Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 2005, p. 24

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24-The Canadien Champion, Friday March lB, 2005 ~tag Uoe - JOHN PUKNS ($KISf INA WIQOOP Peter S Mar 16. j4)~5 1:SOpm Pela flie Rock Pile Cents North IIalto~ C.c (14 of 5tb Slderoad) Canada flCK~ AVAU.MLI AT 9001 Pncet mede Il t3achelo, Paf~ * .~ MehaN Safu~day mach 191 h (Yomomii.t) 8:OOpm ai ihe Jug ,4vms (in ihe pai'Iy ,oom) $20 ai f Pie duo, ~ood. Peises. and Pokev Hayworth Joan Marie (ne. Stroud) 1931 .2005 Heaven eaded long anoogh. On Satorday March 12, Joan slipped quîetly away wOh ber daughtero Susen (Adnan Neanng) and Jennifer Hartley lGuy Dine) et ber side. Joan was peedecaasad by ber husband Fred, her parents Hep (Albent> and Amy Strood, her brother Hen- ry ami smter Helen She will mi deeply msoed by ber sister SoIf, (Stîl Thomnon) of Streetonille ami her broth- er Frank lArlena) ni Guelph Joan s fondly remem- bared by ber many cenîng nieces. nephews ami Inerois Bom n Milton, Onteno, Joan trooeled the globe with boondleso energy ami a qoeol for knowledge n 1990 she chose Kmgoton for retirement near ber daughteis Joan was a gdfed creetine enliaI. a pasoionate garder- er and a tare fnend. Sho created many beautîfol quiho for Projecî Linos, semed as President ol Collins Bey Hortîcoltural Society, was on Ibe building comminee for 10e Merhhero Senioro Association ard teogol 15e fine aO of sewing for ooer 50 years 10 cbildren et Cburch groopo ami adcbs et Kîngston Seniors The world se miner place for hanîng bai) Joan ami 0cr lises enrîchai) micause me know ami losed ber n keaping cîth mom s misSes. cremalion Oas teken place the 10011e yoo 10 O celebration nI ber lite aI Eotendîcare. 309 Geren Mary Roed, Kîngston, on Thorsday, March 24, 2005 altO 3Oem. No flomero please b the sprîng there mîlI mie prîsate interment aI Mitron Eneigreen Ce- metery Please plante tree n ber honoar. or remember Joan 10 Enfemiiocre, Kîngs1on tha ALS Society or a charity of your choice n tise Cata nI Cataraqul Crenratioe Sernice, Kingetos 613-384-3245 lu lavlng memory ni a belnved ~ Hunbaad, Faiher aad Graedfather Stan Pente Whe panued away MareS 17.2051 As Ina were, van miii alwaya Se Treanureri in aur memery. WifeMereandFamnlv k~. -5 ,/1~ 51/0 la memere et Data' Spanks- Steeena Ira liard te beUrre tarer-e bren gene fer 2 mmm. We mies yen tereibly. Ged Bleu Lare Peul. bal and frienda Cheers Beddyt baîcre o P, Norif rently a wîth ION ed gdf, Sîpkas, Vîctor V ccd par cIsc sur cnd mile tee Jer Vîngarlo entende f 10mars, Cancer Ralaîgo, National Toronfo mîlI ba I Spacial UNC Ho Trîbutas Ipkea ry 11, 1945 - March 12, 2005 ilpises age BD, pessad emay Saturday, 2, 2005 attise femily home in Cary, North e. He mes born n Ronlerdan, Hollesd hild cf Cornelîs NaiO asd Blisabetis Batty" The lemily emigrated ta Picton, Ostaris, * n 1952 misera Peter gredaeted Irota deerd Collegiata Institute and ment osto oersity of Waterloo Peter and his famify naît home s Milfon, Ostarlo for 18 years îcceptisg a tranolar cf empînymasf f0 RT. n Ceenlisais Augasî cf 1992. Ha was cee- mployed as a Pînascial Spotamo Anelyst I Global Services Paters isterasîs îsclud- bowling. bîlliards asd femily adtiaitias. Ha îed by bis mile cf 35 yaars, Patricia (Paît bec daughtaru, Katnîna Sîpisas and partsar labO nI Kîtchener, Onfarîn, Leera Sîpises tsar Davîd Hayes of Cary, NC Peter s sîsad by bis brother Cornelîs (Nerîl Sîpkes - Penny cf Blcomfield, Ontarro cnd bis sis rny Wannamaker and parîner Larry adn cf Fînch, Ontarîn, cisc Sp c large d famify n Onterro. Canada. n tire cf donations cao ha made o 10e Amerîcan Sccîety, il Sosth Onylan Avenue. NC 27B03 or Canadien Cancer Social y, OCîca, Sorte 200, 10 Alccrn Asenue, Ontarîo M4V 3B1 A Memorial Service neli) aI c Icter date n Ontarîc, Canada thanks are estended 10 the doctors cf spîtal