l4-Champion Counîry, Tuesdav. Mamh R Onnu I1UWK1RS Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM F~1 Doctor of' Veterinary Medicine f~WL~J 550 Ontarjo Street South, Milton ~EHABILITATION (Pizza Hut Plaza) ~îeta CENTRE Phone (905) 875-6888 - Tina Doney 17 Wilson Avenue Detible Hawkinn Connie Francoz R SC., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 PHYSJOTHERAPI5TS Icorner of Wilson & Main) HEARTWORM DISEASE AND FLEA 876-1515 I hec/e tus an//e ccd uts ~otrt~' tes /îîtt e tus suit off seau. T/w ver Sprtug is hopefully just arounti the corner anti wîth the spring tomes the asuai parasites that we hamacs have te deai with each anti every year The geon scatd s/tus i need je/te stor/seraps W/toi kînds csf rhing.v ut/i I be St et parasites inciodes such things ut Mosquitues anti Fleas whîch aise dcetng îflect sur pets. Some mosquitoes carry a parasite, whsch causes Heartworrn Disease n dogs, anti recently n cats, aithough the instances are ssii quite rare n cats. Heactwerms are long werms that accumulate n the heart anti iungs. anti as they grow te maîuriîy cause ohstruction 0f the heari chambers lite nittal symptens of heartreorut dîsease are usuaiiy that the dog retil tievelep a smail cough that wersens on esercise. As the dîsease deveiops. the dog may suffer weakness anti laîueness, tiifficaity hreathîng. ioss of weight anti congestive heari tailure Unfortunateiy, tieath cas sîttenoccur. If you suspect that your pet s infecteti scîtit beartworm diseuse. yoa must contact yoar veterinarian mmedtateiy. Tbanlcfully. heaetworm diseuse s very easy te prevent. hy the administration 0f a metîhiy tablet given wîtb footi (orai) or hy drops appiieti menîhly te the skîn at the back ef 6e neck (topîcel). Fleas are parasttes thet use eue pets as a footi source They enter our homes in eue pets fnr, anti, once n the house cave eue pets hetiy, anti then hnsy thenseives hy ieytug tltensantis 0f tmp Oea eggs. Meny vetennery bespitals carry posters in 6e weiting room 0f megnifieti pleutres oS the Oea, besy n 6e titfts of cerpets surrountieti by Oea eggs qaîte mukes your skîn crawl! Eventnally, 6ese Oea eggs will hatch anti resnlî n a major infestution of the home. Ask anyone who hes suffereti titis prohlem. anti tbey miii teil you that a fiee infestatien ts very diffienît te remetiy. Contraty te popular beitef, eue pets do net neeti te be in contact wîth ether pets te pick np Ores. In fart, 6e most cemmon source ts 6e grencti, whether t is grass on 6e lawn or santi. Therefore, any deg or set that sets foot eut- bers is sasceptihle. rhere are many preduets on the mueket te prevent Oces anti heertwerm. ri6er singnlarly or ina cembînetten protinet. Pieuse tulk te pour velennartan When yoa tujureti your ankie. iîkely the hones and soft tissue, mus- cles for example, were hoth injureti. Yoar hones have heen healing over the weeks that you have spent tn your cast, however, t ts common to nottce some patn, ssveiitng. hrutsîng, poor ahilîty ta nove the foot and ankie. weakness. and difftculîy waiking or con- piettng tasks around the house or at work You may have heen using a ecaiker or crutches lu set acound. tJflBflO U0iI.9~ 0f Cfllropodlsts Q. W/ual je the mont common mistake patients make while obtaining shoes? A. People believe a lighesneeigh: shoe equals a conforrable shoe, w/ueo w/ual ehey ceai/y need is noce support. * Fashion is lite prianery censitierution in nesî sitee purcituses. * Meny peeple neke lite nisteke of huying sitoes litaI are b suif ecrous lite forefoot. Tite foot is flexible et lite tee joints