-Region. makes plea to Province to change GrIA pooling system By MELANIE HENNESSEy The Champion The Region is once agatn ta.king ils con- cerns on GTA pooling -a sysîem that belps Toronto pay for social services - to tbe Province. Last week, regional council endorsed Chair Joyce Savoline Writing 10 tbe minis- ters Of finance. comsnunity and social serv- ices and municipal affairs and bousing detailing issues Halton bas witb the carrent pooling system tbat's costing the Region more tban $30 million ibis year or $164 per bousebold. "Hopeftslly, ibis impresses on Iberu (tbe ministers) tbey can work witb us. " Ms Savoline said. -We wanî te, work wiîb Iberu." Tbis comes on tbe beels of tbe Region being notified Ibat il owes an addiîional $3.4 million for 2002 and 2003 pooling due te, discrepancies between figures froru the Ministry of Finance and tbe bills put ouI by tbe Ministry of Community and Social Services. Regional Treasurer Jane MacCaskill explained Ibis amount will be deducîed fromn tbe Province's upcormng montbly payments 10 tbe Region for ils own social assistance program. But she said tbey baven't sîarted the deductions yeî because the Region bas asked for more documentation regarding tbe pooling figures and requesîed a meet- tng svitb tbe Province, GTA regions and City of Toronto. The Region also made accrual provi- stons. or put money aside ai the end of 2002 and 2003 based on the anticipaîed actual amnount of pooling costs. so tbere'il be no impact on Ibis year's budget. "6Hopefuily, thi impresses on them (the ministers) they can work with us. We want to work with them." JOYCE SAVOIZd Wealways accrue 10 wbaî we tbink tbe maximum amount owing is," Ms MacCaskill sald. GTA pooling bas long been a concerta of regional counicil and staff. Tbe pooling sys- temr was creaîed by tbe Province te, assist Toronto in paying for downloaded social services wben the city amalgamated in 1998. Some of tbe issues the Region bas with tbe systeru include its lack of accountabili- ty and predîctabiliîy and lack of independ- ent audit verification. lt's been a very frustrating process for our council as il's (poolîng money) levied tbrougb our regional taxes,*' saîd Ms MacCaskill. "Tbey (council) bave very lit- île control.'* Ms Savoline noted tbe Region bas no option but Co pay the pooling costs and continue to requesi Chat the Province work witb Ballon as legitimate, equal partners on tbe issue. Last monîb, Ricbmond Hill council approved ut resolutton 10 ssithbold uts share of the pextling cosis, estimated to be about $15 million in York Region's levy. The msotion 'sent oit to say, "sbould tbe City of Toronto wisb 10 use Ricbhmond Hill fax- payer money, council and staff would be bappy to negottate directly witb tbe City of Toronto." Wbile Ms MacCaskill said regional counicil is just as frustrated as York Region. sbe noîed il would be difficult for Halton to say uts not going 10 pay for pooling because tbe Province would just deduci the amount from ils social assistance subsidy. 'Tbere's tbe bîgger tssue of wbetber pooling is an appropriate funding mecba- nism," she said. "We tbink social services sbould be funded from income taxes and ibaî's a provincial responsibility." Ms MacCaskill added sbe tbinks tbe Town of Richmond Hill's motion is basi- cally just a statement of intent. Wben asked if tbe Region would ever follow Ricbhmond Hill's suit, Ms Savoline pointed ouI it's by law Ballon bas 10 put money mbt tbe pooling system. 1I would neyer suggest somebody break tbe law," she said, adding ber style is 10 do the productive, effective tbing and contin- ue te, make statemenîs 10 tbe govemment on tbe pooling issue. Tbe GTA treasurers and CAOs bave beld a series of meetings wiîb provincial staff over tbe pasi year or se, witb tbe bopes of resolving concerus and looking ai options to eliminate pooling. The Mtnisîry of Municipal Affairs bas also indicaîed it will be setting up a sub-commiîîee 10 furtber discuss finalizing pooling bills front previous years and options for an exit strategy. The Regton bas plans 10 requesi represenîatoa on tbe committee. Melaxiie Heiîîexses vix on xx'xux/ed or txîhexiîies.xe.ihiilOxîuiaixaIixî,x x The Tosvn is already gearing up for ils lSOth aîtîis'ersary celebruitios tn 20017. At lasî sseek's counicil meeting. Ward 3 Cîtunctîlor Cindy Lunuîu antd Wusrds 2 and 4 Councilxîr Ron Furik were appointed 10 ut celebration masier commitîee. svbicb svill be responsible for generating ideas for evenîs and activities 10 mark the anniver- sary. Council utîso approved tise manstdate anîd terniss ouf reference regarditig tbe master contmittee antd sub-cxtmnulttees. TIse owsn is noss looking for isSu rosi- dents be sit oit the mnaster cointitice. Application forms are available ai wvww.milîon.ca or al tbe clerk's departmeni in tbe Town Hall, 43 Brown St. PDr Sven Bacchus Ceilificd Orthodontw Specialisi Smiles that lasi a Lifetîme DDS3, MSc., BSc., FR613(C) The Canadian Champion, Friday, March i1, 2005-11 Mil] holds ceroal drive ii,. i i . qi i ll l:)"i îîb \ ib l .i shelves by holding the March 'Break-Fast' Cold Cereal Collection over the next couple weeks. Froin today until March 27, custoiners. service groups and schools are invited to drop off boxes of cereal and belp fi a giat bowl. The mail hopes te, fli the bowl and put breakfast on the table for many local families. 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