Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2005, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion Frîday March il 2005 Minor atom 'Hawks Marlins deliver soIid efforts grounleu III semilinals at jr. provincial championships ZYlilton gets swept by downs made it farther in the OMHA play Ihan anyone expected. so l'm very powerhouse Raiders proud of ibese boys,' be noted. 'Im very pleased wiib bow far ibis teain bas corne Geîîîng swepî in playoff action is always ibis season." a bitter pilI 10 swallow. Tbe end came Saîurday afiemoon ai Bul it tends to go down a utile easîer Georgetown's Gordon Aicoit Mena, wbere againsi a beavîly favoured opponent, espe despîte some solid cage work by J.J. cially one ibaîs losi jusi once aIl ~ Scbaap ibe Winîerbawks svere season. ~ dropped 6-O. Drew McMillen Sucb was ibe case tor and Garetb Browne tumed in Mutons AA minor atoms, wbo guîsy performances log were ousted froro ibe OMI-IA ging extra lime to fuI ibe games lait wcek by ibe vu-tuaI Bensusan but juil couldnt semifinals in a minimum tbrce absense of fellow centre Josb ly unheatable and champi ligbî the lamp and werc exhausi onsbip-bound Gcorgeîown cd by ibe ibird. Raiders. -- -- Despite Uie faci Uiat his team scored juit once in Uic series, head coach Jeif Rudd was Uiorougbly pleased with the effort. After ail, his charges weren'i even sup- posed to have reached the final four to begin witb - and managed to keep things doser than many of Georgetowns rivais bad ibis year. www.arenapro.com I~fYOUTH-BOYS/GIRLSI 010 010 VEAR f INSTRUCTIONAL ~~X~05-451-9275~ ~ DUA33TH MEN'S SEAN / TEAMS/INDiViDUAL 905-840-7370 BEGINS .~eu1geuuwuu pUL Lue series away witn îbree second-period deposits and added a couple more in Uic final frame. Two nigbts carlier in front of a spiriîed crowd ai Milton Sports Centre. the local lads kept pace for two periods before sur- rendering ibree goals down the stretcb and losing 5-O. Defencemen Zach Collier. Tyler Ganley. Jack Goncz, Robert Manning. Jonathan Piche and Evan Rudd ail delivered credible efforts againsi the Raiders bigb-ocîane for- wards and belped keep the final verdict somewbaî respectable. The AA minor atoms made ît to ibe semi- finals by winning three straight tive game series. the lasi of which was clinched wiîb a 6-5 squeaker over Orangeville February 27. .1 I J. J One bronze medal and a wbole slew of other îolid efforts. Thats what the Milton Marlins Swim Club delivered laie lasi month at Uic junior .p' provincial championships in Ottawa. hi what was arguably Uic hardeat Dimitrov led the way witb a third- place finish ni Uic 400m freestyle. He age group, 1 3-year-old David also took fsfth in Uic 200m freestyle, aeventh ni both Uic 800m freestyle and 400m individual mediey and ~ eighth ni Uic 100m foecstylc. Division teaniniate Alex Davis piaced eighUi ni Uic 50m freestyle. Thc two hooked up wiUi Paul Zielinaki and John Steadman ni rclay competition, with Uic foursome combining for f<airth-placc honours ni Uic 4x50m fi'cestyle, 4xlOOm freestyle and 4x50m medley, as well as a tifth in Uic 4xlOOm mcdley. bans-Maria Negru - who at nine years old was one of Uic youngest swinimcrs at Uic meet - fln- ished flfUi in Uic 4(lOm frccstylc and seventh in Uic 200m freestyle. Shes cusrently ranked firsi ni Canada for nine year nids ni boUi cvcnts. Also cracking Uic top 10 werc 11- ycar-old Colin Whitford and 12-ycar- old Brent Burkc. Whitford swam the 200m backstrokc to flfth-place bon- ours and roundcd out bis caxnpaign with a sevcnUi ni Uic lOOm backstroke and cighUi ni the 400m frecîtyle, whiic Burkc enjoycd idenocal sixth-placc showings ni Uic 100 and 200m breasistroke. Rounding oui tise Marlins' contingent werc Larissa Ruiz, Racisci Robinson, Caiherine Boyd and Jamcs Bratnlcy. AEpeeweesflex scoring muscles Mutons addiîional entry pee- four assisis. while Brendan Farreli wees scored early and ofien to tallied twice and Brandon Haggart punctuate Tri Counry round-robin also stood oui with a goal and two play in dominaîing fashion belpers. tbumping bosi Elora 8 3 Monday Roundîng oui the scoring were evening. Andrew Boivin. Jake Cochrane. Zakk Collins led ~vith a goal and Sachin Gbaî and Dylan Pettie. Pairick Fitzpatrick and Brandon Grant split the netminding duties on the nigbt. Finishing ai 4 2-1, the Winîerbawks now waiî to sec if they'll advance 10 lise Tri Counîy finals later Uiis month. The Ciritarlo Pure Ocude Unstali Smoke Alarms <'~ ~ ihat It's The Law. ve w cottaga tnduy~ ANhM = DiMarcoGoli O,.' Experience for Co over 30 & 40 Maie ~v'ANTD ~ccer Players May - September 2005 Kîck-off Sundays, 10:00 arn and/or June - September 2005 Kick-off Thursdays, 7:00 pm For more information on our club and our club's social activities for players and their familles, please contact:

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