Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 2005, p. 20

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20-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, March 22, 2005 Barnes' dominance ,Bertoli c1osirng in on nair iiiFlotidaLotl-iflUes OfTIrenton scorin -- --- 1~ Triathiete shines at Great Escape By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Harry Barnes jusi ranit help but shine in Florida. Having already domated ai the St. Anthony's Meet for neyeraI years, the local triaiblete opîed to add Flonida's Great Escape 10 ibis year's schedule. While adrminedly not in 'any reai shape' for the recent showcase in Clermnont, the 58-year nId's performance was certainly gnod enough. Not only was bis 2:28.41 finish tops among 55 tu 59-year-old racers, but il would have won him the 50-54 men's divi- sion as well -and put him second in the 45-49 loop 10 boot. Thriving amid a radier heavy morning downpour. the provinctal and national posverhouse led bis own age group t'rom start to finiîsh and placed 39th overaîl in a field of more iban 300 maIe and femnale competîtors. Wîîb te distances slighlly longer than usual -iicfudtnLe a one-and-a-haîf mile swîm. 18- mile bîke and eight mile mun Barîtes' effort svas ceriaitîly among bis besi iii recent years. ~This is definiiely the off-season for me. I ss asn't really in shape and put no pressure ott myscîf, but afterssards ihougbt. 'God, I bad a eood race, fie saîd. Negoiiating foot-bîgb ss as es. Bamnes s'as firat oui of the water ai 42.16 and was in control the resi of the way - deliver- ing a 1:36 perform- ance on the bike and a 54.24 mun, plus transitions of 2:23 and 1:36 respective- L -I 1 had a gond Harry Barnes breakfast, pût my head down and jusi raced well the whole way. 1 should do that more ofien." He was the top Canadian ai the meet, showing jusi why hie recenîly got the nod as Canada's Masters Maie Triaiblete of the Year. This is the second lime he's eamned the distinction in the 40-and-up class. "With the nationals in BC and worlds in Hawaii ibis year, il's very important for me 10 win this award again 10 maximize my opportunities for sponsorsbip." said Bamres, who recenîly retired fronitihe Towvn of Milton's maintenance departmneni. HeIl travel bo Calgary early nexi monih to officially receive is Canadian Masters MaIe Triaiblete of tbe Year aNvard fr0177 Triathlon Canada. and ieu return 10 Florîcla to clefend bis Si. Anibony's tille April 24 ni St. Petersburg. Afier ibai Battes ssill cotntitnue trainîing foi the natiottals. ssbicli ss il bc back in Kelowsna. BC ibis surmer ailte ibeîii cati celled lasi y cai because o' a torreittial dowsnpour. CAMPBELLVILLE MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 2005 BASEBALL REGISTRATION Thursday March 24, 2005 Campbellville Lions Hall (South ut rallway tracks on Guelph Une> We are now taking registrations for ail age groups. Grasshopper Rookie Mosquito Pee Wee Bantam 1998 -1999 1996 -1997 1994 -1995 1992 -1993 1990 -1991 Corne join the fun and see what great basebal our cornrunity offers. More info cal 905-854-1827 41M 0êý1 1i«êý1 700 Mats Street East, Millos Store Houri * I]r 1 905-878-8171 Mdy-Fia MIMILTON LOCATrION ONLY.. t,,day ... 7 3i0a, t fli0pm tia, s, GIRLS HOCKEY SPRING REGISTRATION ON-UINE www.twistersgrirlshockey.com 9 05-877-8798 or March 26, 1 - 3pm Milton sports Centre. For Rep Teamt tryouts visit www.twistersgirlshockey.com snt e iDiisng Dm nums stngle-sasws. mmu oe m~en e rim or soeomt in assist and ttal pints marks of 46and 71 .teami scoring fer au six years offis pffi -neec8stg mune Iselpers and 10 -oits uesonal caeer. respeetiveýly io do ta. He holda a handful of allier tan That's tsanks to a nycent ujprising wbichreodicuigtelns pntix- hm sen im aass15 pint in is asiing streak - set ary in 2003 witb an eiglit gaines, inchxding Ns second hat-t'ick of thse incoedl*l 18-gaine run. seson ini Fiiday's 5-3 lam ta Taleda, Bertali will look ta inchi doser ta bis assiet and Bertali s seven-gamne paint scanng strealk caine ta tatal paints marksa Friday night when Trenton an end Sunday evening, when the Titans eclipsed returns hame ta take an beated New Jersey rival Reading 2-1 in avertîme ta ituprove ta 34-20-9. Atiantic City. Canada Fit infro set for April 9 A training regîment for racers of ail types and skill nearby Erin Milis Town Centre. levels begins next month. In addition to, weekly sessions, the group has target The Canada Fit program is set 10 hold orientation marathon ouîings planned for Toronto and Chicago in sessions in varions locations - ncluding ai Glen the flu. Abbey United Church in Oaks'ille - April 9. The iwo- The cosi for marathon or duathlon training is $168 lîour introduction will look ai training for botb o dlsad$0 o tdnsadsnos hl triathlon and duaiblon competition, as sveîî as tor frautso taindn $ 205 for tdenîs and enors fohrl marathons aîtd balf inaratîsons. iitlniaîiî oî 21 è disad$4 o A 24 sveek programn for cither marathon. duathion or students and seniors. triathlon contpetîtiot %s ill lollos tor- those interested, For more ini onnation. visît tbe -roup's Web site ai ss 1h Saturday mnortîing session,, taking place in svsvs.canada-fit-com.i or cail Rikki McCarthy ai (905) 0aks ille and a Sundahiy moring progatî available at 337-9883. LMMILTON

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