16 _Ch__-o Cuntry, Tuesday, March 8, 2005 -SHOPPERS Open ta midnight, 7 da s a week M Carniage Sqae 265ain St. E. 905-878-4492 MICHAtELWONG Question: Who as il s difficuirfor a p/rica ora phiacist to tell Pe i'iethee-i1 hae eiilin aiiergy. Answer: Peilin acmmu atboisa leu wh ha hmk sa atboi nl hnti geal a rin srcue reAi kod netoimr hru hdiitain Inadtine encl mai hr d mct w h roe n iai grat oeu sa wtlsp e.O th e h n. hmer huro h belce rig.Thes diffrn foms afsniiit no difrn îmceuaologîcat respoases whîeh may tead ta dafferer etinieat inasîfes- taiufs. Sanne forrms of penicittua atlergy happea îasianaaeusy. veithîn haîf- an-heur of administration, whereas others have delayed onset of symp- toms. The range of sympiema cary trom skia rashes, diarrhea, hîves. itchy eyes, swotlen laps, longue anc face. dizzîaess. hreaîhîng difficuty ru a poieaiially life-threateaiag condition kanown as aaaphylaei shoek. A physician's job s an aasiagaish heiwne pseudo-attergîe anai ruae- allergie sympioms heferre iccaîmear Soese of the sympioces ean simpty Oc adverse effecîs of the drag oad have autiîg in du wvih atlergy ait ail. Only 10% - 20% of patient reporting a history of penicîllin allergy are truly allergie lt penicillin assessed by skia testing. ln act uel.mh- anisms of peaicillia attergy are sîtl noi fully uaderscrod. At thc momeat, resulîs osf skia iestîag are stiti imperfeel. To make ihiagi eues- plicated. some diseases, saeh as mononueteosis "moan", tead 10a give -ouoallergie sympterma wheaever peaieillia is admiaiscrea Questions? Juat ask your Healthwateh Pharmacistl èMORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE, Hlead Office: 5280 Sitar Drive, Suite titi, Mississauga, ON L4W 5M8 A GMAC Com~pany John Cavan,AMP 9D5.878.7213 Marigage Consultant www.atressf refernortgages.ca Fixed or variable-rate morigage? 5Wowi" y00 say la your apaise as yau hit thi brakes an the car 'Did yaa see thre morIgage rite baose îaes are adverniigV bour wonrries are over, yoa're ihirking, JuitlIock in a laie tike liii for the neet ten yearo, and yoave lot it midi. Noi sa fast. Thit rite may flot belthe one for yaa. Typically, the towst avaîlable rate -and the are that makea the rate sign took great tram the atrmet -sîli be for a variable or adjastable-rale mortgage, That rite has thre patertial ta be tîke a rouler coauler The postad variable or adiastable rate is the rite you*ne getîrg ioday. Urleso yau have ar economic ourla boara, yao sion' be able ta predrct wSai kîrd ot opa and dowrt are ahead of 100 [ets take a doser ok A leader wîlt ofler ditterent rates for dilferent fypes of moatgages. The rates are Oeiermined baied an fînancia ik -ta thre institation and lv yva. Wbeî a custair as willing ta take or the ik, he/she is rewarded wîih a laser rate. If the leader is lakot arn the rrsk (that is, lhe cusiamer as pramîsed a paSîicular rate ..regardless ai shal bappens in the fttae) ihe raier it iher. The longer thi lerm, 1he higlier thre niai Ior the lirarcia insttion Sa how do yaa decidet FOued-rate moatgages, because bhey require a las ik talerance, are uioally better soded f0 fini fme bayera or those who havenlt ownea a bame for a very lorg perîad. Ask yoanieli these questions: Do010 lîke or need ta know eeactly abat yaur paymerl is tains ta be aver a longer period ai lime? Doayou sari ta avaiS the reed la caniiiertly ach rates? Do yau have leis loin 25%~ down' If y00 answered "yes' la ail, ai mail ai ibese quesions, a more conservai ive fixeS raie maStite caald 0e the betier chice fan yaa. A variable or adiaitable-rate moOtgage is bst satled ta people ho bave a flexible budget anS car faierate hither iak Ask yauiieli ibese quations. Do yau watch market condiions? Can yaa hardIe any sudden raie increaies tout could increase yaur paymeni a Do yaa bave 2510,0r mare eqaSy in yaar home' If yaa answered "yes' ta ai, armait ai iOeie quesians, a variable or adjvalable raie maltgage mîghi Oeil sait yaur needa. Same lenders sufer a special promatraral rate for the firît lew monOhs of a variable-rate mari- gage, whrch yaa should duscusi wth yoar marigage broei Alsa dascaîs what voar raie aîll be based an -prime minus 0.5% o0.01% anr tn ankers'Acceptances tBAs) plus 1%. The lat- ter being a new kînd oi adjusiable raie maltgage ihai bas recîniiy been introduced for te mai- keiplace. Most variables an adjaitabies alias ysa ta