1lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 18, 2005 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT _ _ _ __.... You wiII have Iess than a second to make a decision. Prepare for the road ahead with Young Drivers' Collisionfree! Approach to DrivingTM It's the only driver training programn to offer threshold and ABS emnergency braking, swerving techniques, rear crash and head-on collision avoidance. SIGN UP FOR A MIARCH OR APRIL COURSE AND YOUR NAME IS ENTERED INTO A DRAW TO WIN A... Apple 4GB iPod rmn S~ivet Katie Nadalin Siobhan Dearoches DISHGP REDNS Bleu1 SCIGOL Hello again Bishop Reding! Welcome to another great edition of the Royal Report. Much has happened since taht Week, ah alWays, as staff and students prepared for a Week long vacation. The March Break is a Well-deserved holiday for everyone at BR after ail the hard work thcy have been doing. For example SOLL, the Students of Living Lite club, have just Wrapped up their annual Think Fast. Think Fast is an event Wbere students raise money tor the hungry in third World countries, by fasting for a Whole 24 hours. This years event raiscd a Wboppi ng $1500!! SOLL Would like toi thank Mr. Gajewski, Mrs. St.john, Ms. Putica, and Ms. Thissen for the wonderful bruncb that fol- loWed the event. Ah Well as Mr. Sawzdargo and Ms. Caruana are thanked for supervising and providing the Wonderful music. Last but certainly flot least, they send a tbani-you to Mrs. Doyle for organizing and making Think Fast possible! Way to go everyonc! Another group that deftnitely deserves this March Break is the entire grade 12 student body. AIl year tbey have been toiling over textbooks and assignmrents ail in the bopes that their bard Work will get tbemn Where they want to go next year. Well Witb it being March, tbe year is comning to a close and graduation is fast approaching. That means that it is time to pick your 2005 valedictorian! Nomination forms can be picked op in Student Services. Completed nominations are due back Friday, April 8tb to Mrs. St.John. Happy nominating! Just a reminder to ail the diligent athietes and sports fans out there, senior badminton season is underWay. Tryouts began last Monday after school. Don't forget to comne out and support your Royalh! Go BR! As well, due toi a 10W turn out there will be no BR cheerleading team.L To prevent ibis from happening we need aIl tbe girls and guys toi come together and mate a team possible! If you are still interested, but just did flot make the meetings, please contact Ms. Lewis in the cosmo room! Come on BR we can make it bappen! To be or flot toi be? That is tbe question! Listen up ail you Shakespeare loyers! Join us April 1 Jtb, toi learn about Shakespeare's language and stage combat, followed by a per- formance of Shakespeare's own, Macbeth! The cost of this fuît day trip is $35. Permission tonus can be picked up in work- roomn 3. Tickets are limited, so don't miss out! Well that's ail for this week, we hope everyone enjoyed their Marcb Break and we Will see you ail back ait it next Week! Byebye! "DATELINE DRURY"" Kim Hester katie Bongay Prashant Naikwadi E.C. DRDHY Ulrof SCMOOL -Hey! 1 got an idea! Ham ahout a St. Patick'a Day thernel -Yeah. wr cari atai off hy teling earryone trai antie of Dmury'a metiers are in Afemca ibis St. Patt-tck'a Day. Aithough the bnys won siaer at OFSAA. they set an uaprecedentad recard of etght atraight team medata,- sad Kimn -Wr hope ta hear ail about it when they retnm next mek, replied Prashant, as hn typed furiouly awayon the keynad Ail ot a sudden. a hittle green leprechaun appaared ta the computer rni.a He sated ta chuckle, and and. Yousilly mtsa You have tamention thertrtramu- rai Dadgehail toaumnt in thts meekas article' Remarahar. the arratiars woan ihis high-atakeas campattnn!