4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 8 2005 *C:avîdî,, led.C,,oss take f irst aid -Plenty of March Break activities to keep9,, kids busy ( lï C illi l 1 i t)1 Injuries i lcdI i liai pin )C'k" ()V ic.nl> er the S011le sugIgestions. to the age old dilemmna Iby up to March Break'? of how to keep your energetic kids busy. Conservation Batton's parks are oltering 30%. In Milton, there's lots going on over the They might even leamn somnething - but plenty of Mark Break activities. break for parents and their children, and you might want to keep that part a secret. Sunday, Crawford Lake's annual jSL ('alaa 1'~ce 967 ADVANTAGES 0F "SHORT TERM" -n RED CARPET LEASE * Enjoy driving a new vehicle every couple of years. " Ford guarantees the buy back price. * Minimize financial commitment. PLANS "A" - Current Employee "Z" - Retired Employee X"- Friends & Neighbours .4t4'~~.e 1655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON vWWW.galllngortord.cogn.,r A Traditon oValue &Trust snce 1967 - eau w UUIU!!M New and Used Pianos & Digitals including J jNiemeyer, Kawai, Samick, Yamaha, Young Chang, FrkoClorVs.WWW.PiUIIU.C* place trom 10 arn. to 4 p.n. '[herel be activities for the kids. hands-on maple syrup-înaking demonstrations. tonghouse lore and more. The maple syrup celebrations will con- tinue tbroughout the week at Crawford Lake, with its Sweetwater Season event, which will mun Monday to March 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants will be able to watch Native-style maple demonstra- tions in the reconstructed lroquoian Village. There'l also be plenty of corn- bread dripping with fresh maple syrup. a seasonal discovery bunt and crafts. From Monday to March 18 at Mountaberg, families will be able to take part in its MapleTowne program, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily Thisîil include horse- drawn sleigh rides and demonstrations at the sugar bush evaporator and candy-mak- ing bouse. The pancake pavilion will caler to families' taste buds, and maple syrup will be on sale. Birds of Prey demonstra- tions will lake place lhroughout the day, and kids will aise, be able to visit the PlayBam. Gien Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre will be offering exîended hours at its tube park. From, Monday to Marcb 19, the tube mun will be open from, 10 arn. to 9 p.m. Be sure to visit Glen Eden's Web site for snow conditions before leaving home. Kida inîerested in Glen Eden's Adventure Camp Packages can visit its Web site for lesson availability and prices. The pack- ages include lessons with professional instrmctors. For more information on any of these activities, including park directions, visil www.conservationhalîon.onca or caI (905) 336-1158. To find out more about Gien Eden and its Adventure Camp, viait www.gleneden.on.ca or catI (905) 878- 5011. Milton Mail Milton Mail bas an activity for each day of the March Break. Saturday, Milton Public Library will bold ils Family Storytime at the maIl] start- ing ai 10:30 a.m. to kick off the week. Monday and next Tuesday at Il a.m. and I p.m.. it will stage princess shows with the beautiful Belle appearing Monday and Cinderella Tuesday. 'Me princesses will sing songs from their movies and invite audience members to sing and dance along with themn on stage. Also next Tuesday from 10:30 arn. to noon. the Ontario Early Years Centre will hold ils Pre-school Drop-ln and Parenîing Information program near the food court. On March 16 ai 11 arn., local author and cee MILTON on page 5 Mar'ck il, 12 8 13 Fri. 12-111. ont. U-Up. SUR. lU-Up.