The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 18, 2005-B3 Some food for thought at library Tutors needed now d aý're xsdi~prescrnt: C e a ltîi 1\litin recipe book Iromr Elizabethati to coverL J The bride. author Hilary Spur-ling, oas l ascinaied. Aller spending a loti ol imie decipbering the near-ilen( ie haik-tidîi un5 anîd archaic spellintgs, site siaried W tirkiiiiî_ Irotît il in an attiempt to reproduce the <ils recipes. Shie eVettLIaIlly pub- lisbed ber iterpretations ol these recipes as 'Elituor F-ettiplace's receipe book'. Wbetber you're a fan ot Haio,,sii sth or Gourmet, YOI ivili love ibis litile gemn. iiorns chronologically (romn January îo December stariing svitb a description o) shat foods svould be available eacb montb and bosv to prepare tbern. followed by Spurling's adaîpta- tion. Some of the foods sound surprisitigly familiar. others are ver different, and somne are amazingly sopbisticaied considerîng tbe facilities availabie ai the lime. If you listen te, CBC radio you bave probably beard Margaret Visser îalk about food. In ber book, 'Mucb Depends On Dinner', sbe traces tbe bistory of an ordinary meal. Aller settling on a sim- pie menu of salad, corn. cbicken. rice. and ice cream, sbe relaies tbe bistory, evolution. social and political significance of eacb ele- ment in tbe meal. Her observations on everyihing from tbe uses of' salit t tbe processing of cbicken fingers for a fast food market are botb fascinaîing and scary. 'In Praise of Slow' by Carl Honore is a comprebensive loîok ai tbe 'slow food'movemeni. Tbis movement is an interesîîng braîn- cbild of an intemnational association that promotes good food and wine. and also defends rational food production and agrîcultural diversity svorldwide. The Best of De Gustibus' is a collection of articles originally written for tbe New York Times. 'be original column is prîîîted first. followed by a look ai ibe response it generated and, usually. a follow-up column. Recipes are interspersed aînong tbe articles. I found tbe recipe for plum cake te, be a perfect way to enjoy an under-utilized snner treat. It's fast and easy but 1 recommend puoting tbe plums on tbe bottom, wiîb a little butter, broîvo sugar and cinnamnon, and making il an upside down cake. You cao use fa more plums tbat svay and more is better, n'est-ce pas'? Serve petrs andti itiltet cait?' Why Sine I ike Il I lo'i s Gary Paul Nabbant's theory oit the subJec, ri ni a pettetic polît of sieNabbani bas a doctote ienu agtriculture antd is ethusiastic oi thle subjeci ol lisd. Read the ehaîter where lie tîtakes a roimaitis difi tel for bis ,,\\eetlieail, complete sîith chili pepper ice-creamo. Wbile the diitier isu'i a success. the booîk sis ittoideiluil Readitig about fooîd is altinosi as mach luit as eatiig il. antd a loi casier tit lthe waîstlitîe. sut grab a good boouk (and a sandwich> and dis ni. For- ithcr related tilles as us cil as lthe latesi cookbiuoks by e veiyonte t it Nîgella Lawsu t bLnieril vs su us ai the Mi lion Public Libtary antd stanl cîîokiîîg. C otet to toit' i pi quuuî d finsl tiifo!t/e Miton Pulic Librattv. (aloi s or ils Reatd ýSpel Write prograrn or- adulîs. Those interested ini helping an aduli improve bis or ber basic literacy skilis should eall (905) 873-2200. Literacy North Halton is a non-profit, community-based organization tbat serves Acion. Georgetown and Milton. We believe... in helpig noeAyw r. PLjj. GIV 1-88-32-343 à ~ ~ ~ 1 etYu VieBeHad"c m S~~~~ji * S e s '- e Tq Fru is tar FOR 1VOfýA1EW~ Nutrition & Fitness Centers Guaranteed Weight Loss* (or your- money back!) total health with 30-minute exercise j, g 1