18-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 8, 2005 --Do..or.die time for 'Hawks after straight losses MIW/oîil /loping 1<) stuvc> oJJ elimination tonighî at Memorial By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion l'le lceHaývks couldn't valt Io leave Gordon Alcot Arenia Saturday nîght. but xvould like nothing more than t0 make a retunti trip there tomnorrow evenini. Doxxn three gamnes-to txvo alLer a losing weekend ltai was capped witi a heartbreaking 4-3 defèat in double overtinie. Milton noxx îîeeds a do-or-die viclory tonight at boite to gel back to Georgeîowtî's barti tor a xx itner-takes-ail sevenîls clash. ' But Siavtiuz off eltittiiiatjoît even onlce Inucli less twice xviii require a inuch lighfter deletisixe effort ibaît xx bat xvas offered duriitg gaines four aitd fixve. Bcginning, ii shoxx sigux of' fatigue and sigîtiticant cracks iti thieir artoour. the ecHws o blue- Georget(m Si. Mi toni 4 Milton 4. Geor2einai n 2 Miltoni 6. Cenrgeii.o n 2 (ieorgetoo n 7. Miltoii ; Georeîî i 4, Milton 3 (OT) Tonight ai Meniorial (7351 Tiiiiiii ai Georgetownxi (8:0i0) - it ecesarV linters turtîed tbe puck over far too olten in dlieu- ossi eîîd ibis pasi sscekend. O)ne of ihose lgixe-aways alloxxed Raider Mati Sxveazey to bury a stratghIt-a\%ay, snapshot about eighî minutes itb the seconîd sud- dent deaîb frame ai a jam-packed Alcoît Saîurday. Tout Fenton stopped seveti other overlinle cbances -tncluding a rtsttîg blast by Kevîn Harvey that was gloxed nt absolutely dyna- mite fashion -and made exacîly 50 saves overaîl to effeclixely distance biîrself front a raîher mediocre perfornmance the nîgbt betore. Milton sboxved a fair antount of'juiiip ai the otîmer end iiih ibece and lorced oxertînte Nwitb an equalizci by young cuill up John Taxares. Seîîîng birr up were Chris Bain and Jason Liopaco. xxho along xviîh caplaiti Shandor Aiphonso finisbed the xveekeîîd xx lb îhree points apiece. Sxveazey and Jobn Wheaton led f'or Georgetowvn, combinîîîg for 1l points in the back-îo-back xx ms -încluding eight lu gane Oive. Muion's Ainstcy Vînce shone under a hcasy dîsxn- pour Thurxday nigbt iu the $25.000 Anial Challenge Cup at the Wiuter Equestrian Festival in Wellington,. Florida. The 28-year-old shoxw jumping ace and Iongtime parnner Catch 22 Onished second among a field of 60 competitors. advanciug to a 1O-entry jump-off and completiug it jont a uIte bchiud final challenger Kent Farrington with another lasvless round. "Il xvas raiuiug sua hard 1 could barely sec." recalled the îxvo-îime Canadias Shoxw Jumping champion. -I Lincoln kepi battliug back. but the jove- nule Wiutcrhawks just kepi scoriug. Iu the end it was Miltou's persisteuce that won out. with a 6-4 decision in Beamsville Weduesdlay uight that secured a three- T'Me Milton Spriugers Gymnastics Club delivered a otrong collective effort at the receul second provincial qualifier - xvith txvo inembers bookiug passage 10 the Ontario championships. Panicularly impressive in Oshawa were the younger compelitors. including rime- year old Argo 1 gynast Heather Sadler. Nxxho qualified for the prosvincials sxîîh an oxeraîl second-place finish -thauks largely to golden perfommances ou boîb bars aînd x'ault. She also look fourth on Oloor atsd sixîb on bcain. Aoc -class ticasuate Liudsay Bright lied Photo by HERB GARBUTT Georgetown goalie John Barrow follows an airborne puck in traffie during Saturday's gamne tive tilt at Alcott Arena. A I for 1(1 posxerplay catnpaigtt and a cxx boîclied breakouts proved disasîrous ai Mentortal Arema Frîday. The lceHaxxks gaxe up the Oirsi goîal of the nîght xx ile eujoyiîtg a îs o-nmati adx altage and tieser really sbîfted îout of' tieutral geîîîîîg brusbced aside 7-3. Back fron ais uîtdsclosed îllness Itor tbe lîirsi tinte silice the mîiddle oilroîind one, Georgetoxxn r starter Jobn Barrox xxýas relaively steady betxxeen the pipes. but sxasnlt sexere- ly tested iti bis înucb-anticipaied cîîneback. Fetîton'x peuchanit for goiîîg doxsn a little early alliixed tIse really didu't plaît to gi sxo lasi. I thoughi 1 xvould eîsd up lourth or OOfh. but Catch 22 telt super. He has days svhen he's on and that is aIl Ihere is tut il, and il xvas one of those days.