2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 15, 2005 -,Becautious of students canvassing for sehools warns local school principal By STEPHANIE THIESSEN Thie Champion Police are advising the public lo be caulious when giving money 10 studenîs soliciîing door t0 door. On Matcb 2 or 3, police were conîacîed by a local public sehool principal wbo said she'd received calîs from two cîtizens -one in the Highside Drive area -who said a boy was canvassing door 10 door on behaîf of WlI. Dick Public Sehool and Samn Sherraît Public Sehool. 'Me principal informned the îwo callers the sehool wasnlt fundraising aI the lime, said Det. Sgt. Don Cousens of Halton Regional Police. poil po1-ice doii i have a description. Ilor do ilîey knoss boss mati -il any -rnoney was givien 10 the sîndenî. Steve Fraser, principal of Sam Sherraît Public School, said resi- dents should be very cautious about giving money te, kids colleci- ing on behaîf of schools. Most sehools -including bis -instruet their studenîs no0110 colleet door 10 door but te, stick 10 friends and family. he said. "If any comm-unily member is concemred (about kids soliciîing). lbey're advised 10 caîl the sehool," be said, adding money shoul neyer be given 10 studenîs wiîhouî asking exaclly what il's going loward. "Gel somne information." Tracy Adams, secretary aI Samu Sherraît, said she received a caîl recenîly from, an elderly woman who had given $20 10 a youlh who said he was collecling money for playground equipmenî ai Samu Sherrant. Toyota's Biggest Sales Event et the Yearl Its ig. Its Redu o ici PTiOZiYkSl TAS0 400~~ SteeJvne 958510 www.miltontoyota.com Services on-site Iiii thie saine youth had i eturned. this ornie solicitîiig on behali ol W.. Dick. She said the woman svas suspicious the second lime arounid, and even more s0 wben he returned for a third time. "The third lime shte wouldn't open the door," Ms Adams said, adding il's horrble some kids can't be îrusted. "It makes me sick."* Stephonîie Thiessen con be reached ai sthiessen @miltoncanad- anchampiocm. Halton Region may take part in health study 'Me Region could soon be taking part in a study te, examine the impacts social housing has on ils tenants' bealth. A staff report presented to regional council Match 2 provided details of the proposed study, whicb would be a joint project between Halton. Peel Region, the City of Hamilton and a research leam. "The proposed projecl seeks te, sludy the situation of new social housing residents 10 determine the impact that the receipt of social bousing bas on their general and mental bealîh, as well as health behaviours (ex. diet, exereise and smoking) and on the mental healîh and behaviour of school-aged children," the report said. Througb the study, the health of those that use social housing would be compared 10, the health of people on the housing waiting list. Once individuals on tbe waiting list receive social housing, their health would be examnined and compared again at intervals of six months, one year and îwo years using in-person and question- naire-based research methods, the report said. "We anticipate the findings of the research will offer consider- able insight mbt the health and bousing conditions of social bous- ing residenîs prior 10 their re-housing and the prevalence of men- tal health problems in this population." the staff report said. The group is going 10 submiî a requesl for federal research fund- ing. Before the project can go abead, il has 10 be approved by Health Canada. Nominations sought by CH lî\s thal lime of the year again. Conservation Halton (CH) wants 10 know about any good deeds or actions that enhanced the natun raI environment last year. The agency is accepîing nominations for ils 2004 Conservation Awards of Excellence until March 3 1. Since 1982, CH bas recognized people and organizations who've made significant contributions 10 conservation in the Halton walershed. Nominees have included teacher associations and federations, scout and guide organizations. naturalist clubs. corporations. govemmeni agencies and private landowners. There are six calegories in the program -citizen, communily. education. slewardship. corporate and the conservation honour roll award for long-limne dedication bo enviroomenial protection. Tbe winners' names are placed on a plaque and displayed in the lobby of' CH's office, sshile indivîdual plaques are presenled bo recipients. Last year more than 2(1 people and g-roups svere recognîzed fromn ail] areas ol ihe ssaîershed. Conservationî actions hase included actis lies sucb as îree plant- îng. stiearn rehabilîtation and dlean-up. scbosl yard naturalizaiion projecis. environinenial educat ion activilies. ss ildlile impi overnent projecis and fundraîsing for conservation. For more information about the categories. the crileria and how 10 apply, caîl CH aI (905) 336-1158 or visil ils Web site ai www.conservaîionbalîon.on.ca AN O 1VýMEONE ^LI FT? Red Cossàfflrsh* lhoe n needge0to meccd ffrlSenls adîiba>progcm andioh aMes. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED CL 50 UM MONVIS cmf MP. (9S5)875-1459 +Canadian Red Cross [ ÏMV 1 LTO N (q