Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2005, p. 27

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1 Landscaplnq,' Construction Want to work aîth a fun, fsst-paced ani od chocoiate-couered leam? Chocoîste Fourtaîr Canada is hîr- ing psrt-tîme Soîil OCCASIONAL ATT5NDANT e quîred a tee euerings'morth. Set- up our fouintaîns aI weddîngs and parties. Perfect for a stsy-ar-hume momn lsokîrg 10 gel out or Saturday rigtsi PART-TIME OFFICE STAFF Sales and telephone skills a must. Kitofren and cleanîng dulieu as welI. Mondays/NetnesdayîFîdays (Salt daysl. STUDENT reqsîred for Ssturday/Sunday mornngs - light office duties and clesnîng. May lead tu steady summer positison. AIl positions in Georgetown South location. Please send resame or contact ss at: sales Ochocolatefsuntaini.ca RAMADA INN THE FOLLOWING POSTIONS ARE AVAILABLE: Full flneeParl limie Hoaaelceeping -Part lime Night Auditor Must be able to wore wookonds. Apply in persan 161 Chisholm Dr-. Milton - afax 905-W8-0701 - G ORBYSTONE GOLF COURSE Cuiinary Team Summfier Positions Avaliabie Full Time & Part Time Join the seasonai ntaff at one of Canadals Finest Golf Courses Send youor resume toi: Executive Chef. Siasidon Minis Creystone Golf Course 91189 Dublin lne Milton. Ontario L9T 2X7 (20 Minutes East 0f Guelph)> Tl: (905) 875-3808 Fax: (90S) 875-345 EmaIi smcilnnIM@Iublink.ca GARDEERS WNEED: The Mil aada Camplon s ktn g duts Exelloentpy Please ropl ta: r 387 OnaRSre Narth D DiyMs-Milton na l s 9T J3 experîerced talitîme empioyens, able boaîea aith excellenr reterences lu teed, mack oat, groom, tarnoat ana mîscellanenas barn chores. Cati for Intereiew 8 arn - 4:30 pmi (905)873-1899 4:30 pmn - 9 pin (905)873-8501 a or tas resame toi (905)-873-1919. e4-,UýIl-ER eET Interlock fisraliens & General Labourers Espermence drivis9 with traiter& clous drivers abstract Contact Angelo or Peter 416-881-71301416-951-4287 SUPPORT SERVICES ATTENDANTS REQUIRED Part-rime psitions avaîiabîn ire Milton, Georgetown & Actun for our Haitsn Ovrreach prugrarris. Must be wiing rui wsrk evaningo ast wenkento, Dunies înciute assisting souirs muSh physîcai dis- abîlîries in actioîsies of taiy liing suoh as person- ai cane, inansterring, novai prvpanarîon & light husekeepvg. ffeliabie transportation a must. CPR/Pîrsr Aid preterrvd. Saiary range $12.25- $14a57pet hour Please suhm it reene li> March 181, 205>1 Halton Outreach 1905) 876-4434 or Email: scurrieuldimesven.ca Oniy 5,vecanidlates to be ,vterv,îîd wili se oanfae. EQUAC OPl'OenRTUIos EMPLOYER M -4l We're Caming ta Milton! *Saper Pet ila Canadianowasied ua oj poruted natîseul pet resailer looiog for: Stosjfn ager* - Candidates stisats hune reSait managemrent esperrence ant a_% a gonmne intereot aut love for pets. The manager til le resparsl for the overasl day ie ta day sporulions of tIhe store. SalesAoofuteu - Canidates shostt hase P ules unit service espenerîcu asd a love for customner aervice ast pote. Saper Pet le an equal opportaurty employer Onle canidates Seing considernit wll Se SALES ASSOCIATES Stephenson's Restai Services nc, requirea costumer service oriented people for our NEW equipment restai location in Miltan. $12.OO/hr plus benefits afler 3mths and bonus. Costumer service experience and a machanical aptitude are definite assats. Must ba able foi work weokends. Please fax 905-842-8087, or email careers@stephensans.ca FRESH FACES NEEDED Ages infants to 75 years, for catalogue work, TV, fashion events. $15 - $90/hr. Please caif 905-336-5455 , I Hie the foviivuing ssna fuiiand pa Bar Sorers B k hpPersonnel If you arc a teant lyrt excellent commuia essirormeni. plesse faiward youn ressnsc le P.O. Box 56, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2Y3 or Fao 905-878-1699 un e-mail ofieC&ttrafal2auogçcm 1ArMstrong AvSenue, UMnît *MAHNEpo O NATR 1I M HOKI UN'S SHERIDAN UIDLLEUL Counter Staff~ gam-3pm Nu eoperieOce Oeceooary but fluent in Englîsh CGUnIter taf- 3PM-1opmi Monday-Thurnday (tlexible) & 3pm-7pm- Fridays Porter/Cleaner- liam-Spm Monday-Friday We provîde 0000 slarlîog age, beefl mais and uoilorm Apply in persan ta Luke or Mary-Lau Mon - Fr), 9-5, at Sheridan college, 1430 Trafalgar, Oakville - Tel: 905-844-8532 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES and General Staff required Truestar for Women- the Cutting edge tota) haltl con- ter for women. We are lsukîng ton highly motlvated individuels whs are înlerested in a career helpîng improve the health ot wsmen ine the Burlîngtsn areu. Full training provîded. Excellent remuneration and advancemnent opportunities. Emaîl: centerjobo@trustarhealth.com Dry Gssds Dept staff (epne cd) er POnd epuatf M epetîien) eric Ps et Sup esrlda hrigterlv lwn ealGreenhuse