Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 2005, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Tuusday, March 8, 2005--19 - a * * * *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 e e Rentais 170-196 a Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-2 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miItoncanadianchampuon.coM e Merchandise 300-385 si Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. ta Fri 9am-5 m BONUS! Ai classified ads also appear on www.halonsearch.com * Services 100-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5941 Payaient: We accepi cash, cheque, lniterac, Visa. MasterCaril Amrnuican Express. Business accounto cari he opened with an appiued credif application aaloefo orSlsCnutn CHEC VOAA 8 IRST DAY iT RUNS ru ensure the inurmation is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant wîthin 24-Houes if an error appears. AnerriaFpulctomutbrpredultenanonfam if uh BIRTHDAY mILIiuN ixeery inwnnome, greai ueighbxurhonni zero dxwnpapneent. Toit free reoed message 1-8T7- 617-1275/IDe# 3025 PruduuriaTom entrrvely FREE Oucn O VER-TH E-N ET Home Exaluasuon. V/s/t www.haftonhonesinto.com Open Hous Sunday March 131h, 2-4 pmn 1532 Archer Wap, Milton View ai. wwwontann/lishngs.ca Ashînq: $328.000 I1tA-DUMI$Lt iessUsma Usd5s for reni. Hwy 25& 401, f,600 - 3,200 sq. 8t. Loading dcimks & dunve-/n. Phone 1-905-277-9347 or t -905-275-6834. PROMOTE yxur busi- ness xppxdaunity ix, xvee 4 rni//uon ada/t rua/tees in South Centrai On/ar/o. Book pxar adedisenent n ouer 60 Metexianci communitp newopapers e/nb onu phono coui Cali lo/tay for information on eeh/p word a/t packages (interner listings inn/o/ted) 416-403-1300 uol. 288. www.metroland.come BIRTHDAY $$MONEyS$ Poo% li, 2nd and 3e/t Mxdtgages. Baci ce/t OK. Cati Ontarin W/de 1-888-307-7799. A S-pr 0 4.55%. Aise erfur- ip nexgage prxgranes re- gar/t/useo xirncxme or cre/- if. Ca/i Chnis O t 800-328- 7887 orviitus ai.sn clai hum ram COUNR large f Sud- mmom close in Milton, neain flonC p/fate, patio, laundry un/t mb/e avariaS/e. $850/nee/. inn. huai & ap- plianoas. AvaiaS/e Mapî si. References neqaireci. 905- 854-2294. MILTON avai/aise Apil lust. 2-bS/tee sune. api. $1000/me/ ahli/tes inc/aud, ns m/ers/peis. Ca/i Judp o 905-875-4802. MLTON large bright Sache- lou $75CPme/, kdtchen, fa/i bath, ai/tfes, caS/e & laun- dry. Nx pets/smouking, anar/aSie Apsil lut. Ca/i 905-876-3487 ne 416-576- 9294. MILTON. 1 Seciom base- meut aparimasi w/th fige, stase an/t iaantr, garage. Very c/eau. Anar/ah/e Apoil. 1sf $70nexntb inclusive. No puts/snex/xng. Cai 4f16- 832-3072. MILTON t & 2 budron availabie. Frorn $845. Cluan andi quiet building. Ca/i Jaso 416-723-4801 Aoaiabie Apel ti 1-BEDROOM basernunt /umrshed. Laundey/atrirîrus indu/ted. No smoking/pets. Firsi/laul. 905-873-0h69, ALSO shaeed accommoda- lion aoaîiabiu. ment apadmrent, quiet, on- snexker, o puis. Apsi tuts. $750/mnenne p/us 1/2 caS/e. 519-853-3793. ACTON 1-bedronne, Anar/- aS/e ineciaiep. Fimnilasi. $575/mxnith waier/hyciro entra. No peis. Cai 416- 862-1716. AOTON 2-becnonne Axari- able Marcn lui wrftn ba/o- ny. $860/mxeih us//tes rn- c/scie/t. Quiet Bu//din g. No- ACTON, 2, 1-bedronne $790/mne/ anci 1,- 2-Se/t' exxm, 890/nne ail inclu- urue. Aeaiab/e Api 1 sf. Cal/ 519-853-3309 or 519-853- 0719. APARTMENTS 2-Secirnom su/ies in Adtn $800 andi $850/nnh. Pro/aie pas/s. Ges huai. Avai/abie imme- diaie/c Cati Liz oeil, John- son Assoiaies