for e reeson. Witen sitees use stiff insele boactis. eaî-seles or plat- tom type îitey de nol hune sufficient rocker te then enti symploues eften resuli. * Tite nesi connen nisteke everpone nekes in purcitesîng sitoes is comproueising lenglit for mititit. Ttc bluntier eccurs miten me ask for a itaîf-size larger sitoe just 10 gel a litole extra mititit. Titis noves site fies lice et lite sitee emey tron 6e fiex lice et lite foot. * To keep site rosI of invenlery in citeck. relailers have responti eti by provîtiing e greeter selecîton of styles itnî a restrîcleti sue înveoîery. As a resuit, nesi retailers stock a B mîtitit fer memens sitees anti a D mititit for nens. * Preper sitee fil is a 'feel'. net a sîze. Sue varies anîong lasîs. nodels, styles anti manufacînrers. Esen suttit lite încreasîng rate assistance ef uoknessiedgeable fitters. cîsnsaueers uvîli cenîînoe te assess proper lit baseti upon houe lites 're useti ta lit leelîne. * A tîp icur pevuper sitoe lit v Isu rentes c insoles tricot situes and sînply stand oit item. Titis sîntpie reaneuser cao sase con somers boit tinte and îîîosey in tite seiectîusn atîti percitase process. Il 15 ativîseti litai consenters fît lite bîpper foot. Q: wiwt can ~ do to make my teeth whiter? A: litote arg tom mesp waps avaîleitle 50 gise peu lite smîle ~0U heve aiwaps wanled Belote WO 100k et ways le meke yuor leelit whilgt, mu mdl lîrsi tielermîne whal has causeti lite ditcoisralîsr Sont csmmou ceuses lot (501h discsloraiîon inclutit aging, puer tienlel hygieno, boIt ducay, trauma. 1001h neme tiegonetalioti, gocessise Iluorîtie, cunsumplîsu ut slaîsing suitttances (50110e, las, cola, luhecco), loîracycline (anhihîslic) slainiug anti ulti tiesial teolotalîsus. As pou cen sue, il t sol as sîmpît et 90109 lu a drug olora anti purchasing pioduclo litai sap miii ittigitler asti mitiles peur orne" Il pou chooso 10 90 litaI route, hemare ol pruducît litaI ueay acluallp huer gos! leelit anti gum lîssues Seme luulitpaslso aimeti ai smshers contais ingredîgols litaI are lue itarsit on puer teelit, asti suer lime cen muer titis lite pruleclîve esamel cuahog AnuIter prodaci lite public sitoulti hg ceuiluas ainsI using is lite sugr- lite cuenlet aI home whîluning protiecîs Bleaciting pruducîs in tome inslences may ceuse tiamago lu lite 1001h pulp, enamel anti goms. otpeciallp mites per- lurmeti wdhuul supomîsion Manp ul ihese protiecîs cenlaîs citemicelo litaI ara lue cosceniraleti anti are shen atiminisîgreti utîng pusrlp tileti moult Irapo litaI aliow moto esposute sI lite moult lîssues Ooly a donliol cen delerrmse mitai s ceusîng /Ost leelit lu he dîscoloreti Yuur solullus may he as simple as tegulat tisolul cfleck sps logelter mils propgr home denlal cure Some peuple ray 0usd 1001h coloreti lîllîngo il dis tiecep litaI s makîug Ibeît relit dîscoloreti lSd atocoloreti lillispo miii oued lu be replaceti us il iv sol possible n mititen liter wîlit cittrîceis TeStS litaI base discoloreti as a revoIt ut staînîng ssbstanoes asd agîsg may bu witîleoed milS protessional bleachîng spsterrs Teltacychîse staîneti telS russlhîsg (rom etitly chîlditooti esposore s tits aotîbîotic cas sometîrres ite Ireateti Oy blsacitîng depesduog os se sesetîty s oeuvraI cases t ma~ bu secessat5 s romplamcst il uvîth cosmetîr tivotal procedores socS as porceldîr survols Tocth that hats ssiteîsd pasi trasma os serve degesetatîso mile osto o se Ouagîîssed O~ nuQue dtflliitt trot belote dttfoiptiit( o -titîten hem So. il ils mitîter teStS pus are effet. lite itest atisuce iv o Su poul deoti h asti