mediatey ihrough Apil. 4 appiiaeces. Hepedale Mail area. Lakeshere Manage- ment 9059876-3336 RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- CARE. Ouatity childcare tor peur chidren 18 menthe te 5 pears since 1989. Cai (905) 878-7552 or elsît us at rainbowuiiagedaycare.nom GWTAR LESSONS Pnovaie guitur lessons anaîlahie frem an expenenced prelessienal instructer. No registration tee, reasenaSie raies, Rîck (905) 875-4601. DRVER 5 peurs old, Ken- noie large capactp $300.00 excellent cendi- tien, staînleso steel mi- crecaoe, t year eld 540.00. Gouble eterees, boa sprîng, $50.00 Cai 905- 875-0395. EXERSAUCER mega (Eoentil, lîke ne, 9 tepe, 15sengs, tolde ter sterage. S50. Cai 905-690-7597 ut- ter 6pm. FOR Sale. Solîd euh dînng rouet table ailE 6 chairs, Tan 168 pull eut leats, buffet & hutch voîth glass dours 51,000. One pair ni Grut 503 hockey skates used 112 season, sîze 3 1V2 $190. Phene 905-876-2435. STOVE, white. 30" e 25", selt cieannig. Fndge, 33: e 6T', white, sîde freezer, ice- maher, cater dispenser. 5500pair Phene 9059875- 3425 A Gînîng Renet, Cherry- cood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, d"ntalcestu lien. New ih1n, Sees [ Ceci 511,000. Sacnriice $2,600. 905-567-9459 j2 Christie: Nichalas Eart (Chrus=c) (Scidier and otticer et the tirst Polish Armoured Division durng Wortd War 2 and employee ot M t ofOaha for over a quarter century) Passed away suctdenty in hie 88tti year at the Milton Disteic Hospita on Saturday, March 19, 2005. Prede- ceased by Nis lovrng wrte Manianea. Gevoted tattrer of Isabel (Bnaen) Stratteri, Peter (Karen) Christie and George Christie. Beloeed grandattrer of Michael OSeis- sie, David Christie, Laura Strator and Matthew Strat- ton Friends wil Se received trom the J. Scott Earty Fu- neral Home, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Tuesday, March 22nd trom 7-9 PM. Vigl Prayers Mtl Se prayed at 8:30 PM. A Mass of Christian Banal Mil be oetebratedt tmm Holy Rosaiy Church, 139 Martin Street Milton, on Wettnesday, March 23rd aI 10 AM. Peivate Interment te eccur oe a later date. le lieu et ttewem, do- nations may Se marte te the Heart & Strelue Feandaben Parlisuri Society ot Canada, errte the chanity et oriels choice. Durrant: Toey <Anthony) J. October 20, 1939 - Match 18, 2005 Tony passed away suddeely ai hie home on March 18, 2005ý Bet en Clacton-on-Sea, Esseo, England on0ce lober 20, 1939, he immigraled le Canada in 1967 An electecian hy trade he retired as Operaseons Manager trom the Royal Bank Computer Centre, Guelph site in December 2003. As a designer and werhshep leader in theatre lîghtîng, he cas active in cemmuniy theaire in Ontario for oeer 35 years. Teny leeed lite and lîned il le the tulleot, He wîll Se missed. He is sumvieed by his ile, Vîrgînia Bancur et 22 years, hie breiher Bryan, hie arte Resemary and their son Michael, et Sherehuet Sp Oea, West Sussex England aleng wîlh relatiees en Eeg- land. Feende may say geodbye ai the J. Sceo Early Fanera Heme, 21 James Street, Miltn, (905-878- 2669) en Tuesday, MarcS 22, 2005 trem 2-4 and 7-9 pm. A Funeral Semice cii Se held trem the Funessi Heme Chapel on Wednesday, MarcS 23, 2005 aI 1l:00 am, cilS a lunch le tellowc Crematien le take