Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 2005, p. 20

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20-The Canadian Champion, Tuexday, March B, 2005 dil.0 pdll finie avaîlable startîeg Match 21. Guxe- xnteed tue, ivnîng cars, nxînbeius meats and out- done plan. Firsi AidiCPR traînnd, refarencea, and po- tion checke ta be provided, receipis. Cati Jonie 1-613- 446-2182 atter Match 14 cxii 905-876-1670, LOVING moiher & ceriid ECE providing dayexea in my home. Cirdle time, atory fimie, crotta & tepa ix, play- grvup. 10 yearo expenf enon. 905-878-890 RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- CARE. Oxaliny ctritdcara for ccxc chîtdren 18 montra ix 5 Yeats ainca 189. Cai (905) 878-7552 or vsit us ai raixbocvilagedap- on e.on ANTIQUE dining rooro su- ite made Cv Peppiar Brxs. Ceo, aotid dxefe wod o 70 yro otd. 8 piece ncad îng table 69x4e buttai & 6 chairo, gond condition, axE- ing $1000. Cati 905-876- 0402. STOVE, white, 30" x 25", self cteaeing. Fnidge, 33: x 67", whie, udr treezer, ice- mateer, caler dispenser. 5600/pair. Phone 905-875- 3425 100% NATURAL BEEF Groin Fnd No Chemicais, Horones, or Animai By-prnducts. Sides xnd Splt Sidas, Cui6& Wrapped. Phone 519-853-4334 A Dînîng Ronm, Cherry- cond, double pedlesixi lubie, 6 chairs, buttai, hslch, doeelî construc- tion. Nec sitl en boxes. Cosi $11,000. Sacrifice $2.600. 905-587-9459 A King Piiioclvp Mattreso Sel. Nec in plastic Cosl $1600. ssii for $450. 905- 567-9459 BED, Amuzîng bargaîn, quee orihopedie pittowtop set, nec in plaxtic, carronty $150 905-567-4042 ciii de- i/ver. Bedraem Cherrywood, tted, chesi, dresser, 2 nightstands. Duvetait Con- stOsciion. Neyer opened Cxxi $8,000. Sacrifice $1,900.059-567-4042 CARPET i has evaari 1,000 peds. of eew Stin- mxsler & 100%/ nylon car- pet. Witl do liingroomn & Cuti for $389. Inctudes car- pet, psd & insitaton 130 yards) Slave, 905-633- 8192 DEALER'S CHOICE Paker Supplies SAVE on ciay poker chip sets: 600-96 sels $59.00; 500-11.56 sets $99.00; 650-$119.00; 10005 $169.00, gels îndxude carda & dice i leuiuxm case, feidiex lubies siart $189,00. NOW IN STOCK Heasy dxly utumînuro camera, boni & brielcuses. COMîNG SOON The Penullîmata Royal Flush Sanas. Cati Rob @ 905-8T7-6589 Hat Tub (Spa) Cosaro Besi Prîce, Beat Ouaiity. Ali Shapos & Colonro Avait- ables Cxli 11866-585-0056. $$$ Wxeled- ait CCina, Susse, Crysixi, Tex uo Royali Doutton, Swuroseki, Glass, Jecelsry, old toys,' cotteclibies, estales. Cati John/ Trocay 905-331-2477 POLICE SERVICE j4Ih mJ t., nuclear energy îndustry, Laidlaw Ediatio s Services 1151 Bronte Rd, Oakville Eniern LtM loae nPeebruh Ontario, DRIVERS STILL NEEDED Sig. March 19, 2005(Indcoors) Entern t~has the following contract Free Training -*ein &es Reitain83a-:mPositions available: Schxol Bus Drivers Waxted AUCTION STANT 9:30 AM Cusesa al 5î-87C4448 Tems of Papent cash on Choque eulh ID ____________an____________________Company PST ciii tee added to the Prics-Rstrshmsnts Avaîl. intermnediateMechanical/ DOOR & DOCK TECHNII.N Imma Mortnac bunire, Red, Excellent Condition 2.5 Lt, 4 c- tinder, 5 xpeed Manual ANO, EIec Sunroot, Ramote Door Loctes Aitoy Wheets, Sports Seato, 103K. Dealer Main txained $4,500 or best otter Phoe: 905-878-0644 1987 Olds Torino, setling as is. Needs a littie work but us mechanicaJly very Sound. $500 sEs. Cati 519-853-3691 ' 1901 Pontiac Grand Prix STE. PW, PL, Croise, new brakas. $1200 obo, xx ix. Cai 519-853-5868. 