ask mitaI trealmeol s iteut lot sus pîîcis-rîonal., can aflsv\ tir, pitasci wrîtu tri: 'Ask The Professionals' c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax 80: 878-4943 ~ Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Wakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd.. Milton RonS ohan 905-878-5882 Op orne s Mon-Thurs 9 6, Wed-Frj 9-5, Tues 9-8 Salurtiay AM by eppsînlmenî se se h bis piîwerfut cnnugh ta affect ynur abitity tu think ctearty. P p processnnhichinvoînesailou,-seases bcd funcîjuns, and reactidns. R iseaipo ils oeronlyîhophyaî,empe rs es ti she body s cîstie, the csp et H oushtukahoorsirîtsgs psyholegîcalisshîcka tes id etorproîshe eteit Huis yoefel ores rhîngs iîshîcg isho yîîu are tut laiton tethe etictrenrecor emottonalenorgy ttiroooresotpetcoivetirmorîonatrhîîaghiîcîîenrosecrs svith Physioîherapy miii inclade an ussessuecut te deternîce the speciftc the energy et tht heae n ciereonri et problens yoa are hauing. Yoar titeruptst mîli work wiîh pour sur- ~ chich aie onerey as pecrs a5foc 5 ah erras et perception Iveon ihe geon to provîtie a titerupy progrun litai sutil help pou get ituck ~ ralrhersos.thohod>anti phusîcîti rosponses te iho ryrs auj tht hotiy yoar usuel self gratinally. Physioîherapy treulment milI inciade Tho tiecelepmrnî tsf vision tiuiticelties reseistue tu tho nerd et giessos anti con- taciser iernrtiryoscan beaftrctrtibsrhremoiienuitrspeosevretho edacution te help yen manage problems sacit as swelling or putn ensiritnment Memerios ere storedinthereescirsrespensesorthrsotiy Any anti ativîse you hosu te safely progress pour duîly uctivîties. mrmery tsf a perceiveti evens os ftsghtoning affects tho peesons ahîiîîy tsi thînk Traîning te progress froue lite ose of cratches or cane lu walking anti tract cireriy Thes the aspect et serine iv a vîseai response us iseit as ttc elone, anti greduelly heip you relent to work actîvîties, dense. fit- cempenenis tsi te hetis anti te ryr tract n paîtens et fancîjen baseti on pesi uess or etiter isîsare persatîs. Hentis on treelment sucit as joint enpenence anti reesSen tepercrîvetiprrsenîrupenences moitilizetton or muscle techniques muy he aseti to iteip improve tn perceptîse statues lits founti thet the center et Seing s n 6e heurt The pour enkie or foot mevement. A gooti exercîse progran, pro- essence et thînhîng affecte hien yîîa ser ibe iserîti. hem tue senses recrîve anti gresseti spectfîcully is importent 10 help you tueprove novement, respenti te 6e envîrenmenr anti yîror espenence Oser a peneti et yeaes. ruses. strenglit anti helance. vive peecrîveti stress s ahie te he menîtereti theugit 6e ryrs 6e changes reithîn hetiy feecîtens are aise inîrreriateti. anti the espeessions ef hec yee mese inctudes 6e mesemenîs anti fonctions et the ryrs. Oser e penoti et yeues. the Whtle titis provities pou mitit e very basic idea of the titerupy pouil virectores ut 6e ryrs anti hotiy toon n tespets. te 6r reacîtons anti perception. receive, you ney have unique issues te eddress anti shoulti dîscuss anti n Inn thîs affects ih Sanction et 6e hetiy Snergeîîcniiy cr11 cempenents et pour reheitîlitaîton in tieteil mut pour physioîherepist. ihe e>r tîssers anti the hetiy change, anti rîther dur off as n giaucema or change ferre as n the mur ofoaterecis BARROW FAMILY ~ j Lai CNIROPRACTIC U 180 Ontarjo St. S. Milton h~1~ (905) 878-4994 - us ~ Fax:(905> 875-4485 j Email: drabarrow@sympatico.ca I THE "NINE TO FIVE LABOUR" PAINS Any weman reho hus ceneti e poeznancy te terre cas attesi te the veîy reai lahoar pains ef chtltihir6. But