The Canadian Champion. Friday, March 18, 2005-15 4l. Saîurday Mar. 19 'Fie Brookville Masters Slo- Pitch League liolds registration firont 2 to 4 pirn. at the Mohawk t11nt. 9230 Guelph Line. For more infoirmation, Vs su littp://webhîîme.idîriect.coînî/' bear- rmgs. The Milton Hîstorical Society and Waldie's Blacksmith Shop present 'Hsloric Iron Smelling - Dirt to Metal, Bar to Objeel' at the shop, 16 James St., with a professional blacksmrith and muse- umn consultant. Admission costs $5, and seating is limited. For more information or 10 register, caîl (905) 875-4156. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville bolds free peer counselling in-person or over the phone from 10 arn. 10 noon by volunteers for womnen facing abuse, grief/lots and relaîionship issues. No appointmenî is neces- sary. For more information, cali (905) 847-5520. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holds ils yoga workout from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. and ils book club from 1l a.m. 10 noon. For more informa- tion, cal] (289) 242-1432 or e-mail Euchre takes place at the Homnby Co-operalive Nursery Sehool aI 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. St. John's Anglican Church holds a bake sale ai Miltuon Mal[ ss ti a ýarieîy iof homne-bked gooîds anîd handînade Lasici chocîîl:îes. T he Haltîuî chapter of Fair Vole Canada mieets lrîîm 10 ani. to nîson at the SAVIS office. rîîom 227, oit the second floor of Hopedale Mali, ai Third Line and Rebecca Street. in Oakville. News members are welcorne. For miore information, caîl Sonja I)avie at (905) 206-0383 or e-mail lier at sonja.davie(& Knox Presbyterian Church, 170 Main St. E., holds its St. Palrick's Luncheon and Bake Sale from noon 10 2 p.m. The cost is $5 for adulîs and $2 for children. Enter from the Mary Street entrance. Sunday Mar. 20 The Halton-Peel branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets aI 2 p.m. on the lower level of the Chinguacousy branch library, 150 Central Park Dr., in Bramnalea with Glenn Wright speaking about 'Documenting Service in the First World War: Sources and Suggestions.' Visitors are welcomne. The Grace Anglican Choir presents 'Once Upon a Tree' at 7 p.m. aI Grace Anglican Church, 317 Main St. Monday Mar. 21 grasses and companiîîn plants f'or Suui aitd shade. Il ieets ai 7:30 p.mi. ai the Roîyal Canadian Legimn. 21 Chiarles St. The Women's Centre, 2101 1515 Rebecca St. tri Oakville holds a f ree ineome lax assistance chiei Iroin 10 arn. 10 noon f'oi Halton wornen whose total grîîss income is under $25,000. Appoiniments arenit necessary. For more iniforma- lion, caîl (905) 847-5520. The Woîîen's Centre, 21(0 1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holds free peer counselling in-person or over the phone from 10 a.m. 10 3 p.m. by volunteers for womnen facing abuse, gnief/loss and relationship issues. No appoinîment is neces- sary. For more information, calI (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holda ils CyberCafé from 1 lu 4 p.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more informa- tion, caîl (905) 875-1681. Registration begins for the Canadian Hearing Society's American Sign Language classes in Milton, which begin in April. For more information, caOl (905) 608-271 or TTY (905) 608-169 1, e-mail or visit Tuesday Mar. 22 The Milton and District The Ontario Early Years Centre, Horticullural Society meets wiîh 917 Nipissing Rd., holds a free par- Frank Kershaw presenting on -see more DATELINE page 17