exercise an option la lock in" a fîeed raie ai any lime tanishe remainn peoron ai yaar marigage iermi allair a langer ierm. If itle ancertairiy ai a flaing raie is gaiag ta give yau imeples ligt. yaa're in gaad Com- pany. Mary Canadiars prefer tOi certarntyof a ieed-rate morgage. T0ey keasw eeaciy 00ev mach ihey witl pay er the term ai iheir mogage, anS theyr car plan accardirgly .. ait h no irnanciai sarprises. laid rates do drap and drap -and drap . yau are cammitied ta, the poamise" ihai yaa bave made. bail besi option -have a prafesîrona hei p yaa decide whîch option Oeil meeti your raeda etjQMhFI INTERIORS Halton His l ~~I Carpet. \rnyl -Ceranics - Hardwood x Showroo RE-ETA & lCO MERCiAL Speech C entre W l wom REIETA Pant W l CO MMER CIAL aun, rf M Kare Maiens ameonr ow auna e Plloa,0 Profronaa Coooorar,, Geralne Hssketh la5 M i . E. MII* 8784280 "Your Caring Partners..." First Impressions g Northvîew Centre, 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown First impressions une lcnow are paramounit, so when *(905) 873-8400 * www.haltonspeech.com buying or selling a bouse, il is important 10 give a Q:My child loves ta, play on thee computer. Are there any soft- good impression. This is sehere tlooring plays a key rote. Your entrance shouid be a bard surface whether il be cerain- ics, vinyl or lainate sebicis by tise way is avaitable in tule and wood effect. These types of flooning show a dlean, tose main- tenance look. Onto caepeting which bas gone througis major changes, peo- pie are moving away froin traditionsi cul pile and leaning toseard texture - Sisal effecîs - cable or loop designs. These can look formai or casuai: stairs look particulariy good, mun- ner style or fuily fitted. One good tbing tise pricing on these can be quite reasonabie yet attain a quality look being multi functional living areas bu bedroome. Jusi changing your paint colour can tranîform a room - why not take accent tones to create inleresi ie. An accent eall. Neutrals dont always mean beige either. If seling your bouse, just make sure your colours seul suit I0 anoîher perions iaste. Pratt & Lambert cotours are anîeresîing. soitis lobacco tonies, sofi creama. warm yellosvs, 10 icis pagoda reds, for characier. Wisaîever your faste & needs, Comfî laîrriors, can iselp you decorate avilis lyte. and if you need more isetp. jusi ask about our design sersvice. PS... Jusi io let yocî kanoas Pratt & Lambert bas jusi reteased a neas colour systens and is noso ai our steore aviti aIt tise tatesi conteecrs just tfor you i wae progranir for eimpruve reaeung skEui[ A:Learning 10, read should be fun for kads and most kids love to play with the computer! Whether they are just beginners or having difficulty with reading, these prograins are filled with Iively animation that will reward your childis success and help build confidence! Popular programi include: - Bailcy's Bookisouse (Mac/WinlDos). Activities are designed 10 develop emerging literacy ikilli such as naines and sounds of tetters, rhyming, earty writing and story making. For Pre-K 10 Grade 2. * Stanîcy's Stieker Sînries (MaclWin). Helps kîds strengîhen reading and writing okilîs, improve spetting and buitd creativi- ty as they make Iheir own animaled siorybooks. For Pre-K for Grade 2. - Word Munchers Deluxe (Mac/Win). Heipi build confidence using consonants, voseels. adjectives. adverbs. synonyms and anîonyms. Focuses on developinent of phonies, reading akitîs, grammar and vocabulary. For ages 6-il years. For information on other computer softsvare prograins sciacis can isetp your chald develop reading and tanguage skîlls. con- tact your scisoot or local Speecis-Language Paîhontegîsî. As asett. tise Hatton HuIs Speech Centre onfers you the opportuni- îy tao try out" iheir software an ordeî to derermîne il il contains the necrssary tasks, CatI tise Centre ai 905-873-8400 for nmore information. .If you have any questions these professionals cars answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Championi 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 from DATELINE on page 9 entrée, dessert and a beverage. Reserve at the reception desk or by calling the numnber below by Monday. Il holds Evening Clogging at 6:45 p.m. for begînners and at 7:45 p.m. for inter- mediate cloggers. The cost is $3.50 for members and $5.50 for non-members. For more information, call (905) 875-168 1. Thursday Mar. 10 The Burlington chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario holds its support group program for friends and fam- ilies of people wîth schizophrenia. It takes place at 7 p.m. in the library of Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr.. in Burlington. For more information. cail (90)5) 634-6797. The Fine Arts Society vof Mion's Evening Group of Artists meels fromt 7 10 110 p.m. The informai envîronmenî provides artisis with an opportunity to exercise their drawing skills. For more information, call Janis ai (905) 854-5753. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a certifaed lactation consultant from 7 t0 9 p.m. For more infor- mation or 10 make an appointment, caîl Jean Galien at (905) 878-2383. extl. 7030. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holds uts Social Group for Spanish Speaking Women from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. It holds free peer counselling in person or over ihe phone from 10 a.m. 10 3 p.m. by volunteers for women facing abuse, grief/loss and relationship issues. No appoînîment is necessary. is free Women's Employment Network - for women who are unemployed. laid off or reîurnîng 10 the svork- force -takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. And, ils free Women's Caring and Sharing Circle takes place from 1 to 3 p.rn. For more information or to register, caîl (905) 847-5520. Welispring Halion-Peel. a support network for cancer patients and their lamilies, holds ils drop-in Graduate Patient Support Group from 7 t0 8:30 p.m. at 2545 Sixth Line in Dakviile. For more information, eall (905) 257-1988. The Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds ils Seniors' Cinemas at 1:30 p.m. featuring the movie Ray. The cost is $2. which includes refreshments. Il holds bid-euchre at 1:30 p.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. And a foot care clinic takes place in the aftemnoon with a VON nurse by appointment only. The cost Ils $22. Contract bridge takes place at 1:30 p.m. The cosl is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information on these activities, or 10 make an appointment for the foot care clinie. caîl (905) 875- 1681. The Halton Hands in Motion Knitting and Crocbeting Guild meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Georgetown Seniors' Centre, 318 Guelph St. (rear enîrance). with guest speaker Anna Chanler, who left a career on Bay Street to become a shetland sheep farmer. The non-member fee Is $5, with the Oirsi vîsit free. For more information, caîl Diane at (905) 877-1521. Friday Mar. Il The Milton Leisure Centre holdi MLC Fridays for youths aged 910u 13, with a St. Patrick's Day Party from 6:3010o9 p.m. Be sure t0 wear green. The cool is $4 ait the door. For more infor- mation, caîl (905) 878-7946. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holds ils free WISE Mature Women's Network fromn 10 ar. 10 noon. To register or for more information, catI (905) 847- 5520. The Khi Community of the Salvation Ariny, 100 Nipisaing Rd., suite 3. holds Khi Youth, an evening of fun for 13- to 18- year-olds. For information, eaul (289) 242-1432 or e-mail bill @khicommunity.com. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., bolds ils International Pub Night with food, music by the Balkan Strings Quartet and dancing by the Centre's own Cloggers. Tickets cost $15 each. Il holdo euchre at 1:30 p.m., contract bridge atO1 a.m. and ils CyberCafe from I 10 4 p.m. The coat for each of these activities is $2 for members; and $4 for non- members. Il also holdo ils Campbelliville Evening Euchre Party at the Lions Hall in Campbellville at 7:30 p.m. Thse coît is $2,50. For more information, catI (905) 875-168 1. Saturday Mar. 12 The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holds free peer counselling in-person or over the phone from 10 a.m. 10 noon by volunteers for women facing abuse, grief/loss and relationship issues. No appoinîment is necessary. For more information. caîl (905) 847-5520. The Salvation Arîny, 100) Nipîssing Rd., unit 3, holds a yoga workout Iroin 9:30 to 10:45 ain. and a book club troin Il a.m. 10 iloon. For more iniformation, caîl (289) 242-1432 or e-mail jen(a khicommiiuniiy.com. Euchre takes place ai 7:31 p.m. ai thse Hornhy Co-operative Nursery Scisool. Everyone îs welcome. I Di d -710 Fa