the lehour pains" associateti mut sverkîng aie urne-to fise joit are aeaety us weii eccepteti or actirestooti Sometîmes 6e eniy difference hetreren 6e reoman ahout te gise te-lits anti 6e oecepnenist wi6 recemng neck. arcs, wnst or shouitier p mn s 6e muy eech condition s perceivrd. Seing preguant is quiet notîceahie. Il is aise commen knowtetige 6at pregnancy anti chittihient involve pain anti discerefori, anti wtt! require some lime off work By centrasi, anyone saffenne hem anseen" con- ditions sucit us repetitîve motion injunes (RMIs) anJ cumulative trauma thserders SCTOs) esuatly have trouhie brai g taken seeiously. Fere people real y notice, untiervienti. or consitire lite conditions senoas eneugit te impede work or warrant seme ume off. To mute maners reerse. some dectors aclueliy seggest 6at peeple wîth sucit injerîrs fînti rasier" employmenî, secit us secrerertai or office werk. Unforîunately. even lite seentîngly typîn . stufting envelopes. ansis simple tusks. vucb us bentiing osera tiesk. g ering ibe phone. or simply sîttîng for an extentird penoti of tirer ai e poorly position~ chair can he dîfficeit or pamPa! for someone safferîng frocs injuries essociateti isitit lite neck anti epper estrenulin lite "difftsulîy" n compleîing a test s net always relaîrd te 6e pain ulone, but otten aivolves usseciateti symptoure saches nausea. heetiaches, bl~~ visten, wralaness or namhness o t limits or Ongers. e sense of beine atterlp draineti, anti esen total tody pain. Different people reili rupenence vaeymg tieg~rees of tiiscomfort. For some il mecs y he uncerefonable, for ethers il mil rrsult n sltffness. sooeness anti urtîabilir5i For 5h11 others wîth more senees conditions Il isîli become almosi unhearahie es-eu 106e point tif feeling ucahie te sîr, stand, or cope wî6 simple mort ticreaittis. Sîs. mitaI do yoe do if soureasîctîre of secit nîne tir hve hieesi lite lîrst thuns ueo cent lotie s iii sec voor chiroprector Chiropractot', cas pînpoîuî lite specii'tc prohiere area anti hnnc sceicorer relief. hence. reattng boIt vour job anti saur lîfe more eujiryaitie.Those seffenng irore svork reiaîeti injunesor dise/tiers relie are cîînsîtienns censeiîîngaspecîaîîsr tu ritese areus. shîtuiti îusîsîeu reaictug chirtrpracttcan tutegrai part tif titrîr trearreent pian. sînce reosî tif hase ssrepreres are agerat ated.îfnoîîndeccdits interferetice tuthe cccl, erra Citijicai stodie-. itese derettustrareti a direct cittirtecritin (retiteen e-ris. ivrisi anti sheelder pair tird ttc rerses titat 'ntsC rit ch Aspîne t uc retire tiersc' stress iii i ho iteticreqe tpped ris heai site Suds tise, thcsv peisrtaletidittrercetppitiiscaudittitus trituirsi ciscs ittedros trac. nuit vase t cil typtuiecit il citteuîpr.îctîc tir Il ho tas vitre ettecrite tus rtc' rouera îreîiîîîîîuel uic-dit il itprruîiis 'test iru[st0tuuts. crie ta talc ttc iit~c'cti pairs serîsîssîs itîsi hcctiise tue cttiiscc lieu peishulc-irutiitcsit r titan t titin îgetiufl saurnersesu je isîtu dvi c-Spart ai autan iii st~tir utitîl site', ettrot arise toPa iii sec s miti strie ter discrier. dite t isaît tîtitil virer pain iv enhoarahiclsrfitrr site rate ecitise Taîl ris seer chtroctracrisr rudes - GREG J. LAWRENCE B. So., D. CH. D Milton, Ontarlo, L9T i P6 *OOi~i FOOT SPECIALIsT I CHIROPODIST TLL 350 Main St. E. Mi TaIk (905) 878-6479 M Towne Dental Group lA Princeas Anne Dr. Georgetown, Ontaria L7G 4W4 Mark Cross Iton Mail - 55 Ontarlo St. regj.I.awrenco (905)702-1611 BSc DOS (905) 8761188 B. Se,, D. Ch, M.mberoftheontarîo SocI.ty aI Clîlropodlsts