Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2005, p. 25

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Tha Cenadian Champion, Friday Match il, 2005-25 s e eIndex: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 e Rentaisl170-196 eLeisure 200-239e Community 240-29 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@mliltoncanadianchampion.Com e Merchandise 300-385 a Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fn. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad suhbmission by mail or in persan: The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON [ST 4N9 Deadliees: Mac. il arnm. for Tues. p ublication, Thurs, 11 arn. fer Fnl. publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may vaty. Paymeet: We accept cash, chieque, lntecac, Visa, MastenCard, Amenican Express. Business accaunts can lie openied with an appraoed credit application anailable tcom youc Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta asone thn infotmation la conrect. Contact pour Sales Consultant within 24-Hasts tf an encan appears, An encan sr a Fni publication muse be raparted no later than Mon. 11 a.m. ENGAGEMENT BRHA Happy l9th Bîrthdlay Cynthia and Micheai Momas g a denay a t'ae en are delighted to announce the engagement of rEr ar Erin Marpls toe a lf th litJason Pùdwill son of Frieda and Vince t a0nfo GiWg io of Hamilton and Edwin p i n C and Betty PùdwiU of Dunnville. Weddingplanned00 c1litm n for the summer of 2006m aeats misaI peu nemi to isnom belote pou li yor hoame foc stle. Toit Free Recocriar Message 1-877- 617-1275 tDa3003. Pradantiet1 Tues Cenre Roulis FREE Qnich OVER-THE-NET Hom EvailsSon. ww.haftmtiomeif.ce Usets rer rani. Ramy 25 & 401, 1,600 - 3,200 sq. hl. Losding docks & drive-in. Phosa t 905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-6834. LEASING tam relent plaza. Guelphs St., Georgetown. Undes tiOsqft apenande. Venius uses, incladittg dental /maldica /phnaesacp. Cal Gary 416-890-5100. PROMOTE pour bousiness oppontssiiy la arvec 4 millen ade8t ceadae in Soulth Cas- kra Ontario. Bondi pour ad- vertaseni in over 60 Mat- mieanr community naepa- pars atth osaOM Cinaoi. CaUl today for informatin n eeliy aerd ad peckag- au (intemet listinga inclari- ed) 416-493-1300 et. 288; ww.mietroand.m 2nd and 3rd Moagqages. Bad crmit OK. Cai Ontarno taida 1-88-307-7799. A 5-pr 0 4.55%. Ais equn- ty mettgege pregrame ce- gardiaus nfi noe or crad- it. Cai Chis 0 1-800-328- 7887 or vne us ai messin- trp epertmteet te shara. Large 2-badrenre. garden, Biraplae, fametae pcelarrad. tmmmiell or Apnil tel. 5500/mnth. 905-693-1129. MILTON t -brm basemeet epi. 5650/mt, lebtesi ce- qanreri. Cai Holy 0 905- 864-4326. MILTON aveitable Aprit t si. 2-b)re beml. apt. $1000/nthis abes inclurieri, no mchera/peu. Cati Jndy O 905-875-4802. MILTON large bnghln hache- lor $750/mIs, itchen, fli betht, ulties, cebta & leun- dry. No pela/smoking, evenleble Aprit tet. Oeil 905-876-3487 or 416-576- 9294. MILTON tmme andi cntry loceao main lavai 2-loden iosoe, lange kitahn, din- img, living. Avaclalla Map lt. S1100/mth + utlais, no pets. Ralerances. Call 905-878-2737. MILTON. Haut tam 2-beri- room A/C, parhing, lnidge/stnva. Ne umoo- Cng/pals, Firuli/Lest. $1000/mnth inclusive. Aveilele Apntl tut. 905- 693-9715 With lots of love from your fan club!! GLEN EDEN COURT APARTIMENTS 122 Branle Street Southr, Mtos We ara nom acoayong applications fer: -1 tldm epits For moe informationn "aor ta, an appointimenl, Pifale Cali 905-878-8375 Building Mennages Leanard à Penny 1 & 2 badmomr availaida. Frumn $845h Clean and quiet building. Cai Jase 416- 723-801 Aviale Aynil tuti. ACTON 1-loadrnom sait- ceetaîeed, seaata an- tranca, perlang. 