Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2005, p. 9

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Smokes and lottery tickets taken iii~oI~eIie1cesWî e hieak-ini The Mac's store on Bronte Street Souths was broken into earty Tuesday moming. Police said tise aiarm wenî off ai tise store ai about 2 a.m. when the rear door was pried open. Cigarentes and lottery tickets were taken. Tise vaine of tise stoten property hasn't yet been detennined. Car stolen A car was stoten in tise earty morming hours tast Friday. Uuknown suspects stote tise 1995 Plymouths Voyageur sometime between midnight and 6:45 a.m. from tise owner's driveway on Cedarbrae Avenue. Business broken into A Steeles Avenue East business svas bro- ken mbt March 3. Unknown suspects set off tise alann at Tondis Up in a Flash ai 7:30 p.m., gaining Police Blotter entry through the ventilation vent, police said. Nothing was taken. Fraud charge laid Police laid charges afier a credit card was used fraudulenîly at Simple Computer Solutions on Main Street. A $1.000 monitor was purchased ai the store with a Mastercard. A 32-year-old Mississauga man was charged with fraud under $5,000. Theft charge laid A Wal-Mars shopper was charged with theft in conneciion with an incident ai the Steeles Avenue store Monday evening. Police said three DVD boxed sets and a video game were stoten. A 22-year-otd Welland man was charged with thefi under $5,000. Shopper steals meat Police were catled alter a shopper was witnessed concealing îwo steaks up bis sîceve February 24 ai Lobtaws on Nipissing Road. Tise incident occurred ai about 7:30 p.m. A 36-year otd Ontario Street man was charged wiîis usd1 under $5.000. Neckiace stolen Police were noîified afier a Zellers shop- per was spotted shoptifting February 23. Securîty witnessed tise shopper taking a $14 silver necklace ai about 6:30) p.m.. police said. A 34-year-old McDufle ('rescent svornan was charged svîîh îheft under $5,00{). Petro Canada gas station broken into Halton Regional Police are investîgat- ing a break-in ai tise Petro Canada gas station in Milton. At 2:30 a.m. February 2, tsvo white mates forced open tise dooc to tise Quick Shop store. located ai 5 Main Si.. and stote a large quantity ol cigarettes. mosi- ly Player's and DuMaurier brands. Tise Oirsi suspect îs Oive-foot-seven and was wearîîîg a winîer ski jacket with a lighî-coloured triangle on tise back. Tise second suspect is six-foot-one and 'vas svearing a bomber-style jacket. Bots suspects were seen teavîng the area in a ligisi cotoured vehicte. possibty a Honda Civic. If vr>ii have on v infJormaiition that Ieoeis 1<> an5 atest ini thj.5 or onY othc'r mioer, s<îî nîoY Ie s'ligihle for a cash rewoard. You îsi/1 nuee have Io giv' vour nome or Ie.stify in coiu. Crimîe Stoppers <>/ Hailn d>esit xîAh.srih' Io cii/I dispia. Please cii/i 1-8030-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477). Thse Canadien Champion, Fniday, March 11l 2005-9 Lots up for grabs at police auction The Halton Regional Police Auction - set for Satwdfay, Mar. 19 - wil have more tissu 120 bicycles for sale as well as a large selection of other items. They include ciothing, music compact discsa, a battery charger, a 19-incis colour TV, speakers, a digital camera, golf clubs, weed whackers sud much more. The auction will be beld in tie underground garage of police headquarters, 1151 Broute Rd. Viewing and registration will be held from 8:3010o 9:30 a.m. Tise auction will begin ai 9:30 ani. sharp. Terms of payment for thse auction are cash or cheques with proper identification. PST will be added tc, tise purchase price. Refr-esisments wifl be avaiable. 19 MaS. Mi:o Y 01/N March O.P.