- Praahant and Kinrasjaw.adropprd. They had nevar een a trprrnhaanhelte. Sa of courer they sarted tai mtnder mhere has pot at ol asd -Hey Mt. Lrprachaaam herc'ayaar potaofgtd? qarrd Prahan. -Lad, it's nt that srimple. TMepotaof gold tsai the and at the rarnhrtm. mhtch car antyhberachedrifyru ca cmectly amer myhre questrtin. -Onay, letas hear them., atd Kima amagly. Tha lepeechaun saaead ttr chuckla agar a "QuestionOne: Ham dtdthe jare comhtaand concert bandtaareaiMuscfetrn Match 4 ta St. Catharines?- "Ohý 1 kaamt They lmtth achteaed stt ar standings, and played aety haautrtallyt' sad Ktm calrfrdeaily. "Dam!" the little leprechaan ard, tamprag hisaeeton the graad. He cantîn- uetl mtth the tient questrar. "Question Twoa What tatidratarag effarts are the Deama at Deary sindeata holding in the lackaehay ta finance thete tnip ta Bradford?" 1 ana' t1maam alktngrinthe lackrbaytaoday. andl1 aaae ale tand,and alan a 50-50 drawt "Me capeahes mare delrcraaat' eanlatmed Peashant. 'Me leprechan stamprd hris teet agara. He a magatituf aeay ted it the face, and mîîh frus-tran. hae hlurted, "Questton Three: What fun actiatty dtd the neamly- Panrd Diaeesîîy Crarttre negante hafara the Match Bireak?" The lepmnchaaa peinard mttchtaaaatly. Prashant and Kim lard ataachthermrthlanatae Thts aatfllamrdhby a deaféntg ailence. Just as they mare ahout taptar aop, the amg -What taloe9 hiastrd ravr tire PA ayatem. andi a ltphthath maut ofin ahth thetr haada. "Matchmakerl' thry yellad i nsn The lapeechaun maa Panana, Ha ihrer daa hta green hat. and ateam atatd ta anme nutlihts eas I han theme mat hlradag flash of Irihi. Pallamat by tayatariana mhita amaira The laprechaun hat draappaed. and rn hita place, maa a han of Pal of Galti chacalairat And nam. far ihta marras WHERE ARE THEY NOWV't aricle. Our gus ara e Imina, Gîna and Sherry Rahakar. Yeat @ Dmury. 1989-1994 Fallamîng Dmary. Bath. Qurenas 1994-97. Bac LtPe Sctencra, Weatern 1997- 2001, M.D, Qurants 2001-2004, Rrtidant.y Internai Medicine, 2004-peatnt. reamaîalagy Pallamushîp ai Ul of T. Camaent satma Bath tingle, eaîdncy ta T.O.. Pallamahîp W UaPf T, ltvtng damu- Panarite Daury Mamarras Bath' trtps ta Stratîneti and Sham Fetival ta ara Pygmalion andi Onyn and Dalla mîlh Ma. Manka and Me. Keana. Ham di4 Drtity Peepe Yaa: Gina. intdîrd appeatîln far science and art, and taughlavaluef peeverraace Sherry: taaphtrimportanceaofcommunication and conneciont, sncraI andi intllctaal. "6MUSTArÀNG MESSENGER"c M.. Belinda Alier Ashley Clerici Julia Pyper MILTON DISTRICT 310H SCIGOL Here is what has gone on at Milton Distric t this week... .only written a little differently... M- Money - We'd stili greatly appreciate dona- tions to the Grenada Hurricane Relief Project! A- Awesome -The prefects did an awesorne job of pulling off a successful Semi Formai. R- Raptors - On Wednesday night a group of students had a super time at the Raptors game. C- Chocolate - The music department's choco- late bar fundraiser is coming up soion! H- Hoops for Heart -Many took part in the fun charity event, Hoops for Heart, on Thursday. B- Bonjour! - The students headed to France departed on Thursday. .. .bon voyage! R- Ready?- Are ail you Greneda guys ready for take off Saturday? E- Excited- Everyone is excited for a relaxing week off. A-Awake - Students going to Greneda stayed up only a little late at the Tuesday night school campout. K- Kick back! - Because Marcb Break has arrived!