5850/monts inclusive. Firbtlas. Nu pae. Call 519- 853-5314. ACTON large 2-leoarom epeemeCien, gtoaCd lavai, $800/mnthB plus Aiso t- bedroore apoi. $600/month plus. Oei 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352. ACTON large 3-beriroo apunlmnenl, 5850/month plas. Ais a 1-bariroomn epantireC, $550/mnh plus. Cal 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352 ACTON, 2, t bedrnom, $790/monin andi 1, 2-bear- rnnm, 890/menti, ail indu- uve. Aalable Apnl 1ti Cai 519-853-3309 or 519-853- 0719. suites in Acten $800 $850/meelth. Pesvate yi Ges iseet Avaitale cm riietely, Call Liz [)oeil J sn Associales Ra 905-877-5165. APARTUENTS FOR RIENT 2-bedromn suites in A $800 and $850/nt. aie perde. Ges hat. aida immettieatpl. Cali Gei, Jehiscs Asenai Resfter 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN t1 more baiuement apaS rnaalp reeoveted aiftt tiraplaca. $795/anlth ublifas. Close tei shopt First/Luel. Cuti 905- 7451 GEORGETOWN t- noom nemty renoua bnight apament. Fan yard, parihing and tu nctaderi $750/mc Avuiluide Match tut. 519-856-9994. GEORGETOWN spa 2-loedrnom ayante close toi Hîgit Scsanl. piencas, gmeal naiglo No pets/emnlasg $980 ait innsie. Aveilabla buaery lst 90-873-11 GEORGETOWN, t-I conre basemani, longla, gla lamnae/ pie.$B00/mn8 ahîliies daderi. Cr544t ch lirsalst. Avuiteida inn dieatly. Parking/ sea etiCclundp. 905- 0663. GEORGETOWN, 60I lanr Ores, 2-bed istrwofkg&/stuva, 2-penlattg, feu indludari. May lt. 905-451-7618 IROCKWOOD, longisi t badroan basement ayant- ment, sudtable tact1 pamaon. Anadiable Macch net. Close te a,1 umeeihie and Cen- - reeae onars Pesvate en- trance, ne smoking/pets. $575/mueth ulilitieu/cable incladeri. 5t9-B56-985e4. SPACIOUS 2-bedceon apamnt n upper lenel ai Tri-pieu. lncladee lnidge/eleve/ea-in kilcisen Pets wmem. $800/meett plus ulîilies. 905-B73- 9582. HORSE FARU 4-brm sinnie houe n herse laim hcreplaoe, modemr letchen pesiluy ni siaBas & pas- lace $tB800/men + uflities. COUNTRY HOME 2-lodm home on ocganic lam, calthedral oeiieg, applianc- au $t400/mlis. Call Ometl -~S. Gales, Reall Estale Breit - er@ -877-28-812. HOUSE fon cent, Detty Rd. E, & Traflar Rd., 50 acres ot laed wiih bain. Oeil 905- 738-2t00. nomn MILTON large executîsa 4- and bre backliî, iceisheri inde. basemeet, hache no quiet me- pare, close ta al umeaihien, ohe- $t795/mth +cihe. el aller Jua @ 416-319-5626. - STEELESTRFALGAR 2- bedrnomn house. Double garage. $t200/mionth ce- cln cluding cable/tydre. Anai: Pri- alel immedialelly. No pts. ati- Oai 805-878-4832. 1ULz UNIQUE store cottage ce aies excellent coneritin on Bt - acres of y.clucesqua lam- oaci- tend os 2 maie macles, t5 tant, minutes huom Millin. Reter- gas ences cequired, $1500/mlh plus + utitities, tsttasi. ne mg. pets/sceokere. Cai 905- 877- 854-0152. -4-BEDROOM hanse te, cent bed- ce Adtos, quiet eeigbur- tari, hood eear Lake. 5-up- îced pliaecee, non-emnisere, no ndrry pets. Firstlest/cefereeces. cnth. St ,350/rnth plus chichtes. Cai Aaaiabte immediatey. Cail 519-853-5251. eus, lent, Ap- Fa- 74. bed- Sin- eck, cae- 873- Rap- 10ev, ton, aSici- Cali MILTON 3-odes maCn- sonasa, fiCissi tac rnnm garage, 4-ayppiancas. Wil- s/Woodard urea 51250/mith + eftihs. Aveul- aida May lt/OS Oeil 905- 876-4499. MILTON bresd tam 4-brme extra large towChoasa, famidy/livig memas, garage, hariaori Blooms, applianc- es. 51450/mt + uilihes, evaitaida immmiutaly Oeil 647-220-8062. MILTON nea 3 bedmoore lomeisousa, ensuite bath, tiCished rac ronm Mein suJmi Snoc Pkay area. Avaitabte immediaiep. $1450/mo plus ubltSes. Richard Hiameen, Re/Max 9058787777 1Uannn. Z, Js4 oearnom tomCisnuses avaitabie im- mmiiately thrmeg Aynil. 4 appliances. Hoyadale Mal ares. Labeebece Manage- ment, 905-876-3336 COUNTRY loditcan for lgst conlang, cai 905-864-7170. I4wy 2&/5 Sedemori. Avenl- alI mmmi atly $400/anith ubites tnclad- ed. 905-878-3632. apettmant. God location, parking, laundry facilites' $507/mnnlth ieclusive. Cai 905-699-0604. GUELPH4 Record andi CD Showm - Suvday Match 131h huom 10:30 arn te 5:00 pm. Ramada Hotal, 716 Gordon Street (opposite, University nf Gelphs). [P's, CD's, 45es antciae eocablca. Over 40 vandom. Admis- IRedWoI I Mon o Iu enors Cenot LOST. Blackt giano case encin glassas. Labtuens park- ing lot. Tues Mac BIh. Reward. 