place, In lieu et tls donations no the Heart & Stroke Founda- tien weuld be appreciaied, Heaney, Aima Suddenly ut the Milten District Hospital on Thursday, March 1 7th 2005. Aima Heaney ot Milton, beloved ie et Ambrose (Charlie), Leaing mettier of Cary, Greg and Menîca and her husband Moe Gaeiau. Predeceased Sp her son Daeid. Geai nana ni Ryan, Patrick, Geeofrey, Jaclyn, Jason and Joshua, Famlp and teiende are inet d te aist ai the MeISERSIE COCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milten 905-878-4t452 heom 7- 9 pmn en Saturday uni heom 2-4 pet and 7-9 pm en Sun- day Vigil Pruyem Mii Se pîayvd ut the envirai home en Sunday eeenng ai 8:30 pm. Thre Massof Chnstian Bu- nul cîli bu ceiebrated at Hnly Rosary Catheli. Church 139 Martin St. Miltnn en Mnnday, MarcS 2lst 2005 ai 10:00 am. Cremusion te foiinc ai the Milton Eveigreen Crematorium. As expressions et syethy, memenal denatiens te the Heant and Stroe Foundaion, Cemmanity Living North Halton er the Canadian Oie- Seins Association would Se appreciatei. The Milton District appreciatte any- ri;àk ~30 DerryI Rd E., Muilton Ontarlio.ET 2X5 Bioan and Diane Brady are pleaaed to announce the engagement of thelr son Mark Dennis to Andrea Michelle daughter o(Michael Glover and Mary-,Anne and Ron Clarke. in London, June 4, 2005 1 A King Piiiewtep Mettresa Set. New en plastic. Ceet $1600. self fer $450. 905- 567-9459 BED, Amazing Sargan, quece ortinopedic pitoanop set, new en plastc, araety $150 905-567-4042 Mil de- tiser, Bedrocai Chernpaoud, Bed, cheet, dresser, 2 nightstanda. Gevetail Cee- stnuction. Neeer epened Ceet $8,000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i hase senerai 1,000 yrdo. of nec Staini- master & 1001/. nylon car- pet. 00111 do livingroum & hall fer $369. includes car- pet, pat & installaion (30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 Hot Tub (Spa) Cooems Beet Peice, Beet Qaality. Ail Shapes & Celeurs Avait- able. Cui 1-866-585-0056. LANDSCAPING equîp- ment -33" Trey-BaîO 9hp Wah Sehînd, neadty nec, cool $2500, sal $1250. Peulun Rote Titier, Shp, used 3a's, ceet $800, sli $30 Toro Shp blecer va- cuum, ceet $1200 sal $600. Pressure Washer 6hp, ceet $636, sal $300. 905-634-0095, free delie- ery. OCEAN Wesders Boanc- îng Chair (Fisher Pece), lîhe nec. 4 sound/musc selecions, babSies and ligSto, vîbraing. $35 cai 905-690-7597 ater 6pm 19880144 Ciera, safty and done clean (Jane 04), g004 conditien, reliabe $1000.: 1986 Cheo. lietn caSe ean, 350 moter, reliaSie, saftey & deive clean (Sept. 041. S3000ý 905-877-3340 er 7pet 1984 Nissan Alima ddr dcyl, 154,OOOkms, ceti- tiede-iested, excellent me- chanically miner rosI. S2500 090. (519)853- 1804 1994 Nissan Altîma ddr. dcl, 154,OOOlims. certi- lied/e-iested, excellent me- chancaly, miner rust. $2500 080. (519)853- 1804 1998 Ford Mustang. Creen crIE grey intenor. Autema- ic h-cpi., 3.8L, A/C crmîse centrel spoler, keyiecs en- try, pecer lecho, mîrrors andi cndece CG player 105,OOOhms. Snnc tires ana nets incladed. Cmlîhîied and e-tested. Asliing S8,500. Cai 905-877-875P FOUNO shnrthaired neatered mule, brecn/gîey taSby, eider cal on Steoensen Rd. Cai 905-845-1551 w_

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