1991 Pontiac Grand Pnix STE. PW, PL, Cruise, sec brakes. $12 00 sEs, as is. Cxii 519-853-5868. 1993 LaBaron Convertible, in gond condition. E-ieste<sicer- titted. $3,00 obo. Cxil 519-853-1460. a Beaîlt intep s in t aining0 fo r Msasa ne LiseHloeel Oierr Haeyo ve osergsd acmpoer stini Are yn wllinte leare- mkMitimossi le? üadidatCii Centr Ha ea d s obit sîi " iii t sedr te giseisag ysu the edge? RBC Bairglon Rouyal Bank lé dxoationat Ontri D pobrs lç Prograrro Evnlonnevi Suport AZ Drivers. Full 8t Part lime required for local P & D some dock work 3 yrs minimum expertence US Experience AZ Drivers & Owner/Operators 905-875-0708 ext. 203 Dý_[RI VERS Lafsîge, one of Canadu's iesdîng suppiiersoef con- struction materiais hos a requirement for Ready- Mis Truc Drnvers for sur Georgetown plant. tei addition to your Ciss AZ or DZ drivers license, pou have a minimum of three toi fiee yexrs esperi- ence delieerîrg reudy-mio concrete euth s ciean drieing record. Training for resdy-mit trucke opera- tise cull be prosided f0 qualified candidates. Lafarge oSfera a competitive hsurly wage in addi- tien toia fuît range oft company paîd benefits. Resumex must be oubmitned ns later than March lSth, 2005 T the Atention f 'Ready-Mix Driver' Lafarge Construction Matorials P0. Box 160, Station Main 112 Guelph Street, Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y5 F00: 905-875-3960 Lafarge s an squateyyovuvîfr oseloyer Wr eroe divevsey in Ournpepi. erodoces ande vas Wrle thanS jou fori.oi ivieresin vi osiion. 054. uavves seîrcird foran Ineriew nili e csonfctsi Structural Engineer Esporence euth design, seilysis and tsorance for medioro sîeed shop-iabrîcated ceidmenis and struc- tarai assembiies. Machine design experience, înctud- ini sîoing, esîloatien and seleclîse of mschaeica cempopnes, lits and telerînces, applicable codes and standards. Abiiity toi porters detaîled lieseotress anîalysis cîth coneideratise of stress and detiections liies elemeni seaipois and sîsmic anaipsis esperience prsferred (ANSYS er DesîgeSpace software). Esperîsece wite design oI remore haeeing eqoîpiseet fer hszsrdos ensireemenis, as coll as design oi pres- sors retaînîeg eqaipsent an asset. Software/Controls Designer Ahîlity te prsduce detîiled seftware denelopronln cee- figuration, documentation, serîlicatien and teet plies tee PLC ceetrsied machînes/lools and/or precesses. Geed xnestaodîeg et Software Ooiiity Assurance Progams. Esperience weuh inteliîgent graphicil open- - uer interfaces and SCADA packages. teperience weuh Ethernet communicatiees. 