The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 8, 2005-9 Date fini' Tuesday Mar. 8 Ho1y Rosa-y Catholic Womnen's League hosts a presentation entitled 'Development and Peace's Emergency Relief Program' at 8:15 p.m. in the parish hall next to the church, 139 Martin St. Everyone's weicome. The Salvaîjon Army. 100 Nipissing Rd., suite 3. holds a scrapbooking group from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Bring along photos and a scrapbook. Basic supplies are provided at no cost. It also holds its Busy Hands, Creative Minds group from, 9:30 to 11 arn., with gamnes. crafis. songs and stories for parents and their pre-schoolers. For more information, call (289) 242-1432 or e- mail debra@& St. John Ambulance meets from 7 to 9 p.m. ai the communi- ty centre on Mary Street in Norval. New members are welcome. For more information, call (905> 877-7658. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at 6:15 p.m. ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr. This is a non- profit: non-commercial weight-loss support group thai provides motivation, support and friendship. A minimal charge applies. For more information. caîl Nancy Nowak ai (905) 878-4025 or visit Improve communication and leadership skills wiîh the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting ai the Royal Canadian Legion. 21 Charles St. <upper level), ai 7:30 p.m. For information, call Allan Lahue ai (905> 877-3441. Help for Parents, a Halion parent support group, meets in the evening in the basement of the church ai 5720 Newv St. in Burlingion. This non-denominational self-support group helps parents ofechild-en who are in trouble ai home, ai school or wîth the law or who are abusive or taking drugs. The group is a mem- ber of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For more information. caîl 1-800-488-5666 or visit Calling New Parents, a free programn for parents and babies aged 6 monîhs and younger. meets wiih a public health nurse to discuss parenîing and infant care. The group meets ai the Ontario Early Years Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, cal] (905) 825-6000. ext. 7299. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a ceriified lactation consultant from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information or t0 make an appoinîment, cail Jean Gallen ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St.. in Oakville holds free peer counselling in-person or over the phone fromn 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. by volunteers for womnen facing abuse, grief/loss and relaîionship issues. No appoinîmnent is necessary. For more information, caîl (905) 847-5520. Wellspring Halton-Peel, a support network for cancer patients and their families, holds its drop-in Ovarian Cancer Support Group from 10:30 a.m. to noon at 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. lIs drop-in Caregiver Connection takes place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. And its drop-in gentie yoga programi is held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. ai 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more information, caIl (905) 257-1988. The Ontario Early Years Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., holds a free parent workshop from 6:30 10 8 p.m. with simple activi- tics for you and your cbild te, do using housebold resources. To [CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR TAXES? * TX wDE~TAle $ 5.00 OFF 001O OAIN O11100 OPEN WITII THtIS SEVEN COUPON 1-866-TAXWIDE DAYS Milton Mail 905-875-3726 R EA SON A B LE RAT ES] pre-regisier. caîl (9015) 876-1244, ext. 22. The Halton/North Peel Naturalist Club invites the public 10 hear Dennîs Frazer fromn the Toronto Zoo speak about endan- gered species ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Halion Hilîs Cultural Centre, 9 Church St.. in Georgetown. The Milton Seniors' Acîiviîy Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds uts Downsizers Weight Loss Club ai 10 a.m. The cosi is $2 for memnbers and $4 for non-memhers. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. Wednesday Mar. 9 The Close and Over Sixîy Club holds a bridge club meeting from i îo 4:30 p.m. ai St. John's Church in Nassagaweya on Guelph Line. The cosi is $2. Everyone's welcome. ae A study/discussion on the final days of Jesus' life using the movie 'Jesus of Moisireal' and Joyce Rupp's book 'Your Sorrosv is My Sorrow' takes place from 7:30 10 9:30 p.m. ai EbeneLer United Church. 12274 Guelph Line, in Campbellville. The cosi is $20 oir free withouî the book. For more information, caîl Mark Ruîledge ai (519) 824-7303 or (905) 854-2423. The Women's Centre. 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holds uts free Abuse Support Group from, 6 to 8 p.m. To regis- ter or for more information, caîl (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Acîîviîy Centre, 500 Chîlds Dr., holds contract bridge ai 9:30 a.m. The cosi is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. ht holds uts bot lunch program from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The cosi is $6, whîch includes salad. an see more DATELINE on page 16 Fumniture .unens Accessoriesm&