w/Bantam 'Hawks grounded The AA W11llfnterhawk: bantamen feUl 5-2 to Oakvilie Saturday afternoon at Milton Sports Centre duulng their final Tri County round-robn gaone. At lefe Wlnterhawk Matt Jeesup tries to corral Oakvlies Bian Urquhare. Abovile, Oakvliie eniper Patrick Chlaeson cîrclea around Milion goal- tender Lucas Reid en route to ecoalng the final goal of the garne. - Photos by GRAHAM PAINE .,Local duo sidelined in conference finals Gamne t Gamre 2 Gume 3 *Gumre 4 Ganie 5 Saterduy uit Meenornul (8 p.m.t Mueduy unt Foot Erie 8 p.m.) Mur. 26 an Memonual lB gmtl Mur. 29 ai Fort Erie (8 p.m.t Mur. 31 uit Memoriat l8:30.) -if neessaey wwwr.airenapro.com I~fYOUTH-DOYS/GIRLS OUR\ 1TO 17 YRS. OLD ITH 4 4&5 & 6YA.DLD I~ W > YEpj INSTRUCTièNAL 33TH> MENS yEAR TEAMOIiNDIVIDUAL 905-840-7370 R KEY BEINS SECURETH FUTURE ... Use Restraint Every Time You Drive! H lere are jus a tee Iilesaving tipis ail parents shauld knse about thse correct way ao use Child restaints. Take A Baci Seat Is the sules place in a crash, and if Hu car has a passenger air bag, tl is essenial that child r under 12 rde rn the back, De An About Face S Babies upu u0ne yeur up ta 20 los) shauld ride in a car seat tacîrg thre rear, tn the back sear. OKeep a Tight Rein SWhen irsallng a car sean riake sure your cars s salera beir srays nîghtarud the satety sar 0 Harreau arrapa go user rthe crids anculder arc 0 should be adîusted su lts! ao car slp Cua crie B linger urderreath ihe strupu ut youir cmids 0 chesr BDen*t Sleuch On Satet aGererully ch ien uert 40 icssuid c air à car sar After triut boostr seat may de 0 sedu abrig eI tre cart safer oeýrr sauts". e lhe ao oeil huldfil t sgT uciss the acper 0 thighs the sîsaider bet 1-.e, tha srýIicei anc s c arsu tire chest A couple of Miltoniuns are currenily je the hunt for Provincial Jr. A Western Conference golci. although their active rotes in the seuarch have been interrupteci. Botb Oukville Blades sniper Daryl Knowles und Georgetown Raiders defencemun Dan Rogers have been side- lined with un undisclosed upper and lower body injury respectively - each going down on nights when their teamn delivered a huge comebuck victory. sion championship series, while Rogers is a question mark for tonight's fourthi gamne. after missing most otf the third period and overtime ut Gordon Alcott Arena Wednesduy night. At the risk of statîng the obvious, euch player's absence creuSes a substantial voici te their team's lîneup. Recently lineci up with Ryan Silvera and Jason Gomre. Knosvles headeci inSu the West finals as Oakville's second-leading Keowles lefe early in the second perioci playoff scorer with eight goals andi six _Qfgatu. 3 - _Suriy etWr trg,%yig 4. âss awieog4tr5h s hlf- check, and isn't expectcd back for the djvj- dozen points -including a game-two tally Awesome Girls' Birthdiiy parties * Pr inCeSS Partiesf tC e>ys A Lite Gir s She Aio rea o ta e ae Pretty Prîrces * G la mour G irl Parties I girls 7& ut. Eaerythîrg a girl earts 'Mule-up Hait Styies, Pairred Natta, Craits ara more..n 4Iirid jeaSt W@nt toUi flgr ie! GILS RêRT1E& LOOQIBAG Crafts, stories, make Ip, hair, nails, Cal KhR nowl costumes, cake and lool bags! (518) 85S-8084 * Safe & fun league * Provincial Championships * Internet stats * Team & Individual entry * Starting in May at Milton arenas MEMBER 0F THE ONTARIO BALL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION For more information please contact.. (905) 875-6893 www. haltonbhl. Ca - and has been Iogging a ton of tee tine. both'ut even strength andi on the power- play. Hîs Dudley Hewitt Cup host club is now two wins away from securing tbe confer- ence title, aller Kevin Harvey scored eariy je the second overtime frume Wednesday to clînch a 3-2 triumph. Oakville hosts game four tonight, while the teams return 10 Alcott tomorrow evenieg. Both garnes starS ut 7:30 p.m. If necessary, games six and seven will be yçjUe Moiiday ii .avig âyid. Wednesday je Georgetown respectively. W1YA ehvif inhlig nyn.Ay Dan Rogers W Halton District Sehool Board ELEMENTAIY TEROMEIS BESIN "WSBK-TG-BULE" MGNBAY, MARCO 21,2005 Htotien District Scitetel Board's eicmeuturt teachers. represeatcd by the El-ieaarv Teaciters' tederaten rali eturiu (EH t0t -t aitont. are prcseetly lin a tegal strek e poesitionte anrd tas e etedicateel seuN k-to-raie- actes tees as iIl Sen thlreesclout tise Bocard ernuediateis l\ings a Mat ci Brek Ttes ukc e rie satnetittn italade eteienrar s teaciiers test aieedetg utaf iThetreegý test ltaeetdetg, 'setooucti itete eneetietes. and rei perute tntes any andrneerstrates e se c usiaia taireteirý .\lsr. at tiýis rnte tcaehers us iI neen Ire urganteieeg aey riets field treins tressec s Ctt i l ra Iaistreeci exsir field trips ssii I gii aieas as plateneci t-ut tier areS tionrr are aintircparecl as ceeetraect ialksý cotitnuce iliatree antta cirss, thte pratsvince. sttuultt sII tt conttintues tut bc the pirtot th ie iHaitern ie trise 'Schl ordrI ,esiu astritatuus rex est% esoaIttit i actes erres, titat erra tic r ruepacied h5 sanectestns sue Ili h stetite i T itis ntre Irtell te petteie tas ceinse ieltd iis siselci -teedet saleriresseite attr ilslerc lirle 1 iatire i)rrs. iri îi ol Board se iii arlientrr Ir h1, lt)cet i nsi stIh tjLctetIn tirersiCi1 .r1)InItICsl t1 r-i I1 "Lr l 'I l trî tc "ir l i et L at se cirit iti iliri s ti e a en tIi o tirei trarai' j oi le ploiý .5 tclil al (1)05) t" ' it" i -i' ttoi tir c le is trisiss isi c iii srrk .\rt t i rîLT lp ticlicc riri iitls's i tr etIl t itirî e . HatnDistrict Sehool Board W lirAi (nasipi Lenie. Buringrtes. 0uN L7R .,Z2 trisse il 22-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, Marcb 18, 2005 Milton Juveniles vs. Fort Erie (Niagara Disfricijïlial.ý. best qý/ 5) L----,w 1 ý ý_