î I... Specials Gift Ceritif lestes BrnIJ eesa bs & Wed Available Seniors Day 10% OFF Bridai Parties Welcome!9 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK April 17-23, 2005 National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration of the spirit and energy cil Canadian volunteers. Every individual volunteer makes a difference in thse lives of those he or she serves and the com- bined effect of Canada's 6.5 million volunteers is a force that shapes our society. *Canadien volunteers give approximately one billion hours a year, the equivalent of 549,000 full- time jobs. *The contribution of volunteers is valued ait $17 billion dollars per year (using national average wage) National Volunteer Week also provides an opportunity 10 thank the people who help t0 shape the experiences of volunteers. Across the spectrum of 180,000 non-profit and charitable organizations are thousanda of people - both volunteers and paid personnel - who participate in recruiting, train- ing, supporting and recognizing volunleers. ln communities across Canada, many of the 180,000 not-for-profit organizations that make Up Canada's voluntary sector set aside National Volunteer Week as a lime Ici hold events that recog- nize, honor and celebrate volunteers. National Volunteer Week is a project of the Canada Volunteerîsm Initiative funded by the Government of Canada through the Community Partnerships Program of Canadian Heritage. If you are interested in recognizing volunteers who contribute their lime and energy 10 your organ- ization The Champion is publîshing a special section on Tuesday April 19, 2005. Please contact Diana or Kyawnee ai Milton Canadian Champion Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: krowley@&miltoncanadianchampion.com or dianaw@&miltoncanadianchampion.com Halton Healthcare Colorectal Cancer: What You Need to Know A free public education seminar presented hy Halton Heaibrare as part of their "Living Healthy" series Individuals interested in colorectal cancer are invited to attend a free health seminar euhi- tîrd "Colorectal Cancer: Wh at Von Need to Know" to take place on Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the Milton District Hospital Classroom. Thse seminar is being presented in part- nership with Halton Healthcare Services - Milton District Hospital site, the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada sud the Canadisu Cancer Society. It is made possible due to a non- restricted educational grant from Ferrisg Phaemaceuticals with appreciation 10 Milton District Hospital Foundation. ASL interpretive services are available for the hraring impaired tbrough sponsorship of Siemens Hearing Instruments and Unitron Hearing Canada. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Canada. More than 19,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Despite its high incidence, colorectal cancer is one of the musi detectable, and, if fnund early, mosi treatabie forms of cancer. Advancisg age, diet, per- sonal lsistory of polyps and bowei disease, hereditary factors and family hisiory are some of the risk factors for developing colorectal cancer. Colorectai cancer, like other cancers, responds best to irraîmeni when it is found and treai- ed as early as possible. Treatmenî is most effective before the disease spreads outside of the colon. Colorectai cancer screening is advised as pant of routine medicai care when there are no symptoms present. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends that ail mes sud womes taik with their doctors about colorectal screeuisg. Drs. Jeif Koibasnik, Geserai Surgeon (Milton District Hospital) in bis presentation "Colon Cancer: a Treatble sud Preventabie Disease" wiIl provide information on the prevaience, early detection, diagnosis, sud treaiment of colorectai cancer. Dr. Steve (ialiinger, Professor of Surgery (University of Toronto) sud Co-Direcior for Cancer Genetics Centre (Samuel Lunenfeid Research Institute) will presenit "Advances in Colorectal Cancer Research. In addi- tin tbere wiii be lots of time for paeticipants to bave their questions answered. This free seminar wiil be heid on Tuesday, March 22nd at the Milton District Hospital, which is iocated at 30 Derry Road East. Dispiays sud ligbt refreshments wiii be availabie from 6:30 p.m. sud the seminar will conunence ai 7:00 p.m. To reserve a seat. please calI 905-338- 4379 or e-mail cpopp@baitonbeaitbcare.on.ca by March 17. Seating is limited. Tbose requit- ing ASL inierpreter services please fax 905-878-0498 or email cpopp@haltonhealthcaee.on.ca by Marcb 17. If you are unable to attend ibis event and would like more information on ibis topic speak to your physician. caîl the Cancer Information Lise ai 1.888.939.3333, or the Colorecta Cancer Association of Canada ai 1.888.318.9442. Relevant web-siîes 10 visit are: www.can- cerca, www.ccac-accc.ca, and www.wellsprisg.ca. - t 1

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