I 6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, March 15, 2005 This isn't democracy 11,jli'lili JLI do t t c II ' -ti . h1,1 i i i i , ill fliii c t i u t it i II\ il l11 i il i d ~'î i 3îiî i Fîi- lii£' tliarng tIo ii ltuile saute-ses\ coutpies. flit rtîstee, Iltel ili il pliýîi t altcu li tceit tij9 in uites trirto iei ttc slediticti ittecit ANt tai itteetîtî tites ireeti t! set il aet butI tîtt on sehtîhotu toi ii et i. \Vitelc Ile tîteet ig \\as le1 -a Hie Vraitde ttc' 1 icliet es arelte. AI] te kîttits ts ti the 'CaULIs tiieetittH- \ilS t ttîtt attd Ile truistees sittîiti kttot hetier. 'lite 1litîttî CaîiltîtiC scitoti t see arent mteîtthets ut a caucus. Canins tACet- iiîgs aire itetît by pot ticai partes itt flte lie- iii11 tittit tIii tlu tain us It ilc ii.'tiA I eite s hII afltc filli, ttc i lceti andi palsee deitiltil- uptibeîti iptiliilllt a l Buit tt ttittii.a , H i)t iiet hof SiIce tissuet 4Su dîisetigs lciIe tsI,ý e s c ea tit t ic t n t e te i tt Ouar tii tt it i steitmi doitiu -,\l-alllt itîtis unroi ettîe piiî oek tîtttî pbl i leiî telctt acý tiis rte Atalms it p lce Illateîirte is\Is sctîtse itic cipoît tîparei gît terfna eit- n O ur R qea nde%> rsmi Writ e Vîew on community soured by hîtand run Thanks to everyone who 'scornethrough 1)ear Editor:. Aller intiicting $2.501K) darnage lii My ,vîth donations frRose Chrr' Home in I tovet 1 Milton last Mav Vve car. te nemon promnily fnit te si ene.f r. e r s jokingiy referred t0 mny net' honte aus Pletîsantviii&' hecause of how friendly the people in my neighbourhood and the iowîî are. However. nîy view of the lown changed a little recentiy -with a ioud thud. That thud came from someone smaahing into my car. On February 1 Il car waa rammned, by somneone driving down my atreet in a mini-van. leaving large pieces of lteir osvn car behind. Now lin out $5(X) for the deducîuie and bai] li make ont ait insurance claint, ail because 1 decided to temporarily park my car on the street. What does this say about the level of honenty and accounta- bility in this town? To whoever dii] titis, 1 hope you*re proud of yourseif. Vic Rager Cailla Court E -mail ail your letters ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com. *The Canadiuan %Champion I)ear Editor: Dît betttitl fthe titi iti oîtfi Rose (heu y's i-hutte four Kits, i'd t Ce lto persituaIl> ttaîk Jutce Settiteit ar] lthe stat i t Thte Chamtionî ttir geîîcîosiy prîîllung itur atieise- mn t recetI> Wiithouî iheir sulppotrt. ttc tsîîîidi nitî ae hecît able li ulîttrii flite Milton cont nity tabout lte esset- tîtît services tt Rîtse Citerry's Home l'or Kicis plritsides tii chitrî caiiy ii citdren acriiss DîîLtîriîî I'd alto like lto litatît lte bitness- es ltai ctamte tiirad lu pUItrtase te SntT(iiiling- ad space. iîtclint KFC. RulfiIS Pet Cetîre. Appiattce Depo. tttrst Prittessittîai Jes. -IL, Lîttipti tut. Deidre andtt Irteîtis Flit tiîitt \'tie l'itiiieai Sets tes,. Cittes Pîttîtît Sets ice andîî W'ei D iitc Tite Chtatmpioîn. Miltoîn Tyta, (Jtrrui]s AîLîîo PuLis ll7rtnp. Haltoît Pîîsser Fiquipittetî Jiîîî Cas att - Mitgage Inteligente. Brake Parts Caniada flic. ait] Jotînsîttt Pelritteuts. These îireaîtt'attts lase disîtit- -uisited theottisles as, ciilîltuîlit leaders. tîakînt, al titierence it flie uses ofi cittitîttalit> c hittircî tatt itteti faitîtîes Vie tope ta lte M i lt comîultnlt sîi cotntinue lii AlItIttttt lthese loctat bîttînessý.es ss tî i1it ass \isýi Ioi eIseîd il Itearitelt titîtît. t tl liiuteltbers of' lthe tilt ceiillUtl il) tand tiirrtidiItt cas. YVitti geleritis dtionitiîs stiii ttelip ellttit ti etit croiettlitsl chil tîeît tî le te i reccse flie specîil i/et] etie lthe) sît desperaely îîeed. We hutpe hit yoaliI sîsîl stts ts rosecherry stoie.cati sec tîîtt yoîir donîattins tîle iîeliîg maCe a dittereîîce. Oît behtî'f ttie ciîdret tsh use Rose Citerty>s Homîîe foîr Kîids -ti ts il] in flie fture -yîu tasve ili hitetit ttîtks. Kristîn Horrel. Resaurce develapment manager Rase Cherrys Home for Kîda Matin Su. E. lTe Canaîtan Champion ti t it t t i i. 1,91 4N9 l It t I H itîi Onit i T Is E ý 941 il g t i Il ttt 1 prIgPbiPlll ti î ii o t1 l ..~iitt lit 1-23X?4 1 tît lte Ltititil.ttt lit Ht t t ýiP F 6rli H i 9t5S7t2'6 iî , ii ieu it Pus i lt o ,r Glirti Co tinw t tiiao lii> 57 3iii .1tit n>ii A(i., Il e tilt s H ii ',meM s t îiî iii H tîttî tu tIt in tIid, il its lII 1 1 t uiAi , Pitblisher t tîW il I 1 ..t t 11il l'it ll.i1,.w/ M ,Il til! . it)0i t- l l, tl,ýf il t i t i i ' i[l Ht 't ttt li T 4 lii cl , tiý,,,, iey la l t Uu Recent letter wrîter bang on about traffic lIghts problem I)ear Editor: it anîd n ilI talc Ail 1\ i I an ad Io Ille letter is i Mî ini fli agiecilîet \ ith ). Sîiplkinsý, leceni lette] s ck tît itc _ scentIury. ÎviIti.' about tlie otdîated trafit lts titi n Milton V Bayer 1 hope that Ilte puss et s tit be ini tiis uts t have emai Milton I'ud by Steve Nease lins 248, 191 Mitoni Onî (905) 87~ Edititrial Fat: AdetsteFat: Citissit ted: fît c(iliioltu Ian Oliver Nmil OfiNr 'lii it i fi rit i k I t1 It l'MW zmUT UPUI i