5-7 poire esperience as s programmer. Senior Controls Designer Thoroîîgh keowlsdge of împlemeotiog PLC based coo- tro spotems' prntîcîeot wîth AatoCAD software: atîlity te isemulte aend prodoce comploe electrîcîl design pacteage ldstsîled ochemalîco, coneectîee cîrîog dia- grime. cîhie roalîng diagrams, panel lîpooto and bis of materials haoed on cuotomner neqaîrements) tenowl- sdge of electrîcal devîce uses (PLC's, AC drives, swîtchss, loîd colis, position trinodocers, etc.) 5-7 psaes experîece, Intermediate Controls Designer Throagh teeoclsdg o ecticcl drafiîng princîps, proficiset cith AuIoCAD software; abîiity te assiot le productien et comploet siectrica design package (detaîled ochematîco. confeclîse cîrîng diagrame, catis routîeg diagramo, panel lapoots and his of maiselalo hassd ee cusoemer rsguemsets) aiiity te specify appropriais purchaeed comporsefto, 3-5 pears espersence as a Designer. Senior Mechanical Designers Abîlîty te review Too1 Design Regoîrement documoents and Techoîcal Spscîtîcatiooe 10 dsssiop conept designs. îbîlîtp to psrform prelimieary engineering calcalations protîcîsot en 3D Sslîd modelîng (prefer- atelp Solîd Editel, minimum 10 peare eeperiecs. Intermediate Mechanical Designers Thsroogh keowledge of dîatîg priocîples; abîlîly 10 prodoce detail dracîngo S bills of materîsîs tor eqoip- ment ateility 10 opecity, apprsprîats psrchased compo- revis, prstîcîent en 3D Souid modslîeg (pîsterîbly Souid Edgs). 5-7 pears esperience ao a Designer, Successful candidates must have: relevnt post secondary educotton; xbitity to more in a team ennirononent, mitingeess and proven xbility to be socountabte for projeci f rom concept devatoponeni tbrough to detiltd design; strong organîzationa and communica- tion steitis, attention to detiîl, self-motivxtad and dîxcipiined. rPieue snd rsume by emnal toi: hrhpt@numett.com or fax to (705) 743-3216. On/y ttrese candidates seiected fer ait Interview wnI be cnntacted Ne te/ephene ca//s p/vase. * ~- F -lDRIVRS N èew Trucki Delitrerr et îI q :11 nn/ î~ e lia iiîiiî'î/,-aî i/iîiii:,..li ros faciory te dealer- Seasonal Delivery Persons truces lion U-1Spat te thi- --e ýuio otoriule:lîi, su %ciII til il AI Must have AZ lces S I sli i i ,. iiiitî. idîoii iiteai: pîitk lip rt.rn ACS Canada prîidsuî andî p.:: kaging. n ,i iîeîntli plet ilaoi-. suffluien 877-893-2066 -si--le and rî.-tid p.ipi-rark tIn aditio , irn sîîi: cx: e ri--.os,îtî for tii:.îilo and iii L nie, tîiîing dî-,pt.i bilîding, anîd plein iii -tIi- pl.(iîîiî,nî. Along cýiii a1 e.îid AZ tO oli drivîegîi-îîird. N'u ha.ve- AZ7 7 drîeîeg andit 1 ,mot 3. i-ar. ofi iexperîuii- e r- re .î.ti capable of liftig te.-.vy o:itiî ant abto i xvîiik initi-pveîii-îeîi : ito mi nima superis.i-xeii--ion. le.lriklîr..eg.iii. Reistaion icli-îp-r.îiel ý-it. Sei.-.în.î pmy is S21i 1:1 tîr Sllaie'x-tul .ipilîi ., nis% i iv aielîred f: loro ture : easnt %ci,î To .ipph . a slil:ie-.Oîii 11: 905-568-7889, Noi îteekn , .îtoptîr ici ltîî imi Theîî s lil:o-î iii :10ou iît, ani- til iippiî-unîîe (fiî:o ýL -r. BEAPRTO.UR. A ihe are curreety recruîtîeg un eoperienced AZ driver for mute detiverp. Ne are seekîeg dedicated and ambitisus drixers cîth a dlean drivng record, If pou're serios about makîng monep then ie he the career fer pou. Please tas complete rexume, OVOR and abstract te: 5194658-2595 Or eroxut te: Driver.recruitinci@belle.ca Thank You! Experienced technician required immediaten tor wet estabiished Mississauga based busines. At aras of svarhead door & dock maintenance, instaltation and industriat rensextions. $18 - $20/hr + banetits. Mxst have vatid drivera