S* The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 8, 2CC5-21 o aqi uîg j via TnulOs 15,6 ad v rnoni'i S16 20 îJ-Link wi be hosîin a fib, Vi1W ltIILSdSI ra tSi Graphic Designer andi + .80 Shit premîam11 (hours corked 8:00 pin e:000am1 JOB FAIR needed to asuiot bosu reat estate team. Advertising Coordinator + 1.05 Wcekend premîum (heurs corteu belceer tOO0pm Frîrtay e rovo0pm Sundapl March 11, 2CC5 9am-4pm ut the Part-lime day hours, mîil train. As aur in-bouse grophico designer, ysu cll design +- Paid Hstidays Burtiageon Holiday tnn undi execute att point udvertising and in-store sign- Cru Vac uranns Il yoaore lovking fnt o culture tha suppot the ,n. . lm # 90511?5-154 age. hou dîtl als caoodinate and administer at + GopIsrneexpression of nec ideus and lhrives on the cultivg 1--iiitvsrttn atcovriigfoin v Prescription Drug Plan edge nf techrology, thon look no forther 1 Dentiatis r latite aetng urcste aI + Dental Plan tho are oe tioing JR Techniciens Iv support con- cc.taie valie o e ie e t: + FIRSP/PENSICN oact centre customoos: lobs@dlink.ca I LEGAL ASSISTArNT Iw.hQdhieos.o GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS, INC., a leading manufacturer of reuidential fiberglaoo insulationt, s seeking production workers. For more informatioo regarding GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS, see Our webaite at: www.guardian.com Apply in peruoo or mail your application ta: Guardian Fihergiaus, lac. 300 Main Street (County Road 124) Erin. Ontario NOB 1T0 OR Fax youn reaume tai: 519-8339749 Guanlian Fibergiass, Inc., la an Equat Opportuney Employer e o i u W innn emi issa BR MNuTone PrdcinPronnel Opportunity For over 72 peaon Brous le pou are a nornvarru and reliatir indiid0u] chu trnys contibting ir a Nu-tsse huniersn a Wortd Sallery orlented enironmeni, in ay o Se he rtcndidate rn oair var Clans Masufactufng arrai, corlt clans nrganoarîor' Compasy tiarishisg home As an acriver vivOte or our poduucton va o ciii se renortiosbe for ventlatin an impovemnt snentlîrs a varie!p nf innooalae troar aurTore prsouOs The ilteai con- nesîratie asdimprveme iduîate vase. Amnenicu. We coorertly have the flltewing oppouaty avaitahie ai oua Missiseaugu, Ontano location. Su aiusen Cauia lMs. Ili an tqui apetull sipyer VIIII Uir MibIIIIIIsiB m.baa-iua. r>demanustrat suie caote pructices r-: have a mîeîimum t a nc peur eperîenoe in a manutactuoing setting Sposseus gsed oral and crito communicatieon ukillo r> humea heata schsoo diplama r- be cap"ofesftanding fsre8hrru pr dap Suceessuu candidates must corplp wnti campanly and tegiutative potinies and pracedaures Thtis is prteotny a tati- lime, tempeeary posiiion, cith excellent poientia lot attain permanent utafos. Hsurs ai cere are Msvday-Friday, t:5tam-3:20pm aînd canrpensuted at 512.etho. lThoagt ite thuoti ai tase tral ayrpy anly candidates fuftilaig aut crtenalu nîte centactes tar a persanal interview ..rto teehot iLnuiries el@au. SHIPER/RECEMVR Furnîture We are a growling company mhat distributtu Warehlous./ across Canada and are looking for a part- time Shipper/Receiver. Tht auccexuful candi- DGIivSflJ date would be reaponaibte for lnventory con- Cusfsmer Seroice Skîtîs trot including parts, ahipping and receieîng Important. Cleon driaing throughout North America and Europe.' abstract req'd. Shipments range f rom envelopea to akida. ffaodyman type Positon ix suitabte for aomteoine aemi-retired on asset. Computer knowledge an auaet. Fax resumeé Fax ruessi ta: 9054631-1852 905-8294798 SERVICES INC. Outgoing kids WWW.REQUESTPERSONNEL.COM Needed! Our client in Cakuille onea hos on immodiolo nood tnt 00e art agents - NOT ocouts. PACEAEU We ae audihionfing n0W. Da $1o 01/nt Aftenooon shiffs $10,50/ht SOnce 1992. 