Residents can comment on plan utit M onday ' from HALTON on page 1 gy had beetr develiiped iii deuil \vih the 4 million peuple expected tIo Iccate rît the (ireater Golîden Hierseshure uidert lie gfriîstl plan. -Were already shtir aot duc- toirs," he pointed out1. But Ms Evans told hirt site caîri corin- ment cn thai and advised Irini tel contact the Ministry crfHealth. Kilbride resident Jamnie Fisher sŽeîd while he thinks a provincial grosvih plan is need- ed, he bas concemrs with "the big pîcinre." At some point, Hat<n wiIl be butît out -this plan doesn't change that." he said. "We need tu move to a point in the future where we're exatnining the options for after this 20-year period. Where are we guing to, put the peuple?' He emphasized that, -We still have to stant addressîng the problemr over the long- termi or life as sve know it in Halton will cease tel exist.- Milton Mayor Gord Kranîz then îook the floor. nuting the Regtonjust spent about a year wurking on its Officiai Plan and now 'Big Brother,' or the Proivince, has corne along with the growth plan. îndicating to him the upper level ut goveroment duesntt think Haltotis duîng a very goud job. "Iguess il's a little dîsheartenîng to soute of us.' he said. The nesv draft plan alto fo(recasis that the nurtber uf jobs itr Battoir ssilI motere ihati double by 203 1, goiîîg up to 390,(.110 Ms Clohecy noted thîs provides a respectable ratio ut' one jorb to every tsso residents. Ms Evans detaîled the Places tu Grosv vision, which she said includes a Greater Golden Horseshue regieon in 2031t that: .offert a svide variety of housing chute- - bas mttodem, ssell mnaîîrained infra- strctu lre. - priesides lasi. cîîîveîrieîî, alliirdable public trarnsit. *bas a healtlry raturaI crisiriuiieirt. *itrakes iarioing proiductive, diverse atrd sustatinable. - prîrvîdes easy access to sîrelter. forod, education. healîhcare lïîcilities, arts and recreattor. Prelimtnary regional staff input o1n the plan wîll be pruvided tu the planning and public witrks cummîttee March 23. A regional-local joint response wîll then go befure the cummittee April 13. Cumments frout the public will be con- sidered in the respunse if they're forward- ed tu the Region by Munday. Residents lookitrg tu pruvîde further input on the plan cao make a delegation tel the committee. svhich cao be organized thruugh the clerk's office at 1905) 825- 6000,. ext. 7928, or St the begitrîrîîg rf the April 13 meeting. The reporrt svill go oru Io regîîrral coicil Aprîl 20. Afier thai. tire respotise svill be forsvarded Ici the Provinrce. Although the Province*s deadline l'or cotmmntr is April 18. Regional Chair Joyce Savîrltne satd Halton has beeîr allîrsed extra titte because of tIre public prucets it's citdertak- îîrg. -We're veiy appreciative for ihai extra urne.- sIre said ai the meeting. its very impoirtant ihai we hear front you.- For mure iniformation on the plan. vîsît or sswsv.regî Mlcihnie Haeieserv cuair be reec/ied t rrî/îeiiiese'.,CceS i/eroiaieeiiirpie New mental health group meets A new peer support group for peoîple svîth mental ilîness svill hold its first meet- ing in Milton Thursday evening. Suppeirteel by the Canadian Mental Health Associaticon (CMHA). the educa- tional self-help group will ineet the third Thursday of each munth fronn 7 tcr 9 p. at Grace Anglican Church. The fucus of the group is orn prcrvîding educatcîn and supprt tir those who've experienced a mental îllness tord/or their family orembers. Volonteers svhc hase per- scînal experience with metal illness svîll tacilitate each meeting. For ntcre information, cotntact the CMHA in Haltun at (905) 693-4270. r------------------------- ----------------------fi RRINt lI THI AD CFOR Aur i US 1 -%wwo -%.0 L...5- W. - " Brake Service -Tires * Steering & Suspension -Auto Electric & * MOT Safety Inspection Charging Systems * Computer diagnostics -General Repairs e Conveniently Iocated within walking distance to GO station @25 years automnotive experience The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 15, 2005-5 .1 CHEVROLET a905-878-2393 HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON 2005 Malibu Maxx OVO Prelerrod eqorpment geoap, no charge rear OVO ortertainmet systtmn, suoroot teat spoiler & wiper SMART LEASE $298* PURCHASE Fer mie 40 mtts. 02,40e Don lattent. FINANCINO $1000 Freit, $0 tecurra teposr. $0 $352 $1,755 0/ $1,500 $320 $3,4 Up Io 48 moottes PURCHASE CASH PRICE 129 9046* 2005 Malîbu Sport RISC Sport Appearance Group. Rear spolier, body colour mouid- ... ings 15" alloy aheels. SMARTr LEASE ~~1 7 PURCHASE PURCHASE $1,500 $247 $3,544 Up to 48 months Exclltes Freitît & Taxes. S2005 Silvorado Crew Cab Vortec 5300 295 HP VO ertoine, 4 speeet auoratic transmission with overdrive antd tow/haul mode, duai-zorre air conditionrrg 4 wheel ABS, CD steeeo, remote keyieso entey, 40/20/40 Split front seat wite custom ciote tim, power foot sid wsheatei miettes_____________________________ SMART LE Fe 398* PUCHS PUCHS Prmro/36 mOrs. $2.070 ton Paymeet.PR U EUCAS $troo Froi001. $0 Secuerty teot FIANIN CAS PRICE $0 $459 $1,793 $ 7 7 2 $1,500 $415 $3,467 0 $3,000 $371 $5,141 Up te 36 menthe cocloiles Froîgti & Taxes, *Taxes ard adminrrtion tees extra. ta dealer for dotaits. Meet the 'Team' at Richardsons PAUL, R00 0000V 00010 0000 BRENT JEAN u Osedtoeoog Sale s os 5005 sf N- C.On, t4a. 0M-al n E'