Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2005, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March il, 2005--7 Buirlîngton objects to Milton RE D1V T âS ý;î*e luia îu1eutteu Time Capsu/es'are gents of informnationt extracted from past issutes of lTe Champion and ot/ter publications it order to protide a window înto MUiltoit s past. Exp/anatorv comment is sometimes pro- rided to p/ace the situationt in conte-ii. February 1905 TMe Burlington Gazette wanîs Halton's bouse of refuge cstablished near Burlington and objects to Milton for its location on the ground that "Milton is the worst town in the county to get in or ont of. Wben you arrive there you are booked for ail day." This is not correct, but if it were il would not be a good objection in Ibis case. Those who arc sent to poor bouses are booked for more than one day. Milton is not particularly anxious that the house of refuge shaU be locatcd in this neighbor- hood, but according to the Inspector of Prisons and Asylums, il sbould be conven- ient to the county buildings and Milton is Uic place for it. The water in the reservoir is low and water motors have had their supplies shut off for the present. After meeting at their hall the membcrs of the Milton 10.. Lodgc. No. 92. witb a number of their lady friends. bad a very pleasant gathering at the New Royal Hotel. Landlord Bigger is a lirst class caterer. Tbough there was a good tumout it would bave been much larger bad it not been for the snow blockade wbicb prevented the attendance of a number of Oakville Oddfellows and ladies wbo bad been invit- cd and bad accepted. The state of the roads also prevented others. Tbree brothers came by rail ftom Ash and arrived about 10 p.m. by the G.T.R., jut four hours late. Ash is a flag station at whicb thc only shelter is a small shed, and Uic three brethren had a chilly Urne of il there taking toms, une waiting and waîching while Uic other Iwo warmed themselves in a neighboring bouse. Remember McClure's sale of Jersey Cantle on Lot 10, Con 4 N. S. Trafalgar. The proprietor bas sold bis farm 10 Robert Comfield of Weston and is going west. Three weeks ago a number of Milton young ladies began 10 practise hockey. coached by members of the local junior O.HA. teain. Last week, having arranged home and home matches witb the recently ,nmà> HrM 1 Capsules organtzed young ladies team, at Acton, players were elected and on Tuesday evening they svent to Acton. Mrs. W.A. Lawrence accompanied them as chaper- one. A large crowd turnied out to sec the game. 'Me price of admission was low. but the receipts were $45, which, after deduct- ing expenses, went to the Acton band which bas played at the rink twice a week during the season free of charge. There was plenty of excitement. 'Me visitors won by a score of 7 to 3, by superior combination. The twin sisters, the Misses Mason, were the stars of the Acton teain, and were per- haps the besi players in the gaine. The Miltonians were greatly pleased with the kind reception givetikhemn by the ladies of Acton. The return match will be played here within about a week. Milton players: Anna Scott, goal; V. Bowman, point; May Kelly, cover point; M. Panton, Rover; Helen Panton, center; Nonie Panton, right wing; L. Campbell, left wing. R.W. Bro. Fred Walter, District Deputy Grand Master paid bis official vîsit to St. Clair Lodge on Tbursday evening. He lcft Hamilton per G.T.R. on the evening train. The train made slow progress on accountr of the snow blockade which was the worst of the season, and linally stock fast in a drift about three m-iles south of Milton. The railway companry ordered teains in Milton to go to the rescue, but it was found that the train cold not be reached on accourit of the state of tIhe roads. R.W. Bro. Walter, the two ladies and several of thse brethren pîuckily walked 10 Milton on the railway track, getting here at about 9 p.m. The remainder of the party waited on the train, hoping for a rescue. Finally a sleigh got within half a mile of the train, they floun- dered to il and reached Milton sbortly before midnight. Alier the close of bbc meeting at thse Masonie hall, the local brethren gave the visitors and about forty lady friends a banquet at the McGibbon House. Many of the members living ont- side the îown and many guests froin the neighboring towns werc kept away by the state of the roads. but notwithstanding the number of those present was 83. This maierial is assemb/ed on be/ta/f of the Mltont Historical Societ ' bs i im Dl/s, who caît be reached ai jdi/s@zidireci.comi. Dear Editor: l'mn responding 10 Stewart Haddon's recent letter regarding same-sex marriage. l'in a bappily married beterosex- ual man, and wbile 1 respect Mr. Haddon's opinion and bis verve for bis religion. 