429-A Britaimnîa Roui EssI 416-929-3458 Solte 201 Misslsauga, Ontario BBMme (1.11. Coeae-Brltana Rd. E. & Keanedy) BBMme Phn:1-877-755-O395 905-755-0395 resmesceqaspersonnel.com Ouality~ Suites Acceplîog Applications 9-2pm Mon -Fri sF/T GUEST SERVICE îROOM ATTENDANT FullTimePostionet JANITOR FuliTim Postio atMAINT. DOWNTOWN SPA emaîl gu@qsality AND RELAXATION CENTRE hetelsalavllle.ceu in Gergetwn fr anFao: 905-847-74&47 n Gergetwa fr an754 ironIe Rd., Ote. CN Cal Dorrie 9054873-4907 wI;"i'!ý P o fax resame tap 905-873-73574 Rm I Carter Opportunity wiîh OakviIIe'u preumiere Salon & Spa Smartstyle 1 M A G E S FauuIy Naîrsalon rT R, NA IOt sookîng lîcensoni DYNAMIC HAIR STYLIST Styîist WAANTED $250 sîgn on bonus with vot les han 5 yoo s ooporîorco. Salaîy vs commission The vndividuol o have an O oablîshoni cliennoîn, Ploaso caîl tisa Fax: 905 336 9561.Email: infn@rmagesspa.com 905-86"051 Tel: 905-338-3333 LUMBER-ORDER BUILDER CAMPBELLVILLE LOCATION Fuit lime! Benef ils aeailable 1To Stort lmmediateyý Muat have Forklift liceose and eoperieoce preterred Fout-paced, weil estohliahed compony Fax or Emal Resume tai: 905-854-5870 s-rlce@rocketlmer.con Our client, tacated in Burlinglon, han immediate opeoings tor: RESEARCHERS Warking in a dynamir team ennîrooment, you are able ta more eveningo and weekendo, ara tnternet avy, and poanesa excettent navigation and communication skilto. Ta appty, plese e-mal yaar résumé ta: Aton.: Victoria Whitaker E-mail: vwhitaker@pieotatuoaeucer PIVOTAL intogr.ad 55R Solutions F GEORGETOWN 2nd- 4th VEAR APPREN11CE REQUIRED *Must be a Team Ptayer *Highty Motivated *Top Pay for thre Top Pemaon *Druqe and Dental Plan, Uniferm *Fleoile heers available No phone caltaeast. Fao resume* ta:90-7 57 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR Ciel Construction Company requirea Corotructior Supern tendenlolporeman. Our compoo, is îreatned rn Traoaportadontnrautucture Pratectu tiraughouî Central On- lorio. We require o Construction Superintendent and Constructior Fareman. We aiah ta oee ar eaperieniced car- perler appy for 1his pesitor. Ablityr ta muta 10sk wittrir a team cota armoophere eîtl be a atmong aoaet. Pteaoe tan remume ta 905-875-3225 V USY MINE resîdeoce is looking for BAYSHOP an OFFICE Reqairea experîeoced MANAGER * Service Manager ta uveroee poproît, " Lîcead Tech. A/P and altier admin. $25-$27/ pur unit rote dutlea. Must hune Fax resse: Dealer excellent 90546373347 communication skitîs. 70 Plaina Rd Viles FAX reaumea ta *irîlieo 905-847-1765. Full Time Inventory Contrai] Data Managemnent Personnel Needed 7Applicant mast have good anatytica skîttu and utatistical management experieece, au wett au a gond aederataeding in Excel and Word. Business Visions expenience preferred. Pieuse subrmit resurne tur R.AM. Lighting 300 Scoute St. S., Milten Fuax: 905-878-3842 Emujir inguires@ramliuatin.cprn Oniy vaesiduemd apptiecans e-ili be cou5cied A/P CLERK Peel Lumher ta a building productu supplier locsted in Milton. Position requirea proceuuîng, A/P, bane depouîto,fiting and admîn support. Facettent computer okittu, attention 10 cfetoit and 5 yearu experience is a muat. Emnail: hr@peellumber.com or fax 905-693-9475 For Brampton Famity Law Office 3-5 years and PCLaw/DiorceMate esperience. Fao resume ta: 905-455-6724 Attention: Susan Powell Or emrait ouptaw-sn.aiho cam TELLERS WANTED Money Mort s currentty tookîng lot customer service tellena in sur Hamilton, turlîngton & Cakeille oreo. If pou have the fotlowing credeotrols & skiffs cie woutd titee lu neet pou. Hîgh achoot groduate, 2 yeors cool, service texp cash hondting & hotanciog, gond cnîtîca thinkîng & decisson moteing, computer & teeyhotding, otnong inter- persanal akilîs c/o frîeodty monoer. Please bring resue ta: Sheraton Holel, 116 King Street West, Hamîlton, Wednesday March 91h, between 2-U1pu. lest rv/is wlI ha condugitel ai tIsai finie, ne appeleiment necauaqcy Ina at ulernrce finuecial institution with 4 braaches le Million, Actsn, Georgetown and Bartîngton nerning ener 10,000 membems We are currently accepting applications for: PARTTIME MEMBER