6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 8, 2005 *comment Let's keep roads clear for snowplow drivers While most people shovel their sidewalks throughout the winter months as a common courtesy to others, there seems to be an aspect of snow etiquette Miltonians are forgetting about - leaving their cars parked in their dnivewàys. As you'll sie in today's Champion in a story about reporter Melanie Hennessey's ride-along with local snowplow driver Chris Tonner, vehicles parked on Milton's streets present major obstacles for those who keep our roads dlean and clear. Although some residents may tbink it's okay toi leave their cars on the road while they shovel their driveways, that could be just the moment when a plow cornes by, giving the driver no choice but to leave a cer- tain amount of snow on the street. Also, as Mr. Tonner demonstrated, it's challenging to navigate a large truck with a plow and wing between parked cars, particularly on the narrow streets of Milton's new subdivisions, and it also slows the driv- er down.SA RFC So as a courtesy to those who work bard to make sure we can get down the street and off to work in the morning, please keep your cars in your garages or driveways. *Our Readers Write MP's decisio>n on Bill c-38 shows courage Arguments a 'gaînst same-sex marriage Dea Edito: mamTage, bowever, is thie crux of the in recent letter simply don 't make sense I bier recent letter to the editor, Lana minter. Burchett expressed dismay tiat our elected federal representative, Gary Carr, would be voting against same-sex mar- niage. However, 1 believe Mr. Carr bas exhib- ited great courage and leadership in this reg"rc Whetlser it's bis own perso"s conviction of tie wjsihes of bis con- stituents, or a combination of botis, bis actions retlect tbe true essence of desnoc- MsY. Same-sex couples, 1 believe, enjoy aIl tise rights and freedomas of every Canadian. ise right to eall th&ei union a Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Au.uuaue Ps/n/enter JlI Davis /adituer erC/ie! Karen Smith Afn/vreur r Pr/tr NVendy McNabh tu/ve eii p /)îîealiii Tim ('<les /'luvini lnivr r- Charlene Hall/ererrrîîîMuirr Teri Casas P/i arîp It's a very important and far-reacbing issue tbat requires tbe caeful considera- tion of every Canadian. A few sbort years ago. memisers of tbe House of Comnfnons voted overwbehn- ingly dbm a marriage was between one wonan and one mai, to ie exclusion of ail otisers. 1 for one amn happy that tie demnocratic process is beinmg upheld and repecteti, in spite of the veiled warmngs of tise prime mintister to tow tise Party liss. R. Ro*WHo Wb=to The Canadian Champion puhlished every Tuesday and Friday at 191 Main St. P. Milton, Ot,, L9T 4N9 (ton 248), is une ni Thre Metroland Prnng, Publistiing t Distributing td. group of suburbur comparues which maclades: Ajax/Pickering News Sdvertiser, Ailiston Heruld/lourier tarrie Advance. Sulton Etlerprise. Brampton Guandian, Burliegton Post, Burlington Shopping News, City Panent, City ai York Suardian, Collingwoool/Wasaga Coneection, East York Murer, Soin AdoateyCounty Routes, ttohîcoke Suardian, Flamborough Review, Fonever Young, Georgetown IndependeossActon Free Press, Halton Business Times, Huronia Business limes, Lindsay This Week, Mantiham Pannomist & Sun, Midiand/Penetang- uishene Mienne Milton Shopping News, Mîssîssua Business limes. Mississauga News, Napanee Guide. Nassaguweyu News, NewmarkelhAurona Per Sanner Northumberland News. NurtS Yonk Mirttnn Sukaille teaver, Sakurîte Shopping News, Ildlimens Hockey News, Onungeoille Bunnen. Snîtlîu loday, Pllawa./WhityClaingtn/Poni Penny This Week, Petenborough Tlis Week, Picton County Soide, Richmond HilllunonhillNVuglan Lilenul, Pan anouagl Mii, StutvilleiSebnidge Tribune Sdvenlisirg iv acceptedt an tle conidition lhatin ah livrent ai a typa- grapitical erren Iiai portin ufthe advertising spaGe oGcupied lySte erra- neoas item, tognlher iita roavanable alamaan tarin panure, vii nut le clanged tar, but tle balance ofthîe averi smeîîi aili be yaid far ai thn apyli- Galle natn lIe pullisher resoives tle ih ta Gatenaae advr asens ai deci ne Editaiiai and adveltisiag Goaient of lIe Cairadan Chamipioa iv ynatecind ty coayright Unaatiiaiiaed ose is pialilited lire Mite Canadiai Champin in a Reayoiaaile Prodavi 9,ý Dear Editor: I'm wriring in response toi the let- ter from Stewart l-addon in the Februaty 25 Champion opposing same-sex marriage. It appears that Mr. Haddon is suf- fering from some fairly senious mîsconceptions about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, its application to the people of Canada and the relationship between the law and marriage. He's correct when he states that the Charter is in place for every Canadian. 1 ftnd it difficuit to understand bow he's able toi then go on to express the opinion tbat gay Canadians shouldu't benefit lrom its application. He says that the Charter predates "this gay rights stuif." Assuming for the moment that that statement was true, where does it say that an issue has to be old to be worthy of the protection of the Charter? If spimeone were to, challenge the law that prohibits child pomogra- phy on the Intemet. would Mr, Haddon support thai challenge on the basis that the Charter predates the lntemet? I suspect flot. Mr. Haddon also appears to be under the misconception that the institution of marniage is controlled by the church. In Canada. we espouse the sepa- ration of church and state as a basic principle of law. Marriage is sanctionied by the state. which allows cburch officiais toi perform the ceoemnony That's why a priest conducting a marriage ceremony always states. 'By the power vested in me by the Province of Ontario, I now pronounce...* That being said. I suspect that Mvr. Haddon wouldn't be fiercely opposed to, the marriage of an athe- ist heterosexual couple. who obvi- ously wouldn't allow the church to, play any pant in their union. Finally. Mr. Haddon's letter states -without explanation -that gay people are seeking "extra rights.' They simply want to be able t0 walk into a town or city hall ssîth the person they love and be mar- ried. something that heterosexual couples are permnitted t0 do. 1 fait toi sec what about that is "extra." If Halton MP Gary Carr is basing bis vote on the type of faulty rea- soning given by such people as Mr. Haddon, 1 hope that he'll reconsid- er. 1 would encourage Mr. Haddon and others who think like him to consider these comments, engage in a bit of introspection and figure out if 50 years ago they would have been the samne people who'd be unwilling to sit next to a black per- son on a bus. Arish Khoorshed Ellis Crescent Pud by Steve Nease *The Canadian Champion ý'à1ý