pstf(epositine.. Dury od Dept staff (expeienced) WE NEED COLDURFUL SEASONAL TEAM MEMEERS FOR GENEHAL PDSITIO3NS IN ALL RETAIL LOCATIONS AIl Management positions require saperoîssry esperience, rotai) horticultaral întustry eoperî- ence & excellent castsmer service skîlls Watardown Produclion flAAhîla Greenhsase technîcians (Must have / willîng to stais pesticide certitication) Greonhnase crew DZ erivur (île8Ti, bulréi abs!ract f-éqsiréd3 Please specity the position for wich yos are applying ast send ysar resame in MS WDRD tsrmat ts: H-IR., Terra Greenhoases Head Office, #8 Piffh Csncessisn East, RR#1, Waterdown, ON LOIR 2H1 Pas: 905-689-1770 e-mail: HRi@TerraGreenhoses.com We Ihan ait applecanto, however only tlrooe oelected for interuviews wili be contacted. Where colour lives! PRODUCTION ASSEMBLERS Hayeard Pool Producîs Canada, Inc a leadirg manufac- turer ut swîmmîog pool acceosory equîpino, hau sever- ai openîngo for production assembles. Positions are avaîlable îmîîedîalely lui appîoeîmately a 4-1/2 mortS terni Wages 69/tir. Hours 8 30am-5:OOpm. Iolemested ayylicaolo pleaoe apply in persoO or contact. Alleo 905-829-2880 exo1241 2880 Plymouth Drive, OakviIIe (Winston Churchiiil0EW) DON'T MISS OUT! Great Opportunity in Burlînglan! Profit of $600-$800 Gaaranteed Mosth)y Plss Gas Sabsidy Early msrng dssr ts taon Dellvery of the Hamilton Spoctatar li Toranta Star Must Hae Reliable Vetticte. 7 Days a Weok CAIL NOW 905-639-7700 Management Trainma And Generat Staff requlmed TRUESTAR FOR WOMEN Thre csttesg solie total heatr carrter fon women. 00e are toslsing tsr hîghlp motivatet indiniduals whs are intereated in a career helping imprsee the îeath sf wsmen in the Georgatown area Futl training prsnidet. Excellent nemunaratian art adt- vancement sppsntunities. Fsrwart resunea toi: centaniabatnuearhealth.car TrV ail. Prilnt & Flm Outgoing Kids Needed! Www.atalent.ca We are agent - NOT scouts Wv vr audrticrI-y r+m Sirice 1992 416-929-3458 055 Memue 514 e Premium ourly pay + up lu 50% comm. & bonuses *Seniorly-based afflua pay increase * Unheatable benelt *Equipment Provided *Paid Training Apprentices welcome Cali soaisah The Canadian Champion, Friday Match 11, 2005-27 $14> 11 Startiog Psy (ar 3 molm $15.69 and 6 months $16.20) o.80 Shit premîrum (hOurs worired 8:00 pm - 8:00 arn) +1.O5 Weekend premium (irours worired betwesn 8:QOpm Friday & 12:0mpm Sunay + Paît Holidays + Vacations + Croup Irnce + Prescription Drug Plan + Dents) Plan + RRSP/PENSION GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS, INC. a leading manufacturer of residenlisi fibergss insulation, os seekirg production aorkers. For more irtormatior regsrdîrg GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS, spe Our weboîle at: www.guardiar com Apply in persor or mail lotir application to Guardian Fibergss, Ire. 300 Mair Street (Counlty Road 124) Erîn, Oritarîo NOS iTO OR Pax pour reoumne to.: 519-833-9749 Gaardian Fibergtasa, tric., is an Eqaal Opportunity Employer MIKE'S ILANDSCAPING Lookiog for hardaorkîog neIable peoyle o 1101 olir g roeîîîg crm ya o ci 00 40 & g000 liro Owo transportationo 0yard & a valid lic ao assel We are lookîng o 0 111 positins on the area00: e Crew Foreman I Bobcat Operator a Labourers Gond resîîme. or ayyly in person Io the lardJ Photio 905-000-4946 - Fax 905-689-2322 Yard 850 Cenre Road REODES? PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. WWW.REQUESTPERSONNEL.COM *EOIJIRED 11111IMMDIATII Our client nt Dakoîlle area has ao immediaenoeed lui PACEAGEERS a Day $10/hr, Afferroun shifts $10,50/Or 420-A Britannia Raad East Suite 201 Mississauga, Ontaria (S.W. Coer-Srltannla Rd. E. & Kennedy) Phans: 1-877-755-0395/ 905-755-0395 rssumss@reqestpersonne.com Acceptîro Applications 9-2pm Mon-Fni CURVES For WOMEN rPART-TIME Worid orgeat titneaa organization -"-n loosIing-er-mature-, energotic, outgoing emp)oyaes to work et their Burlington North locations. (-ours fle xible, some Saturdays. [ Fax resume: 905-319-9702 SHIPP.ERRECEIVER Vile are a growing company, that dîstrîbutos across Canada and are luoking for a part- lime Shippen/Receiner. The succossul candi- date vitl be responsible for inventory con- fro1 irclsding parts, shîpping ant recoiving throsghout North America and Europe. Shipiserîs range f nom ennelopes; toi skids. Position is suifable for ssmeone senni-retiret. Computer knonsledge an asset. Fax resume ta: 905-631-1852 Skilled Iantscape costruction wsrker neetet for resîdentîsl design/build csmpury. Must have ut ias 2 pears esperience in csncrete, fiagstone, initerasl- ing brick, retsining euhl, teck construction as soit as s strong knoaleo horticulture. Starting at $15-19/hour 905-840-5483

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