The Canadian Champion, Friday, Mareh 11, 2005-Bl I41 &~R ianment Sam Sherratt students' thoughtful artwork heading for World Peace Forum in Vancouver By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Their art projects couldn't have been more different. Nicole Sellors, 1l, had painted her fantasy world - the world she dreamed of living in - with bright colours depicting a magnificent scene ftlled with mountains, palm trees, a w aterfall and a clear blue sky. "'Ifs what the world would be like if I could make the world," Nicole said, adding a recent trip to Mexico influenced ber artwork. Claire Thoruton's painting was darker in both colour and subject. Hers was a taste of reality, sbowing the world tbrougb ber eyes. With grey and black paint, Claire had painstakingly painted a set of symmetrical smoke stacks, ail spewing ugly. dirty smoke. "Il went to Toronto and saw a lot of amoke stacks and smoke coming out," explained Claire, 10, as she beld up her painting. "Air pollution cas kilI many animais and make people very sick." Botb students are in Scott Pattinson's grade 5 art class at Samn Sherratt Public Sehool. 'heir paintings, aiong witb those of the test of the class, are destined for more thas their fridge doors. They'll be on display at a student gailery in Vancouver, BC - aiong witb ast from. kids around the world -at tbe World Peace Forum next year. The assigninent lefi rooru for the students' interpretation. Tbey were asked to convey their visions of tbe world tbey live in or tbe world tbey'd like to live in. "Tbey've been working on tbis for a wbile," Mr. Pattinson said, explaining tbe opportunity for tbe projeet arose tbrougb contacts he bas at tbe University of Victoria, wbere be antends eacb summer to, work toward bis masters degree in art education. Having a cbance to contribute to tbe student gallery is notbing to take ligbtly, be said. Only a few sebools in Casada bave been invited to par- ticipate. "If's a fastastie motivator wben tbey know Grade 5 students Lindsay Chudleigh and Dylan Burkholder show some of the artwork depicting the message ai peaoe. tbeir artwork will be displayed (at tbe conter- ence)." Mr. Pattinson said. adding, "I'm really excited about tbe positive atmospbere it creat- ed.'I Tbe focus of tbe project wasn't as mucb on tbe students' actual art skills as it was on tbeir ideas. be said. Afler tbey finisbed tbeir paintings, tbe students bad a cbance to see wbat otber kids from otber countries bad submitted via tbe Internet. Mr. Pattmnson said it was a meai eye opener for some of bis students. It belped tbem see just bow different our world is from tbat of students in, "But in a lot of places, tbat's tbeir daily reaii- say, Afgbanistas or Iraq, wbere a cbild's painting ty. I is more apt to portray brutality. "Tbeir work wvas reaily different froin wbat we did in clasa," be satd. "A lot of it bad grapbic images." He said tbe project caused students to reflect on bow mucb tbey bave to be tbankful for in Milton and Casada as a wbole. "As a teacber, I'd sometimes say tbat's not appropriate," be said, referring to students look- ing at grapbic artwork. Tbe students' entbusiasm, toward tbe project was obvious. Claire said sbe tbougbt it was "reai- ly cool" tbat their asl was going to be displayed alongside otber kids' art from ail over tbe world. Nicole ecboed ber sentiment: 'Il feel reaily bappy about baving tbe cbance to, sbow our art to different countries." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.comn. MARCH SPECIAL, Cail Tlodiay for a free.trial, class!, GEORGETOWN CUNEMAISq f235 GUELPH STREET 873-1 99 O ROBOTS FI Daly 645 p.m&9:00 p.m Sat. thru Thurt, 2:00 14Aý Daiy 645 pm&9:00 pm. Vkience O SON 0F THE MASK E Sat. Ihra Thurt. 2:00 p.m. ~JDaily700 pm. & 9:00p.m Sal. thru Thurs. 2:00 pm 7?att Puklng AvIIabI kt ea MI LION TOWN HALL CORNER 0F BROWN ST. & MARY ST. 416-819-3159 WEDNESDAY, FR1 DAY & SUN DAY 7:3 0 P. m. PRENATAL: MOM & OABY. Yoga ACluafit Yoga AqUafit StroUeffIt fit belly fît ba by yogafit aquatic strollerfit 416-417-2433