Rea/txr 905-877-5165. APARTMENTS FOR RIENT 2-beiex uiontes in Actn $800 and $850/mnexne. Psi uate yards. Gas hoatL Ans/t- aS/e ineciatey. Cati Uiz Doeil, Johnson Asuoates Realtxr 905-877-5165. DOWNTOWN Georgetown, 2nd flonu, large aparimneas, 2-bedronrns, letchen, bath ronne, livng ronne anci spare roone A/C, control own huai. Newe appliasces, laun- dry, parking. Firsidasi ru- qurreci. Ruferences. $950/neonih plus sîrirîres, Axailuble Aphl luti Ca/i 905- 873-2539ý GEORGETOWN 1-Sud- roone apadtmeot, Down- bawn. Aprl let Parking, iaandrp, huxtrng înclsded 5750/rnonlh Rulurences, Ca/i 1-005 737-8749ý uruiiuviuwN 1 -Dea- neune Saseneent apadmrent. Pre/er single purson, non- unexher, nlo puis. $775/nth recludus us/ri- ires. References. Cai 905- 873-9564. GEORGETOWN t S-be ronne newly renouaeci, bnigh/ aparIment Feniceci yard parking. anci iaundrp no/a/ted. $75/olnnh. Axai/abie March lut. Cai GEORGETOWN spacoss, 2-bedxoon aparneent' c/use ix Hign Sohoni. Ay- phiasmu, gruaf nerginbonne. Nx pets/smokimg 5990/euth ai nincie. Anar/able Fe- braarp ut. 905-873-1174. GEORGETOWN, 1-beci- rxxne baseneent, b/tgh, sin- g/e feneaielcnu- ple.$800/neone/ usttes sn- olucieci. Credif check, fîrapilasi. Ana/laS/e imme- ci/aiey. Parking/ separate entranoedlaundry. 905-873- 0663. GEORGETOWN, 60 Rap- iawn Cres, 2-bedrxone, hardwxncid fisse, fr/dge/uixxe, 2-partung, ah//i- hieu inc/udei, May lut. Cai 905-451-7618 OSPRINGE spacixus cous- try Po Se/tronrn, living- roxrn 27x27, double un- iraoces, $900lronfh roc/a- sive. Non-srnoker pe leereci 519-833-0000, ROCKWOOI3 1-hedeoorn apaolmenl, main luoul, sep- xîatseunleancu. Near Con- servation arua and shop- ping. Parking. No puts. $k25/mlh plus hpdro 1-519-856-4213. 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE le Milton brand new, 4 ap- pliances, oentral arr andi mone. Ava/lubIe imneediatuly. Cali Maniana 4f16-278-9158, MILTON 3-5term townhnuse, finished nec roon garage, 4- appliances. Wilson/Wocidward anea $1300/mfh + aurliies, Avaîlable May 155105 Cai 905-876-4499. MILTON new 3 bedroom townhouse, ensuite bath, fînîshud rec rsom Main Stijamus Snow Pkwy area. Anaîlablu îm- mediatey. $n450/mo plus utilisies. Richard Hierman, e/Mue 905 878 7777 OakvilIe 2, 3&d bedruom tnwnhuuses ave/luise imme- dîatelp thrnugh Apurii. 4 appliances. Hnpedaiu Mai arua. Lakenhone Management, 905-876-3336 COUNTRYlsitchen fou lîgfooing oeil 9ý05-864-0 Hwy 25/5 Sr/teruad. Available immedîately. $450/munfh ahi/f ies inn/a/ted. 905-878-3632. FURNSHE> nonne near Milton Mai, parking, laundrp etc, $100/wuek. Please oeil 905-878-0882. Frmrin Otin catie 90-2647et2 ori Man r 12wtheearOfo ui-r3:3 oM GLEN EDEN COURT APARTIIENTS 122 BEmnte Street, South, M/lton We are nnw, accepting appicaions for: n bdrm apts For mors Information an/t/or tou make an aL et, 905-878-5375 Bu//u Mangr ROCKWOOD, hnight t- Seteonne Saseneent apadt- ment, suiHatre for 1 penens. Anar/ab/e Marcn is. C/use ix al amenites and Con- servaion Park. Pnxvaie un- france, ex sneoking/pets. $Sflslnenth ai/ireslcabie incld/e/ 519-856-9854. SPACiO-US 2-bedroune apadneent on upper luxai xf Tri-pieu. Indu/tes fndgelstoxe/eat-in rutches Puis we/cone $800lnonih plus atritres. 