1 take strong offense to nearly cvery statement in bis letter. Let me first address Mr. Haddon's legal wandering. Bill C-38 ham nothing to do witb cburcb or religion. Here in Canada, we separate cborcb from state. Bill C-38, whicb Mr Haddon accuses supporting MPs of not reading or understanding, only applies to civil ceremontes. If he bimself bas read the bill, he would realize that if's op 10 every church 10 decide if they'll offer reli- gions ceremonies to saine-sex cou- ples. No cburch is being pressured to, pcrformn ceremonies against their doctrine. Second, Mr. Haddon states that the Charter of Rigbîs and Freedoms - wbich came mbt bcing in 1982 - predates any "gay rigbts stuff.' In actuality, the late Pierre Elîitt Trudeau lobbied te, have bomosexuality decriminal- ized wben be was justice minister in 1967 -yes, il was actually a crime folks -and later il was decrîmsinalizcd in 1969. I'd also ltke 10 know exactly wbat "extra rigbîs" Mr. Haddon fears same-sex couples might be granted. Every citizen of Ibis country enjoys the saine fondamental frce- doms under the Charter, including freedoîn of conscience and reli- gion; freedom of thougbî, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of Uic press and other media of cominunication; frecdom of peacefol assembly; and freedom of association. This brings me te, my second point. Not cveryone in Canada, or Milton for that manter, is Christian. If the Supreme Court of Canada elects 10 stay o ut of the religious beliefs of ils own citizens, wby docsn't Mr. Haddon? His comment that "no cburcb should marry people of the saine sex' is his own personal belief. lIlI give him the beneftt of the doubt and presumne that he only intended 10 include local Christian churches -as if ibat's aIl tbat exisîs in thse world. However, be fails 10 sec that ail citizens are guaranîeed protec- lion under the same Charter, whtcb alîows bita to read the Bible witb- Thanks to ail who supported Rotary TVA uctîon Dear Editor: On bcbalf of the TV Aucîton Committee, l'd like te, tbank ail the volunteers, donors and Friends of Rotary for Uieir assistance aI the ftfth annoal Rotaty TV Auction December 4. The event's success wouldn't have been possible without the support of these volunteers. We managed 10 raise more than $14.000 for Uic 'Focus on Youtb' prograin. We bave already allocated ail Uic fonds -and more - 10, youth-rclated projects in the cominunity. These include Breakfast for Kids, varions sehool programss, scbolarsbips and our flagship prograi 'TMe Deck' - a yonîb drop-in centre set 10 open Ibis spring. Evetyone cas be proud t0 have participated in Ibis event, which bas done so mucb good for our commnu- niîy. I'd like to alto thank The Champion for ils sup- port and sponsorsbip. T'Me editorial coverage was much appreciated. Tbanks again 10 everyone for their commitinent tu Rotary, and we hope tIsaI wc cas count on alI of you agatn nexb year. Tom Dusmet, chairperson Robin Coverdale a worthy choice for Teacher of the Month Dear Editor: choice, and lim sure Uiat aIl of my 1 rcceived an e-mail from a friend former cîassmaîes would agrcc. wbo informcd me that Robin There was someîhing différent Coverdale bad been namned The about Ibis beacher.. Champion's Teacher of bbc Month WIsile aI Easbview, be brought for March. tIse commnniîy mbt tbc scbool and As a former stndent of bis aI tbc scbool out1 tIste communiîy. Oakville's Easîview Public ScIsool, 1 was glad 10 hear tbat be was I bave te, say that Ibis was a great nominatcd. In my opinion, hie brougbî laugb- ber, fun and fond memories 10 every sîndent who abtended Eastview. Sam Sherraît ts very locky 10 bave sncb an amazing teacher and sbould bold onto Mr. Coverdale for as long as bbey can. Neil Gallant Oakville This 2005 Mazda3 GX Includes: 1 e ~ VPowsrful 2.01L 4Cy Engins i/ Automatic Transmission 'A HLL s VPouer Lcks t/~ 1511 V l V Convenience Package V Air Condition y' 60/40 Rear Seals V Steering Wheel Audio ConroI V Engins immobilmer 311 Sunom -St., lets§ V he icBae mua~~ ~~ an a a Vnpve MufWhnk suspeno" i/IE#Os* PouerUUn WAàdAir q sysem IReminder ..Good things corne in "13" Finance From: Milton flm~'~ ~ Same-sex marriage issue isnt aotrligion ouI persecution. And wby sbould someone be forced 10 repeat the Lord's prayer if tbey'rc not Christian? Personaîly, neither my wtfe nor 1 feel Ibreat- ened by saine-sex marriages, nor do we believe for a minute that our marriage would be diminished by the marriage of samne-sex couples. And wby should il? I love my wife more than anytbing in thse world. Wby would somneone else's marriage affect the bond wc bave and in whicb we rejoice? Websîcr's Dictionary deftines mariage as 'any close or intimale union." Mr. Haddon himself said tIsat the termn union would be acceptable for samne-sex couples, s0 svhy isn'î marriage? As il toms ouI, Milton counicil just announced that we don't bave the manpower or money in town 10 perform civil ceremonies anyway -same-sex or not. So I guess Mr. Haddon's point is rather moot. l-owcver, 1 support bis right 10 express bis opinion 10 bis own cburcb, but I would like 10 remind Isim 10 please sîay ont of mine. John Wilson

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