lO-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, March 15, 2005 mail orh ring pour ballot loto The Canadian champion, 191 Main St, E-. Mîlton, L9T 4N49 & you will be entered b àéf Plame: IÎ @ Thursday March 1 7th Grelen beler all dayl Prizes & Giy«ways! Irish fbod specials! LNe Music with JORDAN GRENKE! Bring your Irish spirit to the best St. Pattys Day party in town! 905-693-0113 270 Main Street lulwý* ' r'v-T uuINNESS ,MUWMS & TAULPPES mii Ie Ipc alz r z4 nctIyi 14C I Ipep 70I I SL PAWitAY IS on TAOI Jin our ST. PA11UCKS DAY CELEDRAUO flhe Diceos & Fi"id presents: ~The ONE &ONLY AUGY O'G SHis Cheese Has Slipped Off His Cracker! 2:00 - 5:00 pm Pub Singer STEVE MANSFIELD 8:00 - 12:00 Arn N .5 _ LOTS O' PRIZES, GRE4T FOOD AND F1RKIN GREEN BEER -.so corne, eat, drink and et FIRKIN IRISH! eN WOW SPRIN 1$ >UST we're mUi«~ Our ru& wit Mpin & dommr O ~~ ~ Wc hmve joutes for al ents: à *M-»@«f c Oqg No appointieent needed for new clients. Consignment 50/50 spit is wnorS the nait! Ws aise Carry flobuozi - Wa've boan sarvlng Hilton for 26 jars! Save More Uban Money Conserve Cash, Save Energy with a New Coleman System. Coleman, for over 100 years, you've trusted us for comfort in the great outdoors. ( And today, we're bringing that same Iegendary performance indoors! AlINGT & COOLINLD Srvin Mdilton & area for over 40 years 905-878-4821 103 Steeles Ave., Unit #7, Mihon J1OHN$TON PETROLEUMS With~~~~~ 20yaseprine eko Give us a cail today.. Experience the difference!