t- Champion Country. Tuesdav. Match 15. 2005-13 [)atehne - from DATELINE on page 12 ext. 7030, The Wornen's Centre, 210) 1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holds f ree peer counselling in-person or uver the phone from 101 arin. to 3 p.ni. by volunteers for women facing abuse. grief/loss antI ref.ttionship issues. No appoinîrnent is necessary. lIs Womnen's Employment Network - for svuren wvho are uneniployed, laid off or returning to the svork force -takes place froit 9:3(0 to 11:30 a.n. And ils Women's Caring and Sharing Circle takes place fromn 1 t 3 p.m. For more information or 10 register, caîl (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds ils Seniors' Cinemnas at 1:30 p.m. featuring the romance 'Shahl Wr Dance.' Thse cost is $2, which includes refreshments. It bolds a foot care clinic witb a VON nurse in thse aftemnoon by appointment only. The cost is $22. It holds contract bridge at 1:30 p.m. Thse cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information or to book an appoint- ment for thse clinic, raIl (905) 875-168 1. This is tIse last day to register for a free health seminar being presented by Milton District Hospital Mar-ch 22 at 7 p.m. enti- tled 'Wht you Stould Knosv About Colorectal Canîcer.' To reserve a seat. caîl (905) 338-4379 or e-mail cpopp(étùalton- tealthcare.on.ca. Friday Ma. 18 Ttc Mtlton branch of' the Canadian Federation tif Poets tolds an open mic poetry night at 7 pits. ai Espress Yourself Caffé. 220 Main St. E. For more informra- lion. visit wwvw.f'ederationofpoets.com/hal- ton.ttm. The Milton Public Ltbrary presenîs its Famnily Storytime ai Milton MaIl near the food court ai 1l ar. Thse Milton Leisure Centre holds MLC Fridays for youths aged 9 to 13 with ils Fun Factor Night front 6:30 10 9 p.m. Bring your friends for some svacky chaI- lenges and contests. TIse cosl is $4, payable ai tIse dotir. Foi more information, caîl (905) 878-7946. TlIe KIsi Comnsunity of the Salvation Army. 100 Nipissing Rd.. suite 3, holds Khi Youth, an evening of fun for 13 10 18 year olds. For informnation, caîl (289) 242- 1432 or e-mail bill(àkhicommunity.com. TIse Milton Seniors' Actîviîy Centre, 500 CIsilds Dr., holds a computer workshop for those svho svant 10 leam more about computers tir share their computer knowl- edge. Il also holds euchre at 1:30 p.m.. contract bridge ai 10 arn. and ils CyberCafé fromn 1 10 4 p.m. The cost for each of these activities is $2 for uieitbers and $4 for non-members. Lt Isolds ils Campbellville Evening Bid-Euchre Party at the Lions Hall in Campbellville at 7:30 p.m. TIse rosI is $2.50. For more information on any of these activities, cal (905) 875-1681. Friday Mar. 18 - 28 TIse Miltont District Hospital Gift Stop Isolds ils 'Easter Egg Hunt for Savings' promotion. Customers who ftnd an egg un tIse stop can save lOto, 20 per cent on mont of tIse spring and Easîer merchandise. Saturday Mar. 19 TIse Brookville Masters Slo-Pitet League holds registration fromn 2 lu 4 p.m. aI thse Mohawk Inn, 9230 Guelpt Line. For miore information, visit littp://webhome.idirect.conm/ beairmugs. TIse Milton Historîcal Society and Waldte's Blacksnsith Shop present 'Historie Iron Smelting - Dirt to Metal, Bar to Object' aI te Stop, 16 James St.. with a professional blacksmith and mnuse- ui consultant. Admission ctssts $5, antI seating is lîmited. For moîre infoîrmationî or lu regiter. call (905) 875-4156. Ttc Salsation Amry, 100 Nipissing Rd.. unit 3, ttîlds ils yoga workout front 9:30 niîy.ctîts. lu 10:45 arn. and ils book club from 11 Euchre lakes place ai thse Humby Co- a.m. to notîn. For nmore infortration, caîl operalive Nursery Schtiol ai 7:30 pris. (289) 242-1432 tir e-mail jen(aiktictimu- Everytine is ivelcoisse. (la « , ae d 7te«fe 1 e96 7 *Al prices plus freight + ail applicable taxes. No Admin Fee. Limited time offer. See dealer for defails. Rebates included. MSRP for reference only. FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON iwww.gaum.ngerrora..cm r A Tradition of Vcalue & Trust since 1967 SAE ESN EVC AT e' CISINCNR O8 F THE AREA YOU TARE APPROPRIATE PURCIASE "A" -Current Employee N\ PA S "Z" Retired Employee - Friends & Neighbours I