Thie (Sansadiin Chamnioan Ttiaas'ia Marrh 15, 2005-7 lVHltcirw ~ -Quiznos Uuizflos Sub franchise operator David Balton holds one of their signature subs - black angus steak - ih trainee Jenniter Cassemneyer ait the recently-opened Main Street location, which had its grand opening this past week- end. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE SECURETH FUTURE ..UseLRestraint Every Turnie You Drive! cir r u1ab iieav!ng psal coret aytu B s Cidd restaints Wstesf lce ina cash andti W ou ca c assenger ai bagi isesnil hlciden uder 12 rid O th bac Baie up n cear (pc 20 os shudrd nacrseat lacing the rea cak the bc Ca s saeyblisastgtaoo ethie saety seai OHarnesslsap oe r th1eid s shouideetand a, ul scce adjuste 5sothat yocca si 505Fy one 0 larger uneett thre straps ai your chids ODont Siaucs On Safty a Genaaaychîideeea ta 40 Ibi sflad remnaa in 0 a car seat Atlas fial, a booster seat tssay ce *, ased along eaîth the cars satl tesîtaîi systemri 0 The Iap sait Shou i litl across the uppee 0 t1hgasý thre stisalder bail ovaI the sticidet and grabbing its share By MELANIE HENNESSEY Thse Champion he sub shop competitùon on Milton's Main Street just heated up a little bit Quiznais Sub imed fî l catc sandwsiches -openied ils dîsess oîn Macin Street Faîst about tIwo sveeks agca and oper- aicar David Baitaon said so far the response t'rorn Milton bas beera great. "Il's been ver busy. On tlie first day we made caver 7(K) sandwviches' he saici. "I evas excited about bringing tl (Quiznos) to Milton because il's the fOrst store osf ils kind iii the area.- In additioan 50 suhs, the nese locatioan isfters a selectcan oftsaiads, staups and spe- ciaiiy desserts. It aiso has a vegelarian sanidss'ich and easy Oit menu t0 cater t0 the - vcsriety aof custoinsers' lastes. Mr. Baitasu. ssho jotntly esperales the local staire svtth Kirk Hunt. satd ni Miltonu so as ficte chickeni carboisata suhb bas beeni a hast selter but chaýin-Nss de. tihe mesquise chicken ansd btack aslssteak saniscess are the ins pespulai., '[Desserts as c srctly paspîsar taie.- tie noîte(t. Fats tusse tisai it vs ited a Quiznsas loscation beicîre. M. Bailoti scît et d s teill tisci o ascornse by and sce ho%%s ditfie t iiiis scîtîcis ics Lire c a tîpai cd tsi atties subs. "Pesople aIctciaitv pet ec'.c eat absaci casis- sig hcsc ta r flie -ii tsilInc.' lie saici. 'ls IeCaISili ll sc istsis clecidinsi sshici saisci sich las Nesscîiisers se asîI' hsave las seais laos, tas clit- i tiscr sîîhbs eitîer. as Mr. Balloin sctid the shti1's manîtdate is lo ase flic scîtîc of local sub business se ci (larte ais iess tisais taso asminte s fiasti tie fisse the sarder is placed. Whîite there cire îwaî sstlse sub shops cscross the sîrees frnt the se\s Quizns isacct sisi ii, M. Bcîitiit scie he's tait 55 asrrscd cabout cassîpesîssasu beisseen flie storces. t ink eere a iffîterent ps'îduct ciltai gete "lie saîd, îsitg fiial Quizness bas uitsque recîpes cînsd suces ils mecîts aînd cheeses evety day. -I thiîsk Ihere's enough business for ait osf us isere." The nece store liaîs abosut 20 eînployees, asnd frsîm the sounds uof bise busy Mr. Baton saîd il bas been. îhey've already had plenty of practice isastering the arti of masc sng a tssasted sandwich. "We're aseraging 5(00 sandwiches a day, which te consîderabie," he scîid. '*We've acîcsally have peosple cil the door cvaiîing fosr us 10 opens. And it seecms thai Quscncss hcîs cîlîeady butît up ci faîn base iis Milton. as Mr. Baitaîn caîid tesý heesi seetttg a liai of' the scfise faices, He naaîed sisct ci secosnd Quî,ssas ce iii det- îîssîely ospens up ius Miltons but casuldisi i evc.l ci loacsaioo inise traie. "Il's aiready su tic secrks." sie said. White Mr. Bailaîn bas becîs svsh Quiznîsc tesr cabout three years îsîsev lie sai l he iseves gels îîred of ils subs. "I try soinelhsng differcîsi esýesy day.' hie said. Those loîsksng for a unique catered lunch t'or tîseir husse isr oiffice pauîy can orales extra-loîng subs. Quizntts also offers lunch- es for cisrporate catering. Quîznos Sub bas more ihan 3,700 lsca- tioans ctround tise world and is recogîiced cîs the secasîd-largest sub chaîn on tise plaîet. 4elaie lIetia.e'e atts ha' 'ea Iiiî est SLOW MTOIm BASEIALL Season runs May 1 - Oct. Wed. & Sunday nights @8:3Opm at Brookville Park - Guelph Line 2 minutes north of Mohawk Siots $150. includes 2 year end baniquet tickets -. atuda l..rh 9 - p t Moaw n, 40 & -peiil OR CALL BRIAN 905-854-0293 JOHN PAUL 905-854-0755 905-876-1851 a o î'a at 1L à" ddilalelT AGAD CARADA"S LARGEST FASH" FABRIC DISTRMTOR