SERVICE REP Acton Branch (min. 27 heuro/weee) Tht sacceauful candidate wiît hae a Grade 12 dMslma, 1-3 pearo related eeperience and/er traing an equinalent cembinatien of edacatien aand experienca; otrang sales aptitade, excellent ommunication and customer servrce ohil's; abitity tei precese financia trasactions in as accurate and efficient maneer and must hue geeid ceerpeer ohitto. This peroon maet be abie ta worh extended heurs including Satardsy. Oeaattie applicanta soutd forward their resarm te: Sauanlha D'Orazio PROSPERTY ONE CREDIT UNION 350 Oueen Street, Acton, ON Fax: 519-853-4443 We thunt il opicunos but oniplieu aoeeeied forean interveiew mit le caner eni No teiephane ca please. Milton industriai dîseributor of pipes, valves, f tîngu & hydraut Ca requires Front Counter Sales Rep. Ideat candidate eril have excetlent customer service steitta & previous hydraulic hose & f ttngs experience. Send resumne ta: dave@hîghperformeneehr.ca INSDE SALES CO-ORDINATOR Quolifiud Gruduote und/or 3 yuors eeperieoce. Accurocy. computer, moch/const aptitude, communication okîllo, noam ployer. Reponlîng lu VP/GM Compolîlîvo Solary plus Profit Shore, Respoosîble toi phone ordeno, inqoitios, basic loch inf. probtem sole, propone quotolions, code. prîce, chece lot del/prnd lion. roîew cool conoîgo monthty, Assisl g , p riv.aeoniouiu ce uat. pai ticpa Ir Quality Solos Meetings & SAP Ironsition Commun k7 c/Pod, Shîppîng, Purch, Accoooling depoolmeots, » D O W E Suhat Mres ta C. Gîibs Full Tîme Email: cgibbs@on.aflmcsm Salespeopie Fax: 905-847-5366 Only 19000 1o06v înforvîowod w/O b covlactod High Buse Satary, H gh Commissios Bonuses, Fxtensive Benefits, Management Training, Empînymene Stubiltiy Retait (commission) sates esperience Preferred Fus yvur Reoume o the attention of: Appliance/Pail Gab)e at 905-637-5705 S Sales rar vasai ilse saurs v-w Si a waller, unixatai- i Associates Tech Assistent 1 hrdCIra0i aiuîiovlk-î.,om /1.1/PlI for Oaku/llo aroa noeded P/T for Oatesîle storo groul worteîng con- animal hoopîtul 3 di/ions duos/eoek Applîcarl Compolîlîve salaiy 50100 shuld haoe prOOlous CrMtn ooîn etsmîotr ekonds. animal voporîvoco u itnlcton ek oiae Sox 2039 Fax ressue: ECE'S & Supply Teachers C/e Surlinglen Peut 905-85-0133 10 loin 000 great tean. Positions are oa/tiable 5040 Mainway, Atn: Bel, Gray miti ait OOt goup. Suri., ON L7L 7G5 dlgray@belîaet.ca Pleaxa tarward rasue with age graup preller- i 1 ence ta 905-451-8416 Attention: HR by March 151h, 2005 OniY thoan canrdidates aetected for an interview cili be cantaced. SIR Corp., a leader in tht restaarant ietdastry, las seeking a FULI-TIME ASSISTANT te jisi the Construction & Design team. This positioe witt aooiot with tight constraction, gereral repaire and maintenance ait tht Burlington Warehoase as weI as restaarant locations acrees tthe GTA. Muet have valid driverus license ond ewa transportation. Fuît training pravided. tntereoted applicanta, please torward yoar ressue by March llth te: Email: jobo@oircorp.com -Fax* 905-681-0394 Mnentoa ipr nIississauga. uthv ane rten n seekwing to kinafs pel evrne oi vede oar dynami tea arts mu be anesai bur oar esetiej ofmncai Pl-ty foa -U~e fpa l t and8c1ampa- eyeepc age uSln ofue i e cal atre.. eiFs, about njgvi peoen Uetop l ongrdy te m . usnes relatioe . Vour nefocareer axpeaitsencmuiain hv Emnail ris e or ai P ull TOme Salespeople High Buse Saiary, High Commissions Bonsises, Estesive Benefits, Management Traning, Empinyment Stabiley ReCuit (commission) suies experience preferred Fax pour Resume t the attention of. Dave at 905-257-4326 er vii thae Tafalgar Rd. & Dussoas location hedept@200audovcaeo.coco For a houp, Ladiescear store, experience preferrcd but ,ît train. This position dîtl require Tlrnsdap and Frîdap evenîng cote alun Satundapa. Please seni paon resume ta: PC. Boa #2540 280 Guelph Street, Unt #29 Georgetown, ON L7G 461 I r FEMALE SALESPERSON REQUIRED lu