1' il The Ca -'Hawthorne Village residents start peunfon wo stop nearby development By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion Two Hawthorne Village residents are petitioning the Town to turo down the apartruent building and townhouses pro- posed for land near their Beaty Trail homes. Cîiff Bowers and Chad Jackson wiIl go door-to-door Ibis weekend to gather names of those also opposed to the plans put for- ward by Summerwood Estates ic. The proposaI includes a 208-unit apart- ment building and 518 single detached, semi-detached and/or townhouse units at the southwest comner of Derry Road and Fourth Line. "We're concemed that the high-density building will provide furtber infrastructure challenges to the current and proposed roads," said Mr. Bowers. "We're also los- ing anoîher portion of green space in the area. It's quite disappointmeg for us." Mr. Bowers said many residents in the south side of Hawthonîe Village svho he's spoken wtth so far said they moved froni Toronto 10 Milton to get assay troin the bîgli-density boustng and live in a netghb bourbood of deiached homes. "ldeally. sve would really like tii se detached units or semi-detaclied." lie saîd. "Townhomes or apartments are something that people Just aren't interested in in that (Hawthome Village) nei.ghbourbood." The natural environnment and wildliî e are some of' the primary concerns ot Mr. Jackson. who noted there's a small sirearu. which his house backs oiito, that also ruos ihrough a portion of the proposed subdivi- sion. "Those little strearus are very impor- tant," hie said. "I've seen a loi of svildlife there (at the stream) get displaced." While Mr. Jackson acknowledged an environental buffer around the sîream is included in the proposed plans, hie said it's part of bis due diligence to make sure the developer follows aIl the rules when it CI ý WEIÙHT MANAGEMENT " Registered Nutrîtional Consultant on staff " Lose weight eatîng real food *Boost metabolism, feel healthy and energîzed " Focusing on a lifestyle change " Maintenance programs cornes 10 creaîing the buffer. Mr. Bowers said hie also bas concerus with the Town's dissemination practices of such news, adding wben hie went door-to- door on the issue many residents had no prior knowledge of the proposaI. "There were a lot of surprised homeown- ers," hie said. "There was also a lot of strong emotion opposed to the proposed developruent." Town Senior Planner Barbara Koopmuans said notice for the subdivisioîî was provid- cd in multiple ways. "Notice signs have been posted on the property," she said. 'We also mailed notifi- cation letters 10 aIl property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands." She noted that sînce il's a developing area. signs have been posted in nearby home sales offices as well. The Tosvn bas received an application for approval ol the proposed plan of subdi- svision aîîd a Liing bylasv amniment t0 take the lands lri a futur developtuent zone to residential medium and higb denisi- ty. opetn space atid greenlands. A public meeting on the proposed desel- opinent is scbeduled f'or Moîîday evenîi"g at 7:3(1 pn. ai Townî Hall, lits designed t0 be an information mneeting only, svitl a staff recomrmendation on the plan's approval oir ictusal being brougbt torseard down the road once a full reviess of the application bas becs cuîmplcted. Mr. Bowers said be's going t0 the meet- ing wîtb the intentions of using a co-îîpcî atise approach 10 the councîllors. -l don't want il lo be us against them." hie saîd. "Fi' going to be looking t0 tbem for answers." Those interesîed in having Mr. Bowers or Mr. Jackson stop by their home Ibis weekend with the petition cani e-mail cbowers@acogeco.ca. Melanje Hennessev (-an be reîîc/ed ut ti/ieîtiessevOamiltoninoiicdiatiî-ia/iipioi.coîi. nadian Champion, Friday, March 18, 2005-9 AN~0~IVE LIFT? FAMILY CHIROPRÂCTIC CARE under my roof 'Dr. 311 Martin Street, Milton (905) 878-5165 Cranial Sacrai - Takes pressure off the brai,, Fishers and hunters I are prone to hythermia.I I Wear a PFD clothg. Reduce 41ýde4 4"&f1-2 Sizes every 5 weeks!f CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! 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To register please Cai 905-338-4379 For more information: Canadian Cancer Society 1888 939-3333 www.cancer.ca Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada 1.877.50.COLON www.ccac-accc.ca Cliff Bowers (lett) and Chad Jackson may be at your door this weekend ta oppose a a proposed developmnent of an apartment building and other dwellings at the south- west corner of Derry Road and Fourth LUne. SETV ZONE **1 eF 25cM - SNOWMOBi3LES 20cm - SDcArINcG PARTIES ~ 15CM - WALKINVGISKATING Caoadian Red Cross