ticense. Phone: 905-28-0054 or Fax: 90"-28-0058 Warehouse Worker. Duties inctude operating overhead cranex and band saws. Rotating day and aflernocon shift. Muni be efficient in imperia and metric oneasurements. Experience in s steet/meta distribution center an asset but wie witt train the right candidate. We offer coropetitive mages plus benefits. Picase fax resune to: 905-878-4930 or milton.warsbxxuseoîeamxube.com SUPPORT SERVICES ATTENDANTS REQUIRED Par-time positions avaîtabte en Milton, Georgetown & Acton for sur Haton Ostrexc eregrams. Must be wîttîng te wnrs evaningsa nd ceekenda. Duties inctude xsssting aduits wîth physicut dis- abitîties en actîvîties of dip living suce as perses- ai cure, iransterrng, mai prepsextion & tight hnxsakeepng. Retiabie transportation a mxsi. CPR/Fîrsi Aid preterrad. Satary rangs $12,25- $14.57 par Cour Please subrnit resume by March 18, 20015 MACH hi id OF DIMES Fax resumre te: Aria: Susan Cerne Haltes Outreach (905) 876-4434 or Email: scurrie@dimes.on.ca Oaiy axase canartt ta as ixts,-sisae aili e uotaid. EQUAO OPPORTt.NIOe EMPLOYER Country Depot Requires Fult Time Yard Wareheuae& Custoames Service Persan *Heasy Lifting Requîred *Ferktîtt experience an assai *Enneriencea Cusiomer Service Drop ol reaume @ 28 Brante St. N. Milton as Fax: 905-878-9784 as Emnati: cauntrydepat@Ixok.ca RAMADA MN THE FOLLOWING POSTIONS ARE AVAILABLE: -Fait lme/art lime Hausekeepng . Pwi lIie Nighi Audttes Muai be able te code waakends. Apply in person 161 Chisholm Dr. MOSaon or fax 905-78-9701 SHIPPERI RECEl VER Required for Industrial Distribuior. Full urne w/ competitive salary and benefits. Expertence flot necessary but preferred Fax resumes ta: 905-841-6943 or email ta dstrike@daemarinc.com DONIT miss OUT! Great Opportunîly in Burlîngton! Profit of $600-$800 Guurunteed Monthly Plus Gas SubSidy Early morning dose ti door Delivery ai the Hamilton Spectataor & Taranto Star Must Hase Reliable Vehîcle. 7 Days a Weee CALI NOW 905-639-7700 Seîlled laîdscape cosrucisn coreer ieeded for residenfial designltuild Company. Mxsi have ait 8851 .2 vexes expenience ix concrefe, flagslsie, inlerlodi- îng brice, reiainîng Wall, dede construction ax vieil as a strxxg knscledgeof hsrticulture. Siarftig xl $1 5-19/irnur 'Iu Umm ________ Zbe Canabian Cfjanpion has the perfect solution for your business from our Retail to Who does it to Cîassifieds The right fit for your new or existing business. 10lie aria e mercexeie sue prouct îlne le vaoss ratai millets ine Os TA Mus a vi a o ean drisîrg record ard E avar 25. Cube aesapenience or usset. If yea cerisider voue. self an senrgalîr self-starter, relîxble, piesaxn persnlit, with gond cemnication skîtîs, nIease fax vear resuns aid yeur sxlary aaneciaîlees Ie 905-877-2862. Cieil Construction Company requirea a BOOM' TRUCK DRIVER euth experience in construcion. This csuld invoise operaing our 8 ton Boom and en- soteement in Co-ordination the suppty et mxierîato and equipesent te lob sites ihreughout Central Onta- rie. Oeernîght trips are required. Constructien seili would be an asset. Piesse tus remume te 9054875-3225 Local snack food distributor requires one

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