905-873- 9582. HORSE FARM 4-Scirn stone innuxe on hxrse fannn, firepiace, neodeme kitchen, ponsiS//tp xi uta//s & pas- tare f 800/mthi + h/iis. COUNTRY HOME 2-Scias hxome un xrganic fare, me/hedra oei/ing, appliano- us Sf 400/euh. Cai Orna S. Gaies, Ruai e/aie Brxk- er @ 1-877-288-8812. HOUSE for rient, Derry Rd. E, & Trafalgar Rd,, 50 acres of ian/th /ane Cai 905- 736-21900 MILTON defaohe/t hxuse fxrilasse3-dre, fl12 bath, $1,300. + e//lii/eu. Avait- aS/e imne/tateiy. Ca/i 416- 879-5804 MILTON large exeouf/ve 4- Scirn Sackuplit, frurshed Saseneen, Sanhu onix quiet park, cone ix, a/i aneenîes, $1795/nee/ + uh/ibss. Cai Joe @ 4f 6-319-5626._N STEELESTRAFALGAR 2- Sedronne hxuse. Double garage. $1290/mouSh in- n/u/ting ce/lfndrx. Anail- able /neeais/y. No pets. Cai 905-875-4632. 4-BEDROOM honse toirn en Acion, quiet neighSnur- hooci near Lake. b-ap- p/rances, nxn-snexkem, no puis' Fimhfasf/re/urences. St,350/rnonh plus ai/ires. AvaiaS/e rrnre/tiatep. Cai 519-853-5251, CARLISLE. Execotrox country borne. Great loca- lion w/easp hrghwap ac- cuso 3-bedroorno den, ta- rnrlproorn double garage, May lot. No smoking/pets, $1550/rnth -. otîlitres Cre/- il check Firstjtast 906- 659-3076. IWe Luore Von andt Misa You Yuu w/ill aiwaya lic in ur hearta forver. 2" W/eh Ai Our Lore coreinq Vune c« nYur Lovng Fam/îy GUELPH Record un/t CDù Sow - rV. /Sonday ixfarch 13th r from 10O30 arn 105:00 prn Ramada Ho/ul. In/ Memoriam donations e,,,a,,, f The Allen/tale 716 Gordon Street lopposite University of Cou/lph). LPs 18S Ontario Si S Fondiaion CDus. 45's ana relaie/t mernorabilia. Over 40 oendoms Miior. ON L9T 2M4 are truip apprecîaled, Admission $3.50. 905-74 14o -t ii.,: Auat/n MacAlese s verp exofci ti annonne the Sirt of hîs sister Madeleine Johanne Carol, on Fue- ary 28, 2005 ai Metas Disticot Hospital. Prou/t parents are Pameta MacAlose an/t Marc Turpin. Prou/t granciparents are Chnis an/t Carol ManAleese of Cone- wal and Grules ant Jnhane Turpin oi Hawksbry. COLEMAN: Anne (nais Mclaaac) Foilnwîng a /engthy stop in the Strafford General Houp/ta, Jackhbas returued home an/t we wîsh to annoance the date anci ime nf Anne's Murnonra Seevice. The tamiiy w/ill receive friends al MacKinnon Famiiy Funerai Home 'Shoemaker ChaI" 55 Miii Street East, Acton, from f.30 pua. on Friday, Mardi 11, 2005 unii the Meimoriai Service which atili be conducted by the Rev Pieter Van Harlen et 2.30 p.m. Fr/en/ta are invited to loin the famille aliter the service for a recePion et the Royal Canadien Leglon Branch 197, 15 Wright Avenue, Acton. Rememrbrances ti, The Hospital for S/ok Ch//dre woaid bu apprec/aiud Sp the ramiy. MacKinnon Fam//p Fanera Home "Shoumakue Chapuf" /519)- 853-0350 or 1-877-421-9860 (fn/i Ires) Muent Stut Miflon, ronM FrcA exprsson nf 2005- paefln t do Dsfrict Hosiad &Grdok oinndatîun won/d buin apprenatc Sp te fa/itey. laDdd e WoOedWftrofT m Ch itie Ewa dd.Gro ssr i/s wn5 gn 500mwe annonn5 griae prasslrn o Hom/nnn1aes MSn, Neltn Ch9s5a 878rs6eg oes onday, Marn 8h 6, 2005 nM h/i pes 5 l pear Lurng aie une i Helnmge ae)30PM An/ aes ofy C/sin dp).i Preteasen, Sp h/s pAents Margretsianto ams Hathwasdonu/tiand w// thu miet &Srk h/s manp n anal ne pre ae/y nd fe/nare oet x /rfa J 5mEaf Fh unt Ho 2fhJaist M//sin (Ho5> 87-26 oundaMrh6 2e0n05ay Man hi 6h hxear 12PM nr e/e he oi ee ue Serve) ad 2JPahme/eLoy Fan- ai) Homde Cae /n i paronen ons Maru n Jar-s and xf eewssaidy ou fad appreoutuci bye/e faner/j -La vaing Memony of Bruce Dougons 5ev/n March9, 2003 T7-a Vears have paaacd andyeSt ait limea il (cela iewysterday. Iffui could lic granied uniy oe urigh Al wouid be tu have pou bock w/ti us healthy and t roiig.

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