905-854-4158. FRENCH babpettaer ani ha- loystl poung chîldran lrum smtiss-5prs. Pleasa cntactChanta @0905-876-3465. LOVING motter & cetie E06 prnvdcng dayre Cn mp home. Cîrdae Uma, siory lirme, cralla & laps et play groap. 10 pearse sayan- once. 905-876-9950 MOVING Cae- aisnost nea Tnmtine 2200 Treadmli aith cempiderizmi opons. Puid $1300. miii sal tut $570. Oeil Gave 905-8f54- 4016. Craft Show Qualied Exhibitors Warned Ta iaieslea Cote Osia Cnrea Aeditnarem ttndanaMB6 SPals Ceeue BreaklanVipaml Arma I.,a t-6,2 li5 & Oct a 222i2 J & 14,005 For more infonaation call 905-426-4676 ext.22 1 or monit www.thehneartofcotr.omcn Beacntoe: Tom &Becky ara oveqloyed toi esseunca tisa lati of theti sen einlmin Thomes Jenne aenghing 7 bus., t oz. et Mition Distrnct Hospital on Faeruery 17, 2005 0 6:25 pet. Weakoeng Baen ara pmoud firsi lima grendipecents Bob & Deo Beyntn ni Mille ami Robo & Judy Wilding ni Londoe. Ban s cais laccy ta hava mesny great gredipaente ami aunts & eedles. Out gratitude tei Dr. Ra)asingham, Cuse an the enhre ebsetlce taam foc thisen oatstavdng care. .OD MarIC IZ00 George MAcMuIlen fuetmery of Mitn un Fehttaty 28 2005 in hie 82nd year n ePentAnegie N. Iretanri. He es auisveri by hie anfe Sedie, son Brian, grandn Rebent andi grandelaugufer Lattane. Fueal mas heri ie Downpatick where he os neeting. ROBINSON: Margaret: Irene (nos Jotinston) Peaceelly, at lte Eeteetdicare Nursing Hume on Mon- dep, Match 7, 2005, Margaret Rebinsont in hec 86tt pear Leving ie of the laie Ruselfl Roinsn. Be- laveri mater of [yen Robitnson. Predeoeaeed loy hec un Bah Robineon. Fereven rememberei loy hec daughter in la Jeanne Robineon. Cheneshei grand- marner af Michael, Maithew attr Calley. A Fanerai Servie wae held huom the J. Scot Eatly Fanera Hume, 21 Jamnes SI., Millio, (905) 878-2669 an Tuaeday, Match Bih. Au eepreeeieete ni eympainp, dontlos tei ie Hahien Associatian fer Cummandy Living wcaald he appreataled by the lacmil. Tise family weeld like te lhaek the staff et Exteedicare Nursing Hume tac their lenrinese dudng Margarele slay. STOVE, white, 3W o 25", sef dleaecg. Fnidge, 33: a 67, mihite, sida freezer, ce- maker, ater dispeeser. 5600/pair. Phone 905-875- 3425 100%/ NATUBA BEEF Grain Fmi No Chemicale, Hemeosa, or Anima Sides and Split Sides, Cut & Wrap 5194853-4334 A Dtnieg Rnom, Cherry- mooi, doule pedestet tabla, B chairs, buffet, lutais, roeal costruc- lion. New stillins boxes. Cnet $11,000. Sacrnfice $2,600. 905-567-9459 A King Pittowtop Muetrese Set. New in plusc. Cnet $1600. sait toc 5450. 905- 567-9459 BED, Amazcng bargain, queen ecthnpadic pciowtny set, em ce plastic warety -150 905-567-Ï*nti le- tiser. Bedroace Checrymanri, 854, cheet, dresser, 2 ntghtstaeds. Gavain Con- stractine. Nanan opasari Cnet $8,000. Sacnfice $18900. 905-567-4042 CARPET t have sevacai 1,000 yeda. oi new Stace- mealer & 100%/ nplan car- pet. Mitl do livingreoom & hall for $389. Irncludes cen- pet, ped & insalaios (30 perdu) Slave, 905-633- 8192 FREE Eshimates. GaI wnb- bly chairs, tirari looking ano ihnishes? Filde Cus- tom Wood Rehinishing and Fumilare Repaira, 9-9, 905- 632-9090. Hoat Tub (Spe) Oconare Beet Pnice, Beet Ouality. Ait Shapes & Cutoure Avait- aide. Cuti 1-866-585-0056. NEW Year Seal Custumn uphoistening, save up tai 50% off dacoratea labrice, plus NO GSI. Soas huom $788, chaire 1rm 5249. Fields Fumituce ani Felo- decs. Cul dadly, 9-9pm. 905- 632-9090. SILVER Ornes- Racyctad stair tilt 4 tei chenue fare, cadling lits 3 aalable. 905- 847-5504 $8$$ Wanted- ai Chinea, Culver, Crysta, Tee Cape, Raya Douli Smemovslu, Giaus, Jewellery, niel tops, celtaclibles, esetes. CaOl Johtn/ Tacep 905-,331-247 CASH PAID toe antiques and nellectitles, chiva, ig- unnes, Iamelany lararisca, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 cal: 905-876-7950 I av a jofead1E aainCaii m

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