52-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 18, 2005 GEORGETrOWN O ROBOTS Daîly 2:0O p.m. 6:45 p.m. & 9:0O p m. GICE PRINCESS SDaly200 p.m 6:45 p.m. & 9:QD p m- iADaîly 2:DO p* www ,cenemav3 Ca Theatre Parking Available at Rear e% *Ml, HOSc, ND o e % Naturopathic Doco c rF Nutrition, Herbs, Acupuncture Hydrotherapy, Homeopathy, Reiki, Coumetic Acupuncture Treotment for. Digestive conditionu, Women'u Health, lnfertility, Headaches, Allergies.. j500 Laurier Ave. (A&P Plaza) Inuode True Health Wellneus Centre Mitan, Ontario _ 905-87.6-0048 2-4 pm, 661 Hamilton Cres., $319,900 Tusi Lynn Hisse, Rumun, 905-878-7777 2-4 pm, %40 Lancaster Slnd., Juckie Heligrucle, Rema 905-270-2000 2-4 pm, 870 Maxled Cres., $379,900 Huter 05ev Ruyul LePuge Meuduwtuene Reulty 905-t78-t101 2-4 pm, i009 Cooper Ave, $322,500 Diare Muyrurd, Royal LePuge Medutrere Reuoty 905-070-8101 2-4 pm, 837 Childs Drive, Andreu Saenuitkidis Prudentiul Town Reulty 905-070 9100 2-4 pm, 384 Mvanlaleview Drive Audrey Newel, Culdel Bunker 005-070-4444 2-4 pm, 570 Mearelanda Cres., New Price $489,000 Cenis Nemeil, Cuidmel Bunker 905,070-4444 2-4 pm, 661 Hamilton Cmvs., $319,900 Tan Lynui Hibsou Remax 905-070-7777 1-3 pm, 550 Childa Drive, $193,900 Burt King, Remax 905-078-7777 2-4 pm, 527 Claver Part Crus., $359,00 Putrick Batby. Remax 905-070-7777 2-4 pm, 1220 Nemel Si., $264,900 Gludys Cruntord. Remax 905-070-7777 HFA RT ANI> STRO>KUF 1-OLINI)ATIODN vGetting a littie jiggy for charity J.M. Denyes atudenta (from l) Alex Milton, Fleather Alelnik, Kathleen Philipa, Taylor Snow-Shermet, Laura Fuller and Abby Hunter participate in the school'a Mardi Graa-tlNemed dance-a-thon at Frlday morning to raise funda for varlous achool endeavoura, like the purchase of new gymn equipment. Above right, Abby - a grade 1 sOudent - has corne fun while looking quite styliah at the event. Photos by SABRINA BYRNES 'I S54j wwnmer M .RMMi MSMO 770 Pacific Road, Oakville (W05) 825-808 ww 0«"Hme "iboa 1 1 xvinking in the .CD -Ixýu knc)w what