- Vînce also showed strongly xx îth Uno Thursday. The pair delîxered an eighth-place finish with four faults in the jump-off in the $7T500 1.45m competition thal incloded 71 entries. Vince and kid sisters Courtney. 25. and Sydney. 22. are based in Flonida for the wiuter and continue rom- peling ai the Wellington festival this week. about eight minutes remaiuiug on a scram- hIe deposit by Dcrek Blanchard. Assistiug ou thse play werc Luke Boltuc and Robs Hunt. Chris Coates sealed thse deal with an empty netter. white Kyle Burreli led over- ail with a pair of goals sud an assisi. Also deutiug the twine were Dan Lynch aud Harley Mouscos, wîth Jeif Kitchen sud Chrix Whiting coutribuîing two helpers each. Backstoppîng Milton to vîctory xvas Corey Curtis. "I was a good back-and-forth game. They stock xxith us. but xve kept in their face:" said assistant coach Dave Burrell. 'Aîsd the refcreeîng xxas antazîng. They broughî in junior offOcials and they really lselped kecp both icaîns in fine." Lookîng fosr ibeirtird straîg-hî league cbantpîoiship. the loîcal juscîsîiles xx ilI take on cubher Foîrt Eric or Niagata-on 15e-Lake iii the finals. xx tich cîsuld siart as car> as, ibis xxeeketsd. gamnes-to-one series victory in Niagara District semnifnal play. The Wiuterhawks stayed composed white their hosto erased four separate deficits, Oinally pulling ahead for good witb for top spot on bars sud shared third-place honours on vault with fellow Sprnger Leightou Bannock. xvho hîghlighted ber sveekend with a silver on bars. Among the Il -year-old Tyro 2 competi- tors. Brittany Scbradcr secured a place ai provincials xvith a thîrd on vauli. Maddy Batsnock înîsscd her Oirst qualîfying mcci due to injury and tsso uncbaracteristîc falîs on bars left ber just short of a îop-îhre placing. TIse Spriug-ers noss prepare for their tird qualîfying mcci later ibis mntnî in Missîssauga. xx itS tbe pros iîctal chamspi- onships slated for laie April iii Kingstosn. Raiderx Io Oinally oipen the lloiidgaîes xxîitb the bulk of their scoriug doue on upxtairs shots xvwhite Alphonso, Dopaco and Breti Robinsomn buried the biscuit for Milton. lu addition to Tavares. xxhî bas one more gante of' elîgibility, Malte teamimates Samt Gagner and Akin Alu xxere alsii ii the lineup Saturday. The Milton-Georgetoxwn xxtner xxIli uoxe un tut lace the Oakville Blades. xvho elimîîsated Hamilton xvîîb a 4- (txhitexsx Frîday eveuîng 10 reach the conlerence OunaIs. Drury finishes strong for silver -from REJUVENATED on page 17 When asked if Moffat had been expected t0 medal in what's considered a particularly tough decision, assistant coach Simon Vanellis explained, "We kuew he could, but he's defi- nitely tumed it up in the past month, put it that way." Peler Leaman (72 kg.) and Kyle Shermet (77 kg.) would cernent the Spartans siver-medal finish with wins mn fifth-place competition in the early evening Friiday, with OFSAA rookie Shemef s 6-2 decision over Scott Moore of St. Matthews locking up second place. Leamas lookied poised t0 reach tie gold-medal round until a controversial Alan MOf fat match againat eventua champ Ryan McCracken of Kenner ended in an overime bas ln the senifînas. AIso placing in thse top 12 witb 3-2 records were Nick Ronan andi Carl Chan, whose title hopes were dasheti with the bîszzer soundng just as he was about to tie thse score in a 2-1 heartbreae Chris Flanigan. Ranbir Hans and Steven Adamns roundei out the record-setting squati. The- Spartana now head overseas, first for a mccl in Gernssny later tbis week and then for two toumanseuts in Namaibia, Africa over the Mastis break. Leaman, Shermet, Ronan and Iwasa-Madge will then rep- resent Milton ai thse nationals, in St. John's, Newfoundland next mouds. Tise Junior Dynamo wrcstling programn gels undcrway 'flusday ai 4 p.m. ai the E.C. Dmury High School wrestliug room. The second session runs March 15 froru noon 10 1:30 ptm. A twice a week schedule will begin afier that util tbe end of April. Tise program includes instruction and competi- lion iu olympic freestyle wrcstliug For further informatiou, cai Simon Vanellis aI E.C. Drury ai (905) 878-0575. Mito IcHa' vs. g Gaine 1 Gaîine 4 Gaine 5 Gaine 6 *Gainîe 7 ,/Vince, Catch 22 shine in Florida Finish second in $25,OOO Ariat Challenge Cup Thursdav Ainsley Vince Juvs advance to Niagara District finals Strong showing by Springers