18-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 18, 2005 0: VVhy dd t he Bt th. he unl - from DATELINE on page 17 Recîoîtai Cenître, 1151 Broutte Rd.,.i q Oakviîle. Tii reserve a scat. cati (905> 876- 1647. The Milton Seniors' Acttvity Centre. 500 Childs Dr.. holds lits Downsizers Weight _____ Loss Club ai 10 a.m. The cosi is $2 for menîbers and $4 for non-members. For To lie longer, more information, cail (905) 875-168 1. eakmcg Wednesday Mar. 23 rosthe rood c chicken The Canadian Mental Health aleheor Association starts lits six-week Anger d lug Management course at Milton Mail. The da positive cost is $95. To register or for more tnfor- iue mation, cal) (905) 693-4270. Sheeg 'Me Milton Safety Conunittele meets at 5:30 p.m. ct the police station on Childs P flj* Drive. For more information, cail council- LICENSE TO LOVE ~,> O AVILLE THE REAL DEAL lor tatn Miovbray ai (i 19 853-449"1 oi e- maililier ai miio brayj« syitipaticoiî.a Haitîîn Heaithcare Ser-vices andc Ille Kidney Fitundatioti o) Canada hîîid a liree serninar ai Oako tule-Tal'aligar Mernoriai Hospital ai 7 pet. etiiled 'Kidney Disease: Are you at Risk?' Tii reserve a scat, cail (90)5) 338-4379 tir e-matil eit tietSohatonheathcare.în.ca, A study/discussion takes place at Ebenezer Unîited Church. 12274 Guelph Line, using the movie Jesus of Motîtreai and Joyce Rupp's book 'Your Sorrosv Is My Sorrow' froto 7:30 îo 9:30 p.m. For more information, caîl Mark Rutiedge at (519) 824-7303 or (905) 854-2423. The Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour takes place from 9:30 to il a.m. at Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St., with litda GzîlimIiîer- speakate abouît gai deii 111 atîd Cguesi speaker Stisan Ruiiîrd. Admissionis frtee. IFor more infoîrnmation oii transpxîrtations caii Nancy ai (95) 876 Seniors and Law Entorcement TIogether (SAUF) hicid a free presetîtaticîn ai i pot. in the auditoium ai ithe Miltoîn Seniors' Acîîvity Centre. 5iX) Chticis Dr., about frauds, scams and the elderiy. Foîr tmore information. cciii (905) 875-168 1. The Milton Seniors' Actîviîy Centre, 500) Citilds Dr., hoids contract bridge ai 9:30 arn. The cosf is $2 for members and $4 for tiotimetobers. ht holds lifs hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The cost is $6, which includes salad, an entrée, dessert and a beverage. Reserve at the reception desk or by caling the number below by t THE AMAtTE MMZMIlYunàd= OfOkvlle isdMSeant Outr * mouit ImPortant feature aren'tABS or albags, Its people e God Brmne-so eflinh menrecogzedasa2O-yerSenrMeate ifas ¶chean byHyundaiCas. Proon eglti thatOur vehicle aSe VMavalue, but O=Pople am re pgdwL 8 meettiz tes 905 845-7791 PES(n 1071 Speers Rd, just North of Lakeshore LAEHR Moiiday. it iiids Evening Clogging at 6:45 p.us. fori begitiis anid ci 7:45 p.iii. for itermediite ciiieecis. The costi s $3.50 li- îoeîîîers aind $c550 toîr miii membhers. Fi- more infoîrmaitioni ciii <90) 875i168)1. Thursday Mar. 24 The Hcîlton hni cl of the Schizophretiia ,Society ofl Oittio iîîlds ifs Family Support Croup l'or fricnds cand f aniily metobers o) people svith schizophrenia and tber seriîîus mental ilînesses. fi takes place ai 7 pt. in the second-floor board- room ai Milton MaIl. For more informna tion, cali 1905) 876-1647. The Fine Arts Society of Milton's Evening Group of Artists meets from 7 to 10 p.m. The informaI environiment pro- vides artists with an opportunity tu, exercise their drawing skilîs. For more information, caîl Janis at (905) 854-5753. Milton District Hospital holds a breast- feedisg clinic with a certifted lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more infor- mationi or to make an appointimrent, caîl Jean GalIce at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. Wellspring Halton-Peel, a support net- work for cancer patients and their families, holds ifs drop-in Graduate Patient Support Group - for those who've recently finished cancer treatment -from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more information, caîl (905) 257-1988. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds its Seniors' Cinensas at 1:30 p.m. featuring the movie Anchormnan. The cost is $2. tncluding refreshments. If holds bid-euchre at 1:30 p.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. It also holds a foot care climie svith a VON nurse by appoint ment îînly. The cost to $22. Contract bridge takes place ai 1:30 p.tn. The cosi is $2 for members and $4 for non- tnimbers. For more informatioîn or to book aie cppoitmenî for the foot care ciinic. cali «X)5) 875-168i1. CORRECTION NOTICE eMcie orPerfect Home Computer 3624:10055333102.Thiscomputerdoes notI faue an 8-in-i Card Reader as ade fsed on P. 100of our Mar 4th fiyer It has s USB 2.0 ports. We s',,ertapogufo nmcvenets Ta a aL&wmW aok' foed yimmw d y--i wf) fd Mai51 16 MareS 24 Prodect YarnahaRe eive Thi poduei not O7Wat TH receie as advertsed ithe seond ,e of te decrpto on,6 ofo Mar 1t lerIsa 65150e olb beOgtEXOTS-ES 7.1eie eas saedine eis ie. SKU: HTR576S: 10041998