and ha staff nI Hacrfland Hospice may Se sent b 10e tamîly cf brcwn- »ealthcare WatchforMetroland'sglossy magazine comingthe week ofApril4, 2005! To arivertiso your camer or camer trainlng opportunillea, cal 416-403-1300, ext. 237,298 or 252. ADYHRYUINO DEADUNEI Marris 18,2905 I To mquead a complmentaayccpy, emal oemers4ontado@methnolancLcom ~HUMBER m Seheai et Heaith Sciences WMetre&andPrinting. Paislimhlug and Dtmtniliuileg Ltd. dc gel ccd man cI Cty Bamp e ns Bu5 UperEmtur5 mp gem e csnkoîidî iiîîllistid scssiitdtn..siîsîdord anansci. ['toiîosîihisiîî,îîi M 53 2005,qusiîiipbilrN 0085MC Cty BrampîenHumenRes ai esCarre Ce ___ 150 Central Park D Su 0 B amp on îlE ON L6T 2T9. Fax 905 458 6345 E mai ,.oeoeoeoeoeoeii careercentre@bremp n ca M Wîisiieioo< ______________________ nOs/en. Os. 5 mmm. brari-ipton. ce SuNc~) Some companes wait for the ~tu~... OILSANDS Fort McMurray, Aiberta FIXED PLANT OPERATOR Competîtion #449 it happen! COKERTRAINEE Surîciir 1 ircrgo- o t tîîrî,rtîc if ttcgi.ttcîl o' ergs i îîîîîpîrro dcduiJtcJ tii lipliri un griiîî-tin. TIno ci îrîîp,îîîn 10.1 usirld /lXiî/ci iii iii d.titîio jcti/iii erîrîlt, t /iî5h fiurf'irirîirrg rtJttlr.t1 gb pi sdn1 crit1i q r/c rip [ir c pi rriilî-iiiii i u'/iricin 1fr] rrtunk~t1r iii tggrcsoiî i /i/,trln I~ liii tiitlirc tri toi/led lit .î ntriisg irt,îfiugeiliî-ot tiiuii iilcrgctlc îî-îîk/ -r c i tiîrrîk r rcuttii-elo. oct liiild Competîtîon #130 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Competîtîon #616 I PLANNER Competttion #1266 Safety is a core value n aur company and an expectation of ail employees. Suncor Energy s committed tD dmployment equity and encourages applications from ail qualified individuals. Principals only, please. To apply, and find out more about these positions and other opportunities with ont of Canadas cibti-otin c~ titi deltî-er most respected companies, visit us online at lin t/roirs www.suncor.com (under Carters), -M Morne evenîngs Iandweekendsl ~ CaO 19051 693 1800 I or DRIVERS New Truck Delîvery We dot-ont une tocks (tom factoty 10 doaler ohîpo throcgbout tOn U S aod totctr w/nom rocks (rom U S plants .42 par mile Motel ptooidnd nîghtly MosI hase AZ lîconso & tyt tir ors bp ACS Canada 877-893-2066 - for long or short USA pay Mtn 6 exp Fax resume 905-702-8618 or caîl 416-999-4157 Home evenîngs and weekends Cnll (905) 693-1800 or Fan (905) 693-1803 TV adn. Print S- filin Outgoing Teens & Aduits Needed! 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Soies Clati ClebLînk s Canada s argent cm 7 & deseloyer nI prîsate & daîly tee g O cf 00e Prestige Lesel piopemes, Ra5leSnake Point Golf Club n Mîlton s corrently racrsîtîng for a Bistro Socs Chef Sîrcng a la Cane cocking skiffs and c hands-sn approach reocîrni) TOn ideal candidate mîlt hase h -s years or relesant cookîng esynrience, nocel lent communication sisîlîs ccd the abitity 10 work nffectîselp as part of a team n a faut pacnd ansi- rooment Banquet cooking noperience an asset laa muas. le: 905-695-1900 fi tasail: ssfauekes*daUuehea ans enîvîrinmrnnta' -sasa ornent ~ûor~uasy arien îîdcOînîo înîdrpc'îdOst 020-sot- CONTR LLER ocliide caso mdiio~otiOnt payroll benetito asaîbois 0000010 msott-lv astI iiOdilC ai utaîsîsuotu Un'veiuity dogres toliuiîeO Sccoaflting dssiqiiaiion desitabîs Minimum 5 ,saru sspstisnce mout Saur oscoiîsot connmuoicaiion dort computer ukliO ENERGY ANALYST R~upoo 5,1 hou 'ic udo t-nspOtd, OS Oi dhtdilbd rt~i t~ i~P0tt tOi 052 Idigoot î,iotrrets Mîsi ud~s sucyi1-iit dOolytiLdI dtd ntqdoioat Ood do il e~ ai apt tuds lOt baoîc mathomat ou diid Stt00~ ExCo ukîliS Eî~r but commuoiatioo /5 ursS 13 dudi O oct)y a Il c 0 omets Eoetgy oxphtisoco un aussi Un uetuio degtoe p tel or red En.rgy Advantage mc. 5429 N.Sarvlce Rd. hrllngton, U L7L507 job862@